The Test Boys

Dawn and her best mate Tina were two sixteen year old girls who worked in a top secret lab that tested medicines on humans before being sent for sale, the girls were part time staff cleaning up in the lab. It was late as the girls cleaned no other staff were on duty as she cleaned some shelves Dawn knocked over a large bottle of liquid which spilled into the air condition unit for the rooms where there were twenty boys all aged sixteen and seventeen as she tried to clean the spillage up Dawn heard Tina calling out come and look at this, Dawn went and saw Tina pointing and when she looked where Tina was pointing was saw that the boys who were used for testing the medicines had ripped their clothes off with them all being naked with full erections some of the boys were jerking some boys were clawing at the windows others were trying to break open the door, Dawn said lets get out of here” the girls rushed for the exit, as Dawn tried to enter the code the other door gave way, Dawn fumbled the code and had to start again as she entered the last number and the door opened she felt her hair grabbed and pulled backwards then hands ripping at her clothes and was soon naked and as a dick slid into her love tube she screamed out Tina was on her hands and knees with a dick thrusting in and out of her mouth and another her bum, the loan security guard at the main gate saw the hordes of naked youths running towards his post but was unable to activate the emergency gate closure because of a fault and the youths were able to run free the four girls waiting at the bustop did not not see the youths running towards them and were very soon stripped naked and their love tubes having dicks ramming into them, inside the lab all the boys had escaped escaped and Tina and Dawn were getting to their feet and started to walk out of the building, the two Bengali boys could not believe their eye when they saw the two naked white girls with erect nipples before the boys could react properly the girls had ripped their trousers off and were bouncing up and down on their dicks Tracy and Amy had just got off the bus when they were grabbed by the boys and were now naked having climaxed multiple times, Martin was walking home from his mates house when he saw the four naked girls and thought cool streakers and was soon laying naked on the floor with a girl bouncing up and down on his dick sixteen year old Mandy was in the kitchen at home when she heard her sister Amy who was four years younger than her scream and rushed to see what was wrong and saw Amy naked on the floor being pounded by a youth but before she could react Mandy had been stripped naked and was herself being pounded seventeen year old Martin who lived next door to the girls had heard Amy scream but ignored the scream half a hour afterwards he went out and saw Amy walking towards him naked and was surprised when got him on the ground and ripped his clothes off and started to ride his dick, after two hours an alert was sounded from the lab but all over town there were many naked people who were sex starved attacking other people, a state of emergency was declared extra staff were brought in to try and contain the rising problems but some did not want to be cured.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Released 2

Steve was a sixteen year lad who was not liked by many people, he was well known for having a very violent nature to him and this caused many people to be very scared of him, they stayed out of his way as best as they could, people who saw Steve walking along the road towards them would cross to the other side of the road to avoid him then cross back once he had passed by. A new boy in the town where Steve lived cracked a joke about Steve’s shaved head, Steve had not lot liked the joke and beat the boy up badly, Steve was arrested and taken to court where he was sentenced to nine months in a young offenders detention center. When Steve had been sentenced the neigbours who lived by Steve had been very happy that he was not going to be about for a while but now Steve had severed the whole of his sentence and he had been released from young offenders detention centre and was back home. Chuck who had been nick named chuck because she called everybody chuck and was twelve years of age was a Bengali girl who lived in the house next door to Steve and was sitting on the back patio when she saw through the large lounge window to his house, Steve was stood in his lounge with just a towel wrapped round his waist, chuck looked at Steve’s muscular body thinking that despite lifting weights her brother was skinny compared to Steve. As she watched Steve he suddenly moved his hands to the side of his body undid his towel and let it drop to the floor, Chuck gasped when she saw that Steve was naked and sat admiring his seven inch hairy dick that hung down in front him. It was the first time that chuck had seen a naked white boy and liked what she was seeing. Steve just stood naked with chuck admiring his dick, after five minutes chuck saw Steve’s dick twitch a few times then watched in awe as it slowly grew and stuck out straight from his body for a few minutes then after a minute continued to grow till it was fully erect at nine inches, chuck could hardly believe what she was seeing as Steve stood naked with his erection on full view then when Steve started to slowly jerk his dick chuck smiled even more than she already was and after getting more comfortable on the floor carried on watching Steve as he jerked she saw him getting faster and faster and when Steve’s knees buckled and three spurts of cum followed by two shorter one’s shot from his dick chuck thought nice very nice, after a couple of minutes Steve’s dick had started to get softer again, Steve turned left the room thinking I hope you enjoyed the site bitch next time you can do it for me and that is going to be soon.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

The Tribe

Sara was a sixteen year old girl who lived in England with her sister Amy who was four years younger than what she was, her parents were both missionaries who did a lot of work with the tribes in the jungles of Africa, when her parents were in Africa Sara wold go and stay with her Aunt so that she could keep up with her studies. Sara was now sat with her best friend July in Africa after going with her parents on one of their trips, Sara’s parents were visiting a tribe, Amy appeared and told the girls that a report had come through that a local tribe who worshiped animals had been attacked by poachers and were very angry which meant the girls needed to take extra care, the girls decided to go find Sara’s parents and set off on the walk to the village where they were as they went through the jungle Sara thought it was very quiet when suddenly a large group of tribes men came out of the dense over growth before the girls could react the tribes men had tied them up and were leading them deeper into the jungle, after a hour the group entered a village where the girls were tied to poles and left. After what seemed like hours to the girls a small group of tribes men appears girls stood backed with some girls who Sara judged to be their age the men started to chant while doing a dance then slowly more and more tribes people appeared forming circle, after ten minutes the tribes girls went to the three girls and ripped their clothes off them leaving them totally naked, the tribe girls then started to rub a liquid from stone pots on the girls body, Sara found the liquid made her body warm then after a short time she started to feel aroused she noticed that both Amy and July had erect nipples and the girl rubbing the liquid into her body pushed her fingers inside her love tube Sara found it felt good it was the first time a girl had done this to her, after ten minutes the tribe, Sara was now feeling extremely horny she had never felt as horny as she was feeling before, the three girls were then taken into the centre of the circle and tied spread eagle to stakes, the tribes men and women were now all dancing and chanting then after ten minutes stopped and all fell to their knees Sara saw that they were worshiping some boars, one boar was brought forward and placed in front of Amy then released as soon it had been released it started to lick Amy’s body, Sara watched as the boar licked her sisters love tube then after a few minutes saw the boar’s dick slide into Amy’s love tube and it started to hump her, the other boars were released and soon both Sara and July were having their bodies licked by the boars, Sara felt a boar dick slide into her love tube and start to hump her but she was feeling so horny that she did not care it was a boar humping her it felt good and she was enjoying it then she felt a dick push into her mouth and start to hump it after few minutes Sara climaxed then felt the dick in her mouth twitch and her mouth filled with a warm sticky mess which Sara realised was boar sperm, the tribe people danced and chanted as the boars humped the love tubes and mouths of the three white girls who had lost count of how many times they had climaxed, after a hour the boars were taken away the girls were then bent over a long pole then after a few minutes each of the girls had a boar humping their backsides and their mouths, after three days with little rest the girls had been humped by boars countless times and were laying in a hut when they heard a lot of shouting and gunfire, Sara heard a voice say in here then felt herself being lifted after a week the three girls were in a English hospital recovering they were then taken to a home to receive further treatment then after a month the girls were all back home in the small village where they lived, After a few days just after the farmer had gone home for the evening the three girls were walking naked into the pig style smiling as they did.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

My First Time Cyber ;-)

I always thought bad about net sex. You know without web cams and you are just chatting? That kind of sex. Actually, you see I’m a virgin (girl) and my only encounter with anything sexual is only via web. It’s not that I’m ugly- please. It’s quite opposite of that. I just haven’t found anyone like that. Anyways, I’ll start telling you about my very memorable first chatroom sex.

Maaya The Dog Lover Girl

This is the story of one of my childhood friend who loves dog and she owned 3 dogs of different families. She always keep posting pictures with her dogs and this made me interest to buy a pet dog for me as she was so much into pet I asked her to come with me while I go to market to purchase. She took me to the best pet shop and we were checking on dogs. I was prefering small fury dogs but Maaya will check and will say no this a female dog do take a male. After a check I stoped her as I feeling unsure about having a pet after seeing the untidy floor and the foul smell from the shop. Maaya tried to motivate me but I asked her little more time to think then what she said shocked me. She said “baby you even don’t need a boyfriend when you have a dog he’ll satisfy you”. I was shocked and confused listening her she asked me then to go to her flat where she lives alone as her parents work abroad. I said ok lets go as I want to spend some time with pets and fix my mind.

Adventure Walks

I was visiting my aunt; my mother’s youngest sister, during the summer vacation. She is an engineer in one of the IT companies and many times she has to be visiting different towns for her work. After about a week she told me that she will be going out for two weeks and if I would be interested in accompanying her. It was an opportunity for me to see the new places, so I immediately agreed and we were in this small town accommodated at the company guest house on the outskirts of the town.

Mom son travel during lockdown

Hii guys I am Steve, 20year old lives in Bangalore about myself I am 6.2feet tall with a 7inch thick dick, brown guy currently doing my BTech, we are a family of 5 members me my 2 brothers and mom dad, I am the eldest one, telling about my mom she is Sara who is a teacher, she is a37-year-old chubby women with medium-large boobs and sexy big ass.

Am I Cheater?

My friends it happened a long time ago and would like to share with you my feelings, sorrows and wishes. Hope you will give me your feedback. I am happily married, live in the city with my husband yet my sons have not come to this world. My husband works for a company and he has to go to other cities for company business. Whenever he goes on a business tour, I stay alone in the house. The 1st and 2nd time I was scared of being alone but after that accepted the reality and stayed home without any worries. But 2 years ago when my husband left for a business tour and I went to bed as usual and went into a sound sleep. But in the middle of the night I felt someone in bed and his hands were caressing my body First I thought it was my husband but soon I remembered he was not in town. I got scared and tried to push him away but he caught my hands and climbed on me. I recognized him, I knew this guy since we moved to town. I always felt lust in his eyes for me and hated him. I never talked to him or made any kind of contact with him or family (Parents) He was just neighbor about 30 years old and that night he held me in his strong arms I tried to escape but he was really strong young guy. I was wearing only my nighty. I usually sleep without bra and panty in the night. He gripped my hands in his one hand and sat between my legs, tore my nighty with the other hand. I tried to use my legs to push him away but it was useless. He held his manhood and entered me with force and single thrust. I cried in pain but he put his hand over my mouth. He never spoke a word to me all the time and he started to ram me in and out without any mercy. His manhood was not bigger than my husband but it was fatter than him. I felt a lot of pain because I was not lubricated or ready for this. His strokes were hurting me and after a few minutes he released in me and fell on me, I pushed him away and this time he fell down on the floor. I was not in my senses and kept lying there in bed naked saying no word to him. He stood up, took his shorts and left without saying a word. It was a terrible situation for me. I hardly went door to door and locked from inside. Maybe I forgot to lock last night and he got a chance to enter the house. I should call police and report of rape but I thought first call to my husband and it up to him to handle this but I was messed up and wanted to wash me up before call him. I took myself to the bathroom and tried to wash myself. There were a lot of bruises on my whole body. My pussy got hurt and her lips were swollen. I stood under warm water and took shower. Meanwhile, I kept thinking about this incident. I decided to complain against him with his parents and make case in police. I was sitting in the bathtub and the whole story was running in my mind as film. I started to feel a little bit better and kinda like what happened to me. My husband is very kind to me and good in love making too but tonight what happened it was different and it took me to think about differences. My husband is very romantic and in love making he always very caring and kind to me and I always appreciate his behavior but this night it was something else as I came to know a new reality about my needs. I started to think about uninvited guest and his way of love making. I was very mad on him when he did and rape me and was ready to complain against him but now as thought deeply my feeling against him started to change in sympathy. In the past his gazing at me with lustful eyes told me that he may be helpless and he did bad but he has no choice…… I felt a very sweet feeling about the poor guy and touched my pussy which looked very pleased. I felt that tonight I got something which one I missed in my sexual life. I was satisfied and happy with my husband in my bed but always I felt something I needed was missing. Now after this incident I realized that it was an unexpected thrust that I was missing. Yes fellows That his first thrust which I thought tore my pussy`s wall was my need. I touched the lips of my pussy and it felt really very comfortable. In my mind a wave of thinking came that I may get a chance coming night and in future trips of my hubby. I resisted myself and decided to just keep silent and not complain but tried to stay away from him……. But after evening I changed my mind and made sure that door was not locked. I slept even naked, but he did not visit. The next day my hubby came back from his trip….. I did not tell him what happened but I felt very bad cause that night I should not have kept door open for him. Even though he never came back but still I feel that I tried to cheat my husband. Am I a cheater, let me know my friends……… I think cheating is not only when we make love to someone other than our husband / wife but also if we try to get a chance it is also cheating.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Gambian Holiday 2

This is the first time that I have told what I got my wife to do on our last holiday. My wife Carol is 32yrs old, she is a petite 5’2 and is only 115lbs with shoulder length auburn hair and deep blue eyes. I am your average guy 5’9 and around 160lbs and I have just turned 38. We had booked a 3 week holiday in The Gambia leaving our 2 girls with their grandparents.

Meri Biwi Sex Addict Kesay Banni (Part 6)

dosto jese pichlay part ma na btaya k kis trha asad aur maham subbha 10 bje k qarebb bahr aye aur apni jago pa let gae. Ma dosri trf mu kr k leta hua tha, meri ankhay band thi par soya nahi ja raha tha. Mjhe in dono ki whisper krne ki awazay bhi arahi thi. Ma na bbht ghor kr k sunnay ki koshish ki lekin kch sunai nahi diya. Ab is wqt tk ma ghussay ma araha tha, meri apni biwi aur mera dost ek dosrey k qarebb arahe thay. Maham ye baat janti thi k wo ye sab agr mjhe btae gi to ma use roknay k bjae us k sath enjoy kru ga, lekin ma heraan tha k us na mjhe in sab ma include krna zroori nahi smjha. Mjhe Asad pa ziada ghussa araha tha jo meri khoobsurat biwi ko betahasha chod chuka tha. Yehi soch mere zehn ma ghoom rahi thi k maham uth kr toilet chali gai. Ab ma soch raha tha k maham k sath baat kru, kia pata maham mjhe sab kch khud bta dey aur ham aj raat threesome kr k is qisay ko hamesha k liye khatam kr day. Ma isi soch ma gum tha k mera phone bajnay laga. Ma phone uthanay k liye utha to Asad foran blanket ma lipat kr sonay ka dikhawa krne laga. Ma na use dekha aur phone pa baat krne laga. Phone meray office se meray boss ka tha. Mera boss mjhe zroori kaam pa office anay par majboor krne laga aur mere bht mana k bbawajud us na mjhe office anay par raazi kia.

Jawani ki jawaalamukhi – 1

Sab se pahale kahani der se dene ke liye aap sabhi se maafi chahta hun…. asal me doston aap bhi jaante hai mai chhoti chhoti aur kalpna waali kahani likh kar top author me naam top par nahi lana chahta meri kahani sacchi ho aur kahani padh kar aap bore feeling na karo isliye mai sacchi daastan likhta hun jis vajah se der ho hi jaati hai…..

Mitrachi aai ani mi (part 2)

Tar magchya bhagat apan pahil ki mi kasa kaku la zavlo ata pudhe….! sakal zaleli mi uthlo tar pahile tar kakucha lahan mulga shalet jaila avarat hota ani kaku tycha daba bharat hotya mi uthlo mla kaku ni pahil ani ” mhntlya uth ata surya dokyvar alay angholila ja ani naughty smile dili ” kaku lavkar uthaichya ani anghol karun kam karaichya tyncha kaku ni goun ghatla hota mi chupchap angholia gelo anghol karun baher alo ani kapde ghatle mi shorts ani t shirt ghatle mitra che karan tychi ani mazi size ani height jara jara same hoti jevha mi kapde ghalun baher alo tevha. Kakucha lahan mulga shalet gela hota. kaku bhaji chirat hotya mla mhtlya chah ghe mi chah pit kitchen vatyavar baslo ky bolv ya vichart astna kaku ch mhntlya ” kalpasun khup thaklela distoy yacha adhi tas kadhi ky kel nahi vatat tu ani haslya ” mi maskrit mhnalo ” tas mhnje ” kaku mhntlya ” tas mhnje tas ” kaku na ” mi mhantlo mi ajibaat damlo nahi ” ani mi kharch damlo nhvto kaku mla ukasoun det hotya. Kaku mhntlya ” jara re ani haslya ” mla rag ala ani mhantlo ” ata kalal ch tumhla mi damlo ki nahi ani uthlo kaku na phirvl ani kiss karaila laglo mmmmmm kiss chalu hotn kaku na pn tech pahije hotn kaku kiss sodun mhntlya ” ” aree jara thmb tari ” mi nhvto tyncha aiknar mi kahi nahi bollo ani kiss karaila laglo kiss karta karta goun chya varun ch Ball dabaila laglo khup jorat dabat hoto manuke chimtine odhat hoto nanter tila purn nagda kela ani mi pn nagda zalo ani tila bulla chokaila lavla kaku mmmummm karun bulla chokat hoti.. Amhi kitchen vatya shekari ubha rahun he sagl karat hoto nanter 5, 6 minute chokylvar ti ubhi rahil mag mi dava ball chokat hoto ujwa ball dabat hoto ani ek bot puchhit hoto tichya puchhit bot aat baher karaila laglo ti khup kanht hoti aaaaaaaaaummmmm dddddiiiippakkkk aaaaaiiiiiggggg karat hoti mag mi tasch maza bulla tichya puchhit ghatla ani zavaila laglo khup jor jorat zavat hoto kitchen vattyala lagun tine mazhyakde tond kelte ani mi tichya kade tond karun maza bulla ticchya puchhit ghalat hoto mi dhannnnnddhannn danke det hoto ti kanhat hoti aaaaaaiaaaaigggggg mamamzhya rrrrrrajjjjaaa haaaalu haaalu mi ticha tasch ek pay var uchalala ani jor jorat zavaila laglo dhhhaaannn annnn ani ti ummmmmmaaaa aaaaigggggf uuuuiiffffff karat hoti 10 minute zavailyvar pay sodla pn bulla baher nhvta kadhla mag mi jagaver ubha rahilo ani ti mage kitchen vatyvar don hath theoun pudhe mage karaila lagli ti sudhha jorat pudhe mage hoti hoti…… Aakhya gharat amhi zavaicha awaj yet hota khup vel as position madhe zoun zalayvar tila bedroom madhe gheoun gelo ani tila zopvli ani tichyvar chadlo ani danke daila laglo jorat kaaku aaahhhhhhhhhahhhhhhafgggggggggaaaaiiiiimeeeeeleeeeee karat hoti tila nanter pihrvla doggystyle kaku la mhntlo gandit ghalto kaku mhnali ” nako kadhi kakani nahi ghatla nahi yaat ” mi nhvto aiknar mi ho mhntla pn Ekdum gandit bulla ghatla kaku khup jorat ordli kaddddhhhhhh dipppakkkk nakkkkkkko khuuuppp dukhaaat aaaaahe kkkkkkuuuppp aaaaaaaa iiiiigggggg tichi gand tight hoti maza bulla gandit adkalyagatch zala tari mi gaand la thokke Marilla laglo ti radaila lagl iii mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaa pn nanter tila pn maja yaila lagli 10, 12 minute tichi gaand marat hoto gaand maratna ball pn dabat hoto nanter kaku la uthlvl ani zaplo ti mazhya bullyvar basli aani udya mariala lagli dhannnnnnnn khup maaajja yet hotii udya speed wadhla khalun mi sudhha jorat dhakke daila lagllo bullya che ti mhntli mi jdhnar ahe mi sudhha jhdnnar hoto amhi doghni speed vadhvla kaku aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii diiiipaakkkkkkk yetoyyy. Zaaavvvvvvvvvv zaaaaaav aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiii aaaaaaaaiiiiii ala ala baher mi sudhha jdhlo ticha ani maza chik mix zalata ani tichya pucchi varun mazhya bullyachya var Alta tine sarv chatla tydivshi tila mi dupari sudhha zavloThis content appeared first on new sex story .com

My wife’s friend came to stay with us for one week!

My wife’s friend Virthi came from her city for applying for a job and stayed in our house for week. She is not that very attractive but I have some kind of a “dry-love” in her; which means I got to be with her and fuck-her-feeling without no reason. My wife asked me to take her for the interview that day and brought her back. I used to say to my wife jokingly “Virthi is my girl-friend etc.”; I didn’t know whether wife told her or not. I was not flirting with her or nothing at all.

Old School

The school was five years old, it was built after an accident in the science lab of the old school had released very toxic gas into the ventilation system of the school this resulted in the death of quite a few staff and students. After an investigation that lasted quite a few months the old school had been boarded up and the new one built. Stories started to go around about ghosts of the dead roaming round the school not many people believed the stories saying they were rubbish and fake, The old school was put out of bounds but some students at the new school wanted to go inside and have a look around. One Friday after school had closed sixteen year old Sara lead a group of students into the old school after forcing boards off one of the windows, Sixteen year old Steve the school bully went along on the trip hoping to be able to pull Sara, after the group had been in the building a short while one of the younger girls commented on how cold it was and that it felt spooky, the group arrived outside the science lab where the accident had taken place, Steve was in the lead when he felt something tugging at his jacket be could not see anything but the other students suddenly felt themselves being held tight by the arms and unable to move, and when Steve’s jacket suddenly lifted off his body someone in the group shouted ” ghosts” the group started to scream but fell silent when Steve’s trousers fell to the floor and his shirt appear to undo on it’s own and lift off his body, Steve’s underwear suddenly slid down his legs to his ankles the remaining group members gasped as Steve’s seven inch hairy dick came into view, and when Sue’s clothes started to be undone and removed the group watched and when she was naked there were smiles from the younger boys, Steve looked at Sara admiring her naked boobs and love tube and quickly got a nine inch erection, then slowly the remaining four boys who were all two years younger that Steve and Sara lost all their clothes and stood naked with full erections, the two remaining girls who were four years younger than Steve were also soon naked, the group saw their clothes suddenly float into the air and float away, Steve felt something wrap round his dick and start jerking it the other boys then felt the same happen to them while the girls felt something slide into their moist love tubes and start to thrust in and out, it was not long before each of the boys had squirted their cum and the girls climaxed. When old Tom the caretaker did his rounds he saw the board had been pulled off the window and after his tools put it back on thinking bloody vandals, Despite a massive search and investigation by the police the missing students were never found, Tom never thought of reporting the board off the window so the old school was never searched, Tom did his nightly checks and on more than one occassion thought he heard groans of pleasure from the old school for a week till they got quieter then stopped completely. Four boys from the school were out side the old school trying to find a way in and later that night Tom was putting the board back on the window and was sure that he could groans and someone say I am going to spunk up coming from inside the building.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

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