Released 2

Steve was a sixteen year lad who was not liked by many people, he was well known for having a very violent nature to him and this caused many people to be very scared of him, they stayed out of his way as best as they could, people who saw Steve walking along the road towards them would cross to the other side of the road to avoid him then cross back once he had passed by. A new boy in the town where Steve lived cracked a joke about Steve’s shaved head, Steve had not lot liked the joke and beat the boy up badly, Steve was arrested and taken to court where he was sentenced to nine months in a young offenders detention center. When Steve had been sentenced the neigbours who lived by Steve had been very happy that he was not going to be about for a while but now Steve had severed the whole of his sentence and he had been released from young offenders detention centre and was back home. Chuck who had been nick named chuck because she called everybody chuck and was twelve years of age was a Bengali girl who lived in the house next door to Steve and was sitting on the back patio when she saw through the large lounge window to his house, Steve was stood in his lounge with just a towel wrapped round his waist, chuck looked at Steve’s muscular body thinking that despite lifting weights her brother was skinny compared to Steve. As she watched Steve he suddenly moved his hands to the side of his body undid his towel and let it drop to the floor, Chuck gasped when she saw that Steve was naked and sat admiring his seven inch hairy dick that hung down in front him. It was the first time that chuck had seen a naked white boy and liked what she was seeing. Steve just stood naked with chuck admiring his dick, after five minutes chuck saw Steve’s dick twitch a few times then watched in awe as it slowly grew and stuck out straight from his body for a few minutes then after a minute continued to grow till it was fully erect at nine inches, chuck could hardly believe what she was seeing as Steve stood naked with his erection on full view then when Steve started to slowly jerk his dick chuck smiled even more than she already was and after getting more comfortable on the floor carried on watching Steve as he jerked she saw him getting faster and faster and when Steve’s knees buckled and three spurts of cum followed by two shorter one’s shot from his dick chuck thought nice very nice, after a couple of minutes Steve’s dick had started to get softer again, Steve turned left the room thinking I hope you enjoyed the site bitch next time you can do it for me and that is going to be soon.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Abigail loves the cock

Abi appeared from work with her friend Donna; as usual Donna had managed to ace the filthy slut look by pairing a very short kilt with a tight sweater which didn’t leave much doubt over the size of her large breasts or whether she had foregone a bra that day.

ಲೈಬ್ರರಿಯಿಂದ ಲಾಡ್ಜಿಗೆ ಬಂದ ಅನಿಕಾ ಮಿಸ್

ಹಾಯ್ ಫ್ರೆಂಡ್ಸ್, ನಾನು 23 ವರ್ಷದ ಅಪ್ಪಟ ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ ಮಿಥುನ್. ನನಗೆ ಸೆಕ್ಸ್ ಅಂದ್ರೆ ಬಹಳ ಇಷ್ಟ, ಯಾವಾಗ್ಲೂ ಸೆಕ್ಸ್ ಕಥೆ ಓದೋದು, ವಿಡಿಯೋ ನೋಡೋದು ಮಾಡ್ತಾ ಇರ್ತೀನಿ. ಆದರೆ ಯಾವತ್ತೂ ಮಾಡೋಕೆ ಚಾನ್ಸ್ ಸಿಕ್ಕಿರ್ಲಿಲ್ಲ. ನಾನು ಈಗ ಫೈನಲ್ ಇಯರ್ ಎಂಕಾಂ ಮಾಡ್ತಾ ಇರೋದು. ನಮ್ಮ ಕ್ಲಾಸಲ್ಲಿ ತುಂಬಾ ಹುಡುಗೀರು ಇದಾರೆ ಆದ್ರೆ ಯಾರೂ ಇಂಟೆರೆಸ್ಟ್ ಬರೋವಷ್ಟು ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿಲ್ಲ. ಇರೋ ಹತ್ತು ಜನ ಹುಡುಗರಲ್ಲಿ ನಾನೇ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ದಡ್ಡ. ಅವರೆಲ್ರೂ ಕೊಟ್ಟ ಕೆಲಸ ಬೇಗ ಮಾಡಿ ಮುಗಿಸ್ತಾ ಇದ್ರೆ ನಾನು ತುಂಬಾ ಲೇಟ್ ಆಗಿ ಮುಗಿಸ್ತಾ ಇದ್ದೆ. ಆದ್ರೆ ಯಾವತ್ತೂ ಬ್ಯಾಕ್ ಲಾಗ್ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಮಾಡ್ಕೊಂಡಿಲ್ಲ.

ಸ್ವಾತಿಯ ರಾಸಲೀಲೆ 3

ನನ್ನಆಯ್ ಫ್ರೆಂಡ್ಸ್ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕುಮಾರ ( ಸ್ವಾತಿಯ ರಾಸಲೀಲೆ ) ಕಲ್ಪನೆಯ ಕತೆ ಹೇಗಿದೆ ಎಂದು. ಗೆ ತಿಳಿಸಿ ಜೀವನದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಂದ ಎರಡನೇ ಪಾತ್ರವನ್ನು ಓದಿದ್ದೀರಿ. ನಾನು ಮತ್ತು ನನ್ನ ಅತ್ತೆಯ ಮಗ ಪುನೀತ್ ಇಬ್ಬರೂ ಸೇರಿದ ರಸಮಯ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಮಗೆಲ್ಲಾ ತಿಳಿಸಿದ್ದೇನೆ. ನನ್ನ ಜೀವನದಲ್ಲೇ ಇನ್ನೆಂದೂ ಮರೆಯಲಾಗದಂತಹ ಅಭೂತಪೂರ್ವ ಸುಖವನ್ನು ಉಣಿಸಿದವನು ಪುನೀತ್. ಅಂದು ರಾತ್ರಿ ನಾವಿಬ್ಬರೂ ಸೇರಿದ ನಂತರ ಕೆಲ ದಿನಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತೆ ಮತ್ತೆ ಸೇರಿದೆವು. ನನ್ನಲ್ಲಿನ ಹೆಣ್ತನವನ್ನು ಕೆದಕಿ ಕೆದಕಿ ಇಂಚಿಂಚಾಗಿ ಅನುಭವಿಸಿದ ಪುನೀತ್ ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಸುಖವನ್ನು ಕೊಟ್ಟು ರತಿಸುಖದ ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಕಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ಕಲಿಸಿದ. ನನ್ನ ದೇಹ ಅವನ ಆಡುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ನಲುಗಿ ಹೋಗಿತ್ತು. ಹಿಂದಿಗಿಂತಲೂ ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಉತ್ತಮ ರೀತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನನ್ನ ಉಬ್ಬುತಗ್ಗುಗಳು ಬೆಳೆದು ನಿಂತಿದ್ದವು.

Adventure Walks

I was visiting my aunt; my mother’s youngest sister, during the summer vacation. She is an engineer in one of the IT companies and many times she has to be visiting different towns for her work. After about a week she told me that she will be going out for two weeks and if I would be interested in accompanying her. It was an opportunity for me to see the new places, so I immediately agreed and we were in this small town accommodated at the company guest house on the outskirts of the town.

It finally happened!

Claire and I have talked about this moment for years and just before lockdown happened we were going to try it? We have been together for 30years and still happy but I got an idea into my head about sharing and I kept asking her but she always said no. Years went by and I asked, still no. To try and add spice to the relationship We have just started to watch porn films together and we happened to watch a film about an English lady who was a big girl a bbw making out with a black man a bbc!

Spaced Out 2

Mia was walking to her uncles shop at six in the morning, it was her turn to deliver the early morning papers, as she walked along the street Mia was still thinking about the strange flashing lights she had seen in the sky during the night wondering where they had come from she was also wondering where the dull humming noise she had heard had come from, as she got to the shop Mia saw that the door was still locked and thought that her cousin Asif had over slept again and went up the ally to the back of the shop, when she got to the rear of the shop she looked through the window and saw Asif who at sixteen was two years older than what she was stood in the back room of the shop naked, Mia thought cool nice bum, Asif turned round, Mia thought oh very nice as she saw that Asif had an eight inch erection, when Asif started to stroke his dick Mia stood watching thinking this is super cool, after five minutes Asif squirted his cum in four spurts. Mia went into the shop looked at Asif and said to him ” I just watched you wank off when I tell your dad you will get a real good hiding ” then went into the main part of the shop as she did she saw Asif’s best friend Abdul who was also stood naked jerking his seven inch dick, Mia thought two boys wanking off how cool when Abdul squirted his cum Mia said ” nice spunk ” and walked past him slapping his bum as she did, when Abdul said nothing Mia slapped his bum again, she then got he papers as she went back into the back of the shop Mia saw both boys stood still naked still with erections, she could see that the boys had glazed looks in their eyes and thought drugs she went and stood between the boys took hold of their dicks and started to jerk them, the boys just stood still then after five minutes Asif squirted cum with Abdul squirting cum soon after, after wiping her hands Mia left the shop. As she walked up the street Mia saw army trucks going up the street then got told a police officer that a space craft was in the field and to stay away. Mia thought it was a joke and carried on delivering her papers at the first house, Mia saw sixteen year old Mandy a school bully though the window stood naked in her kitchen, Mia is bi sexual and thought nice as she looked at Mandy’s large boobs when she got closer she saw that Mandy was fingering herself and stood watching her, after awhile Mia saw Mandy gush and thought nice, after putting the paper though the door Mia went to the next house where through the window she saw Steve stood naked his nine inch erection being stroked by his ten year old sisters best mate Carol, Mia watched till Steve squirted his cum in three spurts then walked on, all over the estate Mia saw boys and girls naked masturbating and wondered what was going on and wondered why there were no adults about, as Mia approached the tower block she saw sixteen year old Sharon a racist school standing naked by the door her nipples fully erect, Mia saw that she had the same spaced out look in her eyes as Abdul and Asif had, Mia stretched her hand out and rubbed one of Mandy’s boobs after Mandy made no response Mia started to rub her love tube while sucking her nipples, Mia then slid her fingers into Mandy’s love tube and started to finger her feeling her gush after five minutes, Mia walked into the block and smiled when she saw Mandy’s boyfriend Mark naked bending over the stair bannister with Colin a gay boy thrusting in and out of Mark’s bum, when Colin looked at Mia she said ” keep going there are lots more boys outside ” Colin smiled and said ” on the roof everybody is naked it is like an orgy ” Mia realised that the space craft had some thing to do with what was happening but did not care as she headed to the roof thinking this is well cool I hope that the space craft stays forever.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Lisas accidental orgy

It was a hot Saturday afternoon. I was at my in laws for a brief vacation. My wife had gone shopping with her sister. My MIL Lisa and her husband George were in their bedroom, probably enjoying an afternoon delight. I was in the loft area flipping through a local newspaper. It was a long boring day, my mind was numbed with the mundanesess of the day. In that thoughtless moment, George walked up the stairs into the loft. I saw just sweaty forehead emerge up the flight of stairs. I waved at him and went back to the newspaper, assuming he was there for something else.

Promiscuous IV

I haven’t seen Jim in a while. It bothers me a bit. I’m nothing if I’m not patient. I’m just hoping you’re wanting me as bad as I want you right now. Until then I guess I’ll have to satisfy myself. I’m actually a pro at it. All I do is imagine I’m with you. I close my eyes and I think about that enormous cock of yours. I slowly slide my hand down my panties. I imagine you entering my hot pussy with that huge cock. You’re moaning and groaning and that shit really turns me on. I slide my index finger in my pussy. I pretend it’s your dick and you’re fucking me. I slowly slide my finger from my pussy. I lift it to my mouth to taste the pleasure I wish you were tasting right now. You’d love it. I put my finger back in my pussy. It’s cold from the air. “Mmmm” I say as my tongue traces a circle around my lips. I gently move my finger in and out of my pussy. I grab my breast with my free hand. I start jabbing my finger in and out of my pussy. My mind returns to the last time we were together. I hunch hard imagining your dick filling my pussy. I call out your name over and over. “Jim…Jim…Jim..” until I think you can actually hear me. Before I know it, all my muscles have tightened. I hold my breath at the beginning of that little tingle when you’re about to cum. I hold my clitoris like a cigarette and squeeze as tight as I can stand it. In less than a moment I feel like I’ve touched the tip of heaven. I clench my teeth as the blood rushes to my head. I feel like I’m going to pass out, but I don’t. My body grows limp. I hear my phone ring in the distance, I let out a loud satisfying sigh.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

First time to the gyno

My name is Sarah, I just turned 17 and this is my story about the first time I went to a gynecologist instead of my pediatrician. I’m 5’4 about 105lbs, I have green eyes and short reddish brown hair. My breasts are a small b cup and I’m still a virgin.

যারা বৃষ্টিতে ভিজেছিল – ৯

আমি আর মুক্তা স্বপ্নাকে পাঁজাকোলা করে তুলে নিয়ে গিয়ে টেবিলের পাথরের ওপর শুইয়ে দিলাম। মুক্তা হ্যান্ডেল ঘুরিয়ে টেবিলটা ঠিকঠাক উচ্চতায় নিয়ে এল। স্বপ্না পা দুটো ছড়িয়ে গুদটা কেলিয়ে ধরেছে। ভেতরের কালো বালের জঙ্গলের ভেতর থেকে গোলাপী ফুলটা দাঁত কেলাচ্ছে। মুক্তা এসে আমার বাড়াটা স্বপ্নার গুদের মুখে সেট করে ধরল। স্বপ্নার বিশাল মাই দুটো দু দিকে ঢলে আছে। কোমরটা একটু পিছিয়ে নিয়ে গায়ের জোড়ে গুঁজে দিলাম স্বপ্নার গুদে। পুরো বাড়াটা গেঁথে গেল চটচটে গুদের গভীরে।

Mazi Chulat Kaki – 2

Hi Mitrano ani mitrininno, kashi vatali mazi last stories. Tar bhavano tumi tumcha bulla halvayla ani baykano tumi nikar madhe hat ghalun pucchi cholayla tayar raha. Mi jast vel n gheta mazi story start karto. Tumala tar mahiti ahech ki last story madhe mi mazya kaki la kase zavle.

Mitrachi aai ani mi (part 2)

Tar magchya bhagat apan pahil ki mi kasa kaku la zavlo ata pudhe….! sakal zaleli mi uthlo tar pahile tar kakucha lahan mulga shalet jaila avarat hota ani kaku tycha daba bharat hotya mi uthlo mla kaku ni pahil ani ” mhntlya uth ata surya dokyvar alay angholila ja ani naughty smile dili ” kaku lavkar uthaichya ani anghol karun kam karaichya tyncha kaku ni goun ghatla hota mi chupchap angholia gelo anghol karun baher alo ani kapde ghatle mi shorts ani t shirt ghatle mitra che karan tychi ani mazi size ani height jara jara same hoti jevha mi kapde ghalun baher alo tevha. Kakucha lahan mulga shalet gela hota. kaku bhaji chirat hotya mla mhtlya chah ghe mi chah pit kitchen vatyavar baslo ky bolv ya vichart astna kaku ch mhntlya ” kalpasun khup thaklela distoy yacha adhi tas kadhi ky kel nahi vatat tu ani haslya ” mi maskrit mhnalo ” tas mhnje ” kaku mhntlya ” tas mhnje tas ” kaku na ” mi mhantlo mi ajibaat damlo nahi ” ani mi kharch damlo nhvto kaku mla ukasoun det hotya. Kaku mhntlya ” jara re ani haslya ” mla rag ala ani mhantlo ” ata kalal ch tumhla mi damlo ki nahi ani uthlo kaku na phirvl ani kiss karaila laglo mmmmmm kiss chalu hotn kaku na pn tech pahije hotn kaku kiss sodun mhntlya ” ” aree jara thmb tari ” mi nhvto tyncha aiknar mi kahi nahi bollo ani kiss karaila laglo kiss karta karta goun chya varun ch Ball dabaila laglo khup jorat dabat hoto manuke chimtine odhat hoto nanter tila purn nagda kela ani mi pn nagda zalo ani tila bulla chokaila lavla kaku mmmummm karun bulla chokat hoti.. Amhi kitchen vatya shekari ubha rahun he sagl karat hoto nanter 5, 6 minute chokylvar ti ubhi rahil mag mi dava ball chokat hoto ujwa ball dabat hoto ani ek bot puchhit hoto tichya puchhit bot aat baher karaila laglo ti khup kanht hoti aaaaaaaaaummmmm dddddiiiippakkkk aaaaaiiiiiggggg karat hoti mag mi tasch maza bulla tichya puchhit ghatla ani zavaila laglo khup jor jorat zavat hoto kitchen vattyala lagun tine mazhyakde tond kelte ani mi tichya kade tond karun maza bulla ticchya puchhit ghalat hoto mi dhannnnnddhannn danke det hoto ti kanhat hoti aaaaaaiaaaaigggggg mamamzhya rrrrrrajjjjaaa haaaalu haaalu mi ticha tasch ek pay var uchalala ani jor jorat zavaila laglo dhhhaaannn annnn ani ti ummmmmmaaaa aaaaigggggf uuuuiiffffff karat hoti 10 minute zavailyvar pay sodla pn bulla baher nhvta kadhla mag mi jagaver ubha rahilo ani ti mage kitchen vatyvar don hath theoun pudhe mage karaila lagli ti sudhha jorat pudhe mage hoti hoti…… Aakhya gharat amhi zavaicha awaj yet hota khup vel as position madhe zoun zalayvar tila bedroom madhe gheoun gelo ani tila zopvli ani tichyvar chadlo ani danke daila laglo jorat kaaku aaahhhhhhhhhahhhhhhafgggggggggaaaaiiiiimeeeeeleeeeee karat hoti tila nanter pihrvla doggystyle kaku la mhntlo gandit ghalto kaku mhnali ” nako kadhi kakani nahi ghatla nahi yaat ” mi nhvto aiknar mi ho mhntla pn Ekdum gandit bulla ghatla kaku khup jorat ordli kaddddhhhhhh dipppakkkk nakkkkkkko khuuuppp dukhaaat aaaaahe kkkkkkuuuppp aaaaaaaa iiiiigggggg tichi gand tight hoti maza bulla gandit adkalyagatch zala tari mi gaand la thokke Marilla laglo ti radaila lagl iii mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaa pn nanter tila pn maja yaila lagli 10, 12 minute tichi gaand marat hoto gaand maratna ball pn dabat hoto nanter kaku la uthlvl ani zaplo ti mazhya bullyvar basli aani udya mariala lagli dhannnnnnnn khup maaajja yet hotii udya speed wadhla khalun mi sudhha jorat dhakke daila lagllo bullya che ti mhntli mi jdhnar ahe mi sudhha jhdnnar hoto amhi doghni speed vadhvla kaku aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii diiiipaakkkkkkk yetoyyy. Zaaavvvvvvvvvv zaaaaaav aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiii aaaaaaaaiiiiii ala ala baher mi sudhha jdhlo ticha ani maza chik mix zalata ani tichya pucchi varun mazhya bullyachya var Alta tine sarv chatla tydivshi tila mi dupari sudhha zavloThis content appeared first on new sex story .com

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