Hiking alone and ended up with a stray dog sex!

This happened when I was a pretty girl at that time I was sixteen years of age, great looking, and slim exercised body. I go to gym three times every week, and spend two hours at least. I would say I am 34-26-34; bob cut hair. I like hiking alone because I like to talk to nature and trees. I do not want someone thrusting words into my ears as I am trying to be in communion with nature. So be it!

E-Mail Sex Slave

This story is based loosely on fact. While I am not a 19 year old college student, I did have a relationship with a Dom by e-mail and I did do a lot of the stuff in the story. I just have not become quite the slut described in the story. This e-mail relationship did cause me to be much more open to opportunistic sex and, while not subjugating myself to men completely, have become much more conscious of making sex as pleasurable as possible for my partner, male or female. It has also enhanced my exhibitionist tendencies and allowed me to feel pleasure wearing revealing clothing, and discretely exposing myself, in public. Now, to the story:

Being Bi at Home 1959-61 – Part 2

We were going to the beach again as the early mist had gone and the Sun was heating things up very quickly, Jane arrived to confirm she would be picking up Clair and meeting us down there, Vicky smiled at me and winked, my signal things could get hot if the beach was empty and the cave not to wet from the tide washing in. First I had been called by Aunty Betty for instructions as she as arranged would be away for the weekend so I went to her room. She called me in after I had knocked on the door and told me to sit on the bed. She was packing her case as she told me what money she would leave us and gave me a list of things needed from the shops for our food supply then she asked me how things were going with the girls. I told her they had been very kind and shown me a great time at the beach making my holiday very nice. Well, she said they both think a lot of you and talked none stop about your visit before you arrived and with this she put her hand on my upper leg, you are a nice lad and when I return I will take you under my wing for a few days to make your holiday as nice as we all can now go and have some fun with the girls.

The Snob Girl

Tracy was the daughter of one of the richest men in the country, at just sixteen years of age Tracy had everything that she wanted, she went on holiday three times a year to the family villa in Italy, she dressed in designer clothes and attended many functions, it was at one of these functions that Tony the son of another very rich man took her to the wine cellar where he slid her one piece ballroom gown off her shoulders letting her bra less boobs fall into view and after sucking her nipples for a few minutes pulled the designer split on her gown open and slid her panties down and off then after rubbing her hairless love tube for a couple of minutes undid his trousers pulled his eight inch erection free and slid it up Tracy’s love tube and started to thrust in and out but only lasted a minute before he squirted his cum over the floor, Tracy was angry and disappointed at the very poor performance from Tony and after adjusting her gown stormed off with out putting her panties back on, Tracy was so angry that she left the dance and after telling her driver to go she would walk home started to walk home, as she walked along the country lane she could feel the wind blowing the bottom of her gown open and blowing round her love tube which started to make her feel horny, Tracy climbed over the fence into a field where she walked away from the road then pulled her gown open and stood enjoying the wind as it blew against her love tube, then lowered her top so the wind was also blowing against her boobs which now had erect nipples, after a minute Tracy took her gown right off and stood naked for a few minutes before laying flat on her back with her legs apart enjoying the sensation of the wind blowing on her love tube and her ample boobs then Tracy felt something wet slide up her legs and saw a dog licking her legs, as she started to sit up she saw a second dog which started to lick her face and another started licking her stomach, Tracy tried to get up but could not, she then felt the dog that was licking her leg start to lick her love tube the dog licking her stomach wandered off, while the dog licking her love tube moved up to her stomach, when Tracy tried to push it off the dog growled which frightened Tracy and made her leave the dog which was now licking her boobs, Tracy felt something wet slide up the inside of her leg and quickly realised it was the dogs dick and tried to close her legs but before she could she felt the dogs dick pushing into her love tube and felt it slide right in then start to hump her, she then felt the dog that had been licking her face stop and its dick on her face before she could react the dick slid into her mouth causing her to gag then start to hump her mouth, after a few minutes Tracy started to feel very aroused and after a few more minutes climaxed not long after she gagged again as the dog humping her mouth filled it with it’s juices which Tracy had no option but to swallow, the dog humping her love tube carried on humping and soon Tracy climaxed again then felt the dogs twitch and love tube become extra sticky, after a few minutes the dogs wandered off, Tracy then saw Sara one of the girls from the village who she knew was sixteen looking down at her, Sara said ” that was my dogs that just fucked you but do not worry I will not tell anybody ” Tracy stood up and put her gown on, When Sara said my parents are away if you want to have a bath before you go home and wash the smell of dog off you you can ” Tracy followed Sara back to her house where after half of a hour she was relaxing in a nice hot bath thinking fucked by a dog got dog spunk in my mouth and it felt good, The bath room door opened and Sara walked in with a cup of tea saying this will help get rid of the taste of dog spunk ” after handing the tea to Tracy Sara said ” you been thinking of the dogs fucking you ” Tracy said ” what ” Sara then said ” your nipples are very erect ” and smiled as she did, Tracy did not say anything. Sara then said ” do not worry I let them fuck me there are better than some of the boys, Tracy was stunned by what she had just heard and when a dog entered the bath room Tracy watched as Sara undid her jeans and slid them down and watched as the dog started to lick Tracy’s love tube, after a couple of minutes Sara stopped the dog and pulled her jeans up saying see you down stairs and left the bath room, after ten minutes Tracy got out of the bath wraped her towel round herself and went to the lounge, as she walked in she saw Sara laying naked on the couch with a dog licking her ample boobs, Tracy stood watching after a few minutes Sara said take your towel off and lay on the floor, Tracy smiled and did as Sara had said, after a few minutes the dog had not been near Tracy, Sara said ” it can only smell soap ” got up off the sofa and got a jar as she did she said this is aniseed dogs love it, then went over to Jenny knelt down beside her then pours some of the aniseed onto Tracy’s body then started to rub it into Tracy’s boobs which surprised Tracy, after rubbing the aniseed into Tracy’s boobs Sara started rubbing some into Tracy’s love tube pushing her fingers slightly inside as she did, soon the dog was sniffing round Tracy and licking her boobs and love tube, Sara said ” here it comes ” Tracy then felt the dogs dick sliding into her love tube and was soon breathing heavy as the dog humped away, Sara then said ” you have got a beautiful pair of tits ” and started to rub them, Tracy was a bit surprised then Sara stopped rubbing Tracy’s boobs and started to lick and suck her nipples, Tracy was soon groaning in deep pleasure and climaxed twice before she felt the dogs dick twitch, A hour later Tracy was walking back to where she lived thinking fucked by dogs and groped by a girl who has given me her phone number I have got a new friend or two I will have to phone her some time, At the weekend Tracy’s parents went off on their annual six week holiday, all the staff from the mansion where Tracy lived were now on leave annual leave leaving Tracy on her own, Tracy phoned Sara and twenty minutes later both girls were keeling naked by Tracy’s bed being humped by dogs.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Mom fucked by ghosts (The end)

Hello guys…… I am Shivram….. My Google account had been deleted due to some issues, so I was not able to upload stories…… Sorry for that…. I have made up my mind and here to present the continue of the story “My mom fucked by ghosts (beginning)”…..

Baby Sitter Spanked

Martin was stood in the lounge of where he lived looking down at his child minder Tracy who at sixteen years of age was four years older than what he was, Tracy had been left to look after Martin for the weekend while his parents went away on a trip. Martin knew that Tracy was only child minding him because she was desperate to earn money so that she could go on holiday with her mates from school, Martin knew that if Tracy could not get the money she would not be allowed to go on holiday with her mates. Tracy had left Martin in bed the night before and sneaked out to see her mates returning quite drunk and was now slumped on the sofa sleeping it off. Martin shook Tracy hard saying wake up, Tract stirred and sat up saying ” oh sorry I must have fell asleep watching telly ” Martin said ” you liar you sneaked out last night and came back this morning drunk leaving me alone anything could have happened ” he then showed Tracy the phone footage he had taken, Tracy looked at it and knew she would not be able to make an excuse to Martin’s parents, Martin said ” you are going to be in trouble when my mum and dad see this ” Tracy knew he was right and that she would not get paid or child mind again which meant she would not earn money, Tracy looked at Martin and said ” let us make a deal ” before she could finish Martin said ” the only deal is that I spank you and I will not say anything ” Tracy thought that sounds light and agreed, but was shocked when Martin said ” right take your clothes off ” Tracy looked at him in stunned silence, Martin then said ” if I get spanked I get it while naked so the same for you ” Tracy could not believe what she had just heard, but knew that she had to go along with it and unzipped her hoody and after taking it off undid her jeans and took them off, then reached behind her back unhooked her bra and removed it, Martin looked straight at Tracy’s naked ample boobs thinking cool and when she removed her panties and stood naked Martin thought extra cool as he looked at Tracy’s love tube,, Tracy could see the way that Martin was looking at her naked body and noticed the small tent appear in his pyjama’s, Martin sat back on the sofa and said to Tracy get over my knees and when she did smiled, soon after Martin delivered the first slap to Tracy’s naked bum, the slap made Tracy flinch it was harder than she had been expecting, after four hard slaps Tracy could feel her bum stinging, Martin continued to deliver hard slap after hard slap to Tracy’s bum as he did he could see his red hand prints on her bum, Martin carried on delivering hard slaps and after awhile could hear Tracy start to whimper but carried on slapping and soon heard her crying and begging him to stop, Martin delivered more slaps for another ten minutes, then after stopping pushed Tracy onto the floor when she sat up Martin said ” next time I will slap these ” and cupped her boobs as he spoke then added ” and this ” and rubbed her love tube before going to his room leaving the crying Tracy on the floor. When Martin’s mum and dad returned they said to Tracy ” any problems ” Martin quickly said ” no she behaved ” his parents laughed, Tracy left after getting paid.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

How I became a whore for animal cock

I was working the nightshift at the social care farm where I’d been working for the past year. I am a 20 year old well shaped girl, long blond hair and people tell me I’m real pretty. I was quietly reading a magazine in the living room, when suddenly Pete, one of our clients rushed in shouting that something was wrong with one of the horses. Of course I immediately got up and followed him to the stables. As soon as we entered the stables I heard the door slam shut behind me and Pete turned around with that smirk on his face that I’d seen so often before and that said that what he’d really like to do is rip my clothes off and fuck me. I looked behind me and saw that Hank and Billy were standing there in front of the closed door. “Shit, now what”, was what went through my head. The answer came immediately as Pete grabbed me, and Hank and Billy started ripping off my dress. I screamed at them to stop, but they just laughed and threw my ripped dress behind them. Then they tore off my bra and panties and I was completely naked and at the mercy of three lightly mentally handicapped males of about 25 years old.

Gambian Holiday 2

This is the first time that I have told what I got my wife to do on our last holiday. My wife Carol is 32yrs old, she is a petite 5’2 and is only 115lbs with shoulder length auburn hair and deep blue eyes. I am your average guy 5’9 and around 160lbs and I have just turned 38. We had booked a 3 week holiday in The Gambia leaving our 2 girls with their grandparents.

Two married virgins – part 1

I had just gotten married and my husband had joined the army. They moved him to Pirmasens Germany. We both were young and had just graduated from high school. We were very wise children and wanted to be the best children to our parents so we both were virgins when we got married. So as soon as we graduated, we made that move. We love each other a lot because we have a lot of respect and admiration for each other, plus we both look good.

Jennys Punishment Pt. 1

Jenny walks into the room, on hands and knees, lead on a leash by her mother. Her father is setting in his chair watching as they enter, he is wearing only a pair of loose boxers. She can see right up one of the legs and can see his semi hard cock laying against his leg. This is just the first day of her one month punishment for skipping a weeks worth of school, serving her parents doing anything they tell her to do when they tell her to do it. Hell this morning she woke up to her mother straddling her face getting ready to pee, “Drink or drown,” she had said just seconds before the stream of hot yellow liquid had started. Now it was time to see what daddy wanted her to do for him, hopefully not the same, ‘Maybe he will just want me to jerk him off, or let him eat my pussy or something,’ she was thinking to herself as she was placed in front of him. He slid forward, his cock sliding out of his boxers and hanging in front of her face, ‘maybe he will just want me to suck on it,’ she thought again.

The Day I Knew I was Bi – Part 15

I could not wait for Saturday and when it came I went off to the village with my heart pounding hoping that Meg would take care of Pauler and Peter and I could have some fun, me being turned on by watching the two girls find the spots that turned them on to girly sex. I need not have worried Meg and Peter were outside the shop waiting when I arrived and both looked great, I went in and bought my fag’s and off to the Mill we went taking care to see we were not followed and the place was clear on our arrival. Yes all was clear and a surprised Pauler was waiting for me, we all went inside and I introduced Peter and Meg to Pauler, explaining they were friends I met on the cliff’s at weekends for mutual fun. To my joy Pauler looked Meg over with a searching eye tracing her body from head to toe and doing it slowly and missing nothing at all, Meg smiled and said she was pleased to meet her in a very meaningful way which Pauler understood and enjoyed her lips parting and her tongue running over her bottom lip in a very sexual reply. Meg went to her and kissed her full on the lips her hands going straight behind her and clutching her bottom cheeks firmly while her left leg went right between her legs and under the hem of her skirt, the knee finding the gusset of her panties which the hands behind her pulled her tight on to, she was beached high and dry her pussy rubbed by any movement of Meg’s leg. Pauler had delight written all over her face and she started to move her bottom forward and back grinding her pussy on Meg’s knee and letting all her body weight down at the same time to take the maximum pressure on her clit she could. The girls are happy Peter said in my ear, oh yes and I can’t wait to enjoy the exploring of each other and the sound of girly heavy breathing as naked breasts and wet pussies are given the full treatment to find each others cum button I said and he kissed me.

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