Lost virginity to my Mosi

Hi Readers, Myself Ratan, 33 years old from Pune works in MNC. I hope you have read my previous story “Playing Doctor-Doctor with Mosi”. So here I am back with my new real life story on how I lost my virginity to my Pinky Mosi. If you like it please share your reviews/comments/feedback on my email.

Madhura maryade 1

Friends Idu Ondu Kutumbadalli Nadeyuva Gatanegalannu Adharisi Madiro Story… Idu Kevala Entertainment goskara Baritidini… Elli Yaava Sambandagaligu Bele Kodta ella naanu… Adke Sambandagala Bagge Gourava Eroru Dayavittu Edanna Odabedi… Haage Tumba Ishta aadare maile matte Suggestions Kododanna Maribedi…


Lousie came back from Chandigarh after a week long vacation. Her vacation has made her energetic as well as curious. Her curiosity is non other than physical pleasure with me. She has a great sex for nights with her hubby as she came in the evening, she is well exhausted and I have ordered for dinner to a local food plaza. Nina has prepared coffee for us as we three are sitting in balcony, Nina asked….. “Mom you were with your hubby for a week, have you enjoyed my dad company or just living a solo life. ” Lousie smiled and put her cup on table….. “Nina I have enjoyed lot with your dad as he is still sexually active and love my hot body. ” We three left the chair after a while..

E-Mail Sex Slave

This story is based loosely on fact. While I am not a 19 year old college student, I did have a relationship with a Dom by e-mail and I did do a lot of the stuff in the story. I just have not become quite the slut described in the story. This e-mail relationship did cause me to be much more open to opportunistic sex and, while not subjugating myself to men completely, have become much more conscious of making sex as pleasurable as possible for my partner, male or female. It has also enhanced my exhibitionist tendencies and allowed me to feel pleasure wearing revealing clothing, and discretely exposing myself, in public. Now, to the story:

Invasion – part 2

In the first part I told how my mom Reshmi fucked two Muslim labours Kader and Moinul in my home and later got impregnated. She got to know it in a month that strong Muslim seed has broke the egg in her womb. She didn’t knew what to do because my dad didn’t had sex with her over a year now. So she called Masi, who stayed quite far away from our house. Masi was a nurse. She was two years older than mom. Her name Nandita but she was a bit fatty. Not so beautiful like my mom but still very fair skin. She had a dominating personality. As soon as she came, mom confessed her doings with the Muslims and started panicking. Masi was furious. She scolded mom and said how on earth she had sex with other people.. Mom said they were hard built and they had big cocks so she fell for them. Masi became more angry. She asked mom to abort the child. But mom said, ” it’s not only my child, I have to talk with the fathers.. ” Masi ” are you serious? It’s you who is going to pay for it they will face nothing” but mom was desperate so she called Kader and Moinul to our house one evening when dad was not at home. They came and seeing them after a long time my mom got delighted. She kissed both of them infront of Masi and Masi got stunned. She would have never thought her sister who was a well behaved cultural married women, who loved her family more than her life would kiss two low class Muslims infront of her. Mom told Kader that she is pregnant with his child. They became real happy. But Masi intervened. She said it’s not going to happen and mom will abort the child. But both Moinul and Kader opposed. They said it’s a sin to abort. Masi said it was a sin to have sex with a married women too. Bt they said, ” look Nandita, this thing happened between us so let us decide. And since she will b the mother of my child, I m a father now and she is my begum. A Muslim child is in her womb and I will marry her if she wants. ” Masi became angry and said ” how dare you say this, she is a married woman. ” But mom replied ” I’m ready to leave them for you Kader, plz make me your wife I will produce more babies for you. ” Masi became astonished with mom’s words. Kader and Moinul left the home saying next week they will take mom to their moholla and ‘ nikah’ will happen. If Masi or anyone intervenes, they will go to my dad and say everything including the baby being kader’s. After they left mom and Masi had a talk of almost 2 hours. I can’t hear them as they closed the door and locked it after the Muslim men are gone. I was certain that mom wants to be a Muslim now and want to stay with them. How can Masi save her? My only faith was upto her now as she was only one who can make mom convinced. Masi was always a thinking woman, a strict lady. She always wore sarees with out revealing anything. She was not pretty like my mom but her skin colour was fair. She was a bit fatty.

যারা বৃষ্টিতে ভিজেছিল – ৭

স্বপ্নার মাই দুটো চটকাতে চটকাতে, চাটতে চাটতে, কামড়াতে কামড়াতে হাত দুটো ওর পেছনে নিয়ে গিয়ে ব্রায়ের হুকটা খুলে দিলাম। ব্রাটা লুজ হতেই স্বপ্নার মাই দুটো যেন একটু হাঁফ বাঁচল। ব্রাটা নামিয়ে দিতেই বাজখাই মাই দুটো চোখের সামনে নেচে উঠল। মাই দুটো দেখে মনে হচ্ছে রবারের ব্যাগে বাতাবি ভরে যেন ঝুলিয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছে। একটু ঝুলেই স্তূপের মত ফুলে আছে। মাঝের বলয়টা ঠিক গোল নয়, একটু ছড়ানো এলোমেলো। কালচে শরীরে গাঢ় বাদামী রঙের বলয়ের মাঝে টসটসে বোঁটা দুটো বসানো। খুব উঁচু না হলেও চুষে নিশ্চয়ই মস্তি হবে খুব। মাই দুটোর একটু নীচে গভীর নাভিটা। ঢাল বেয়ে নামলেই গুদ, এখন যদিও প্যান্টিতে ঢাকা। প্যান্টি রসে জবজবে হয়ে গেছে। টেনে নামিয়ে দিতেই পা গলিয়ে প্যান্টিটা খুলে ছুঁড়ে ফেলল স্বপ্না।

Mummy la beach var dabla – 2

Mitrano magchya bhagat sangital kas beach var mi mummy la dabla. Mummy ne suddha mla positive response dila. Tine swata hun maza hath pakdun pucchi var nela hota tevha mi kush jhalo hoto. Mla vishwaas navta hot mummy ch he vagna bagun. Mi khup utashi jhalo hoto. Mummy ne jevha chnge karyala manun hotel vr nel. Mummy mla manali kapde gheun aamchya khoilt ye.

My Vip Encounter with Natalie Raitano

I was in a Los Angles night club when the entire cast from the tv show VIP walked in. I looked at all of them when they walked past me, but the one that made my heart skip a beat was the goddess aka Natalie Raitano. She stood 5’3″ tall weighted 116 lbs with her pretty brown eyes with very short brown hair and a very sexy 36 24 34 body. The outfit she had on showed off her fantastic body. Her tiny top barely covered her sexy tits and her pants looked like they were painted on her sexy hips. I walked over to were she was sitting and started talking to her.

Further, She is not a servant

This was happened during the delivering period of my wife’s second baby. Some complications were aroused then she had to stay in the hospital for special medical attention. This caused big difficulties to the day to day work at home because we have another child at the age of two years to look after carefully. The office I worked was 5 to 6 km away from my house. I had do go every day because it was supervising nature duty. As a solution to this problem we had decided to find a servant. It was very difficult task to find a suitable servant, fortunately at last we could find out a Tamil girl from upcountry.

Only for a day

Angela was sitting at home once again not having a date on this Friday night.  Slumming it on the couch catching up on TV that she has missed in the past few weeks.  She had always been one to keep to herself and didn’t have to many friends to speak of.  However, she did have one friend Emily that she talked to quite often and shared everything with, even her deepest darkest fetishes.  It just so happened on that Friday night that her friend Emily would give her the opportunity to act out one of her favorite fetishes.

The Shower 2

The lorry carrying the gorilla to it’s new home at a different zoo was not travelling very fast as it approached the bend in the country lane but as the lorry went round the bend it suffered a puncture which caused the driver to lose control of the vehicle, the lorry over turned as it did the back doors of the cage sprung open allowing the gorilla to escaped, the driver of the lorry was stunned in the accident and it was half a hour before the crash scene was found, an alert was put out by the police and a search for the escaped gorilla was mounted. At the school near to the crash scene they had been told of the escaped animal and the school was put into lock down, all students were kept in classrooms and doors locked. sixteen year old trouble maker Tina who never did as she was told , and ignored people head the lock down alarm but decided to ignore it and decided that as nobody would be about and the gym tutor was off sick it would be a good time to get a shower and walked down to the shower block where she stripped and was soon standing under the shower with out knowing that Asif a twelve year old Bengali boy who was bunking lessons was watching her, Asif was admiring Tina’s large boobs and love tube thinking very nice when he saw the gorilla heading towards the area he was, Asif quickly got up high and shouted run it is an ape, Tina heard the shout and looked out from the shower as she did she saw the gorilla and thought oh shit and when the gorilla grabbed her hair and flung the naked Tina across the room Tina screamed, the force of her crashing onto the floor knocked the wind out of her and she lay stunned, after a few minutes Tina regained her senses and saw the gorilla standing over her but was to scared to move, when the gorilla started to rub the back of it’s paw over Tina’s body she just lay there feeling terrified but after a few minutes Tina started to get relaxed and after another five minutes was starting to enjoy having her body rubbed by the soft hairy paw and was soon quite aroused but when the gorilla pulled Tin up she got scared again and managed to get free and tried running but ran into long knee high benches and fell over them, Tina was half over the bench Asif who had been watching looked at Tina’s naked bum sticking up and thought well nice, before Tina could get up the gorilla reached her and Tina felt it’s heavy weight on her back then a warm damp patch slide back and forward over her bum and realising the patch was the gorilla’s dick thought oh shit and screamed for help but none came, Tina felt the patch rubbing over her love tube and screamed even louder and then to her horror Tina felt the gorilla’s dick slide into her love tube and felt the gorilla start humping away Tina yelled louder but still nobody came the gorilla continued to hump away and after five minutes Tina started to find she was enjoying it and became relaxed and after a few more minutes climaxed groaning as she did and after awhile had climaxed three more more times before she felt the gorillas dick pull out of her love tube. Asif had watched the whole event wide eyed and saw the gorilla amble off into the main part of the school and minutes later heard sirens, Tina had managed to get back into the shower where half hour later one of her friends found her and when her friend said to her ” your bloody luck there was a gorilla in school you could have been killed” Tina thought oh yes I was lucky.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Animal Rescue Farm

The animal rescue had been standing on the edge of the small English town for ten years. It had once been a farm that had been owned by the same family for nearly one hundred years, but then things started to go bad for the farm owners and despite their hardest efforts they went bankrupt and the farm was brought by an animal rescue charity who cared for animals that had been ill treated or abandoned by their owners. A few residents of the town had volunteered to work at the farm which had been given a big make over by the charity, quite often there were lots of animals at the farm being cared for. It was early evening and sixteen year old Dawn who was one of the volunteers was working at the centre, she was going to be there all night, Liam who was two years younger than what Dawn was was also going to be there all night, Liam was not very well liked in the town due to him being a peeping, Dawn was well know for being a bully and a girl who caused a lot of trouble and great upsets, not may people trusted her. It had been a very hot day and was still very warm, Dawn had changed out of her clothes and was wearing just overalls in the hope of staying cool and was now preparing food for the five chimps that were being kept in one of the former barns, Liam watched as Dawn went into the barn and started to feed the chimps, as he watched he saw the chimps were not touching the food and getting restless, then suddenly the chimps all rushed at Dawn jumping all over her, Liam saw the chimps pulling at Dawns overalls, then to his joy Liam saw the back of Dawns overalls tear and her bare bum appear, Liam held the stick he had fetched to fight the chimps off and smiled broadly as he saw Dawns overalls being torn off and was soon admiring her naked ample boobs and hairless love tube, Liam started to fight the chimps off the now naked Dawn who ran from the barn, Liam followed her, once outside Liam saw Dawn climb over a fence which was a quick way to the office, Lian knew there were pigs the other side of the fence and heard the squealing, Liam went to the fence and saw that Dawn had fallen flat on the ground and now had ten pigs round her, Liam saw the pigs were sniffing round Dawns body and that she was having trouble getting them off, Liam saw Dawn eventually get free and try to squeeze through the bars in the fence, as she did Liam saw a pig put its trotters on Dawn’s pig then heard Dawn yell “no” Liam saw the pigs rear going back and forward then heard Dawn yell “get it off it is fucking me” Liam moved and saw that the pig was up Dawn, Liam moved round to the front of Dawn as he did he saw the pig that was humping Dawn get off her but before she could get through the fence another pig was humping her, Liam then saw that Dawn’s nipples were erect and could hear her breathing heavy, Liam watch as two more pigs humped Dawn and heard her groan and realised she had climaxed and was enjoying what was happing, Liam watched as pig after pig humped Dawn and could see she was enjoying it. After nearly a hour the pigs were finished and Dawn squeezed through the fence and lay on the ground, Liam looked down at her noticing that her nipples were still very erect. After a short time Dawn got up and went into the office, while she was in the shower Liam looked through the paper work and found papers that said the pigs had come from a satanic sect, when Dawn came out of the shower she made Liam promise not to tell anyone what had happened. A few nights later Liam went to the farm as he arrived he saw Dawn was naked climbing into the pig pen her nipples erect and thought it is going to be very interesting working her at night and moved over to the fence as a pig mounted Dawn.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Ein erster, eleganter Abend

Nervös gehe ich in der Wohnung auf und ab, sehe immer wieder auf die Uhr. Seit Stunden bin ich bereits damit beschäftigt mich auf den heutigen Abend vorzubereiten. Ich bin frisch geduscht, rasiert, eingecremt, mein Dreitagebart ist getrimmt, die Nägel sind gefeilt. Dabei habe ich eine Erektion nach der anderen, ein leichter Panikanfall folgt auf den Nächsten.

Cuckcake to Cuckquean – Part 1

I was a 20 years old, fairly short 5 feet 1 inch shy girl from Chennai with good structure when I met my master. I was doing my final year Under Graduation where I was staying with my junior friend in the city. I met my husband and master as my friend introduced him as her boyfriend who was 5 years her senior ( 4 for me from here on referred as it).

Punishment Club

Martin was walking up the garden path towards Dawns house, Dawn who at sixteen years of age was two years older than what Martin is had beaten him up very badly Dawn had caught Martin spying on girls at school and took revenge by beating him up, Martin had spent three days in hospital and now after being released from hospital was going to dawn’s house with his mum to see Dawn punished, Martin who was a peeping tom was hoping that Dawn would get her bare bum spanked, Once inside the house Dawn was called into the lounge by her mum who gave her a good telling off then said to her ” you have broke the ultimate rule by putting the boy in hospital so you will pay the ultimate penalty of one hour with the boy” Dawn looked up in horror and started to protest” but when her mum said ” I can increase the time” Dawn shut up and when her mum said” OK get on with it” Dawn looked at Martin and to his surprise said to him ” do you want me to strip naked and masturbate while you watch me” Martin uttered a feeble yes, Dawn’s mum said ” let her finish” Dawn then said ” or do you want me to strip naked and let you play with my body and masturbate me or do you want to fuck me while I am naked” Martin could hardly believe his ears, after Dawn had been quiet for a minute Martin said ” want to fuck you” Dawn then said ” come on follow me” Martin followed Dawn up to her room where she switched a tape on and started to undress, Martin watched in disbelief and when Dawn removed her bra letting her ample boobs fall free and said ” there are my tits for you” and when naked said ” now you can see my cunt as well” Martin looked in awe, Dawn lay on the bed and parted her legs, Martin smiled and undid his trousers letting his eight inch erection spring out, when Dawn saw it she was surprised that a boy his age had a dick so big, Martin climbed on the bed between Dawns legs and positioned himself and after a couple of seconds was sliding his dick into Dawn’s love tube as it slid in Dawn let out a fairly quiet moan, Martin started to thrust in and out pushing in deep and soon Dawn was breathing heavy and to her surprise was starting to enjoy it and after five minutes groaned loudly as she climaxed, Martin continued to thrust in and out of Dawn’s love tube making her cum a second time before he pulled his dick out and squirted his cum over Dawn’s body, after a few minutes Martin dressed fully and went back to the lounge where Dawns mum asked him if he was happy Martin told her yes. On the way home Martin’s mum told him that there was a punishment club that met once a month and all those being punished were naked and that it was meeting the next night, Martin and his mum went to the club, Martin saw Dawn and her sister Amy who was two years younger than him on the stage naked Martin admired Amy’s developing boobs and love tube he also saw a couple of boys who both had full erections one was being jerked by an Indian girl who was his age while the girls sister who was four years younger than himself jerked the other boy who was sixteen yeas old, Martin saw both boys squirt cum, Martin then saw Amy being pounded by sixteen year Asif while his dad who was sixty eight pounded into Dawn’s love tube Martin knew the two girls were racist. As he walked home with his mum Martin thought I will be going to that club more often might even get to fuck Dawn’s bum and her sister.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

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