The Tribe

Sara was a sixteen year old girl who lived in England with her sister Amy who was four years younger than what she was, her parents were both missionaries who did a lot of work with the tribes in the jungles of Africa, when her parents were in Africa Sara wold go and stay with her Aunt so that she could keep up with her studies. Sara was now sat with her best friend July in Africa after going with her parents on one of their trips, Sara’s parents were visiting a tribe, Amy appeared and told the girls that a report had come through that a local tribe who worshiped animals had been attacked by poachers and were very angry which meant the girls needed to take extra care, the girls decided to go find Sara’s parents and set off on the walk to the village where they were as they went through the jungle Sara thought it was very quiet when suddenly a large group of tribes men came out of the dense over growth before the girls could react the tribes men had tied them up and were leading them deeper into the jungle, after a hour the group entered a village where the girls were tied to poles and left. After what seemed like hours to the girls a small group of tribes men appears girls stood backed with some girls who Sara judged to be their age the men started to chant while doing a dance then slowly more and more tribes people appeared forming circle, after ten minutes the tribes girls went to the three girls and ripped their clothes off them leaving them totally naked, the tribe girls then started to rub a liquid from stone pots on the girls body, Sara found the liquid made her body warm then after a short time she started to feel aroused she noticed that both Amy and July had erect nipples and the girl rubbing the liquid into her body pushed her fingers inside her love tube Sara found it felt good it was the first time a girl had done this to her, after ten minutes the tribe, Sara was now feeling extremely horny she had never felt as horny as she was feeling before, the three girls were then taken into the centre of the circle and tied spread eagle to stakes, the tribes men and women were now all dancing and chanting then after ten minutes stopped and all fell to their knees Sara saw that they were worshiping some boars, one boar was brought forward and placed in front of Amy then released as soon it had been released it started to lick Amy’s body, Sara watched as the boar licked her sisters love tube then after a few minutes saw the boar’s dick slide into Amy’s love tube and it started to hump her, the other boars were released and soon both Sara and July were having their bodies licked by the boars, Sara felt a boar dick slide into her love tube and start to hump her but she was feeling so horny that she did not care it was a boar humping her it felt good and she was enjoying it then she felt a dick push into her mouth and start to hump it after few minutes Sara climaxed then felt the dick in her mouth twitch and her mouth filled with a warm sticky mess which Sara realised was boar sperm, the tribe people danced and chanted as the boars humped the love tubes and mouths of the three white girls who had lost count of how many times they had climaxed, after a hour the boars were taken away the girls were then bent over a long pole then after a few minutes each of the girls had a boar humping their backsides and their mouths, after three days with little rest the girls had been humped by boars countless times and were laying in a hut when they heard a lot of shouting and gunfire, Sara heard a voice say in here then felt herself being lifted after a week the three girls were in a English hospital recovering they were then taken to a home to receive further treatment then after a month the girls were all back home in the small village where they lived, After a few days just after the farmer had gone home for the evening the three girls were walking naked into the pig style smiling as they did.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

How I began to be a Cuckold – Part 1

Funny how things start. My wife, Donna, and I have been married for 26 years. We met in college and dated on and off, sometimes serious, then we would move away, date others, then we got back together in our later 20’s and married. We’ve been happy and raised two great kids. Our kids are both out of the house now. One graduated and is employed and the other finishing up her 4th year of college.

قاری صاحب نے امی کو چودا

ہیلو دوستو کیسے ہیں. میرا نام یاسر ہے اور میں راولپنڈی سیٹلائیٹ ٹاؤن میں رہتا ہوں. میرے گھر میں ایک قاری صاحب سپارہ پڑھانے آتے تھے جنکا نام قاری معاویہ تھا. میں اور میرے چھوٹے بھائی سپارہ پڑھتے تھے اور اس لیے ماں نے قاری معاویہ کو کہا کہ گھر میں آکر سپارہ پڑھا دیا کریں. میں نے نوٹ کیا قاری معاویہ میری امی کا نام نسرین بییبی لے کر بلاتا تھا. قاری صاحب کی عمر 55 سال کے قریب تھی. میری ماں بھی کبھی کبھی قاری صاحب سے مسائل پوچھتی رہتی تھی.

मामाचा लहान मामा 1

पहाटेच एका काकांसोबत त्यांच्या चारचाकीमधे निकीता आणि तिची आई ठाण्याहून निघाले. आई आणि काकूंच्या गप्पा रंगल्या होत्या. काका सकाळी सकाळी भक्तीगीत ऐकत गाडी चालवत होते. त्या गाण्यांमुळे निकीता जास्तच पेंगुळली. पण मनात रुपेश मामाला भेटायची इच्छा होती. तो आता कसा दिसत असेल म्हणून रात्री तिने फेसबुकवर त्याला सर्च केलं. तो चांगला धष्टपुष्ट झाला होता. त्याचे फोटो बघून निकीता हरखून गेली. नकळत तिचा हात तिच्या छातीवर फिरू लागला होता. फोटो बघत असताना त्याचे लग्नातले फोटोपण दिसले. त्याच्या बायकोला बघून तिने उगीच नाक मुरडलं! परत रूपेशमामाचे फोटो बघू लागली. पूर्ण रात्र तिने कल्पना केली कि ती रुपेशमामासोबत त्याच शेतातल्या खोलीत आहे. तिची त्या रात्री चड्डी ओली झाली होती.

चचेरी बहन ने बदला जीवन भाग 3

बबिता बाहर बैठी सब्जियां काट रही थी मुझे देखते ही चहक कर मुस्कुराते हुए बोली गुड मॉर्निंग भैया उठ गए मैंने उलझन में उसे देखते हुए कहा गुड मॉर्निंग और बाथरूम की तरफ जाने लगा तो बबिता तेजी से उठ कर मेरे पास आई और मेरा हाथ पकड़ कर मेरे कान में फुसफुसा कर बोली एक मिनट मेरे कमरे में आइये और मेरा हाथ पकड़े हुए मुझे लगभग खींचते हुए अपने कमरे में ले आयी और मेरी आँखों मे देखते हुए शरारत से बोली भैया वो फ़ोन के बारे में अम्मा या बाबूजी को मत बोलना प्लीज मैंने बड़ी मुश्किल से खरीदा है पैसे जोड़ जोड़ के अम्मा पहले मेरा एक फ़ोन तोड़ कर फेंक चुकी हैं….., अब मेरी जान में जान आयी कि मामला गंभीर नही है सब कुछ नार्मल ही है मैंने कहा एकदम निश्चिंत रहो मैं किसी से कुछ नही बताने वाला ना फ़ोन के बारे में ना ही उन वीडियोस के बारे में और हां थोड़े पैसे आते ही मैं एक अच्छा सा फ़ोन ले लूंगा जो कि तुम्हारा ही होगा पर बबिता तुम भी किसी से कुछ मत बताना कल रात जो मैंने तुम्हारी पैंटी के साथ किया ये सुन कर उसकी नजरें झुक गयी और वो धीरे से बोली मैंने वो धो कर सुखाने डाल दी है और आप न कहते तो भी मैं किसी को कुछ न बताती अब आप जाओ और जल्दी से तैयार हो जाओ वैसे ही आप देर से उठे हो आज फिर मैं फटाफट नहा धो कर नाश्ता कर के चाचा के साथ काम पर आ गया और आज फिर सारा दिन दिल लगा कर मैंने काम सीखा दोपहर में लंच टाइम में सुपरवाइजर सक्सेना मेरे पास आया और बोला संजय मेरे एक दोस्त की भी दो साइट में काम शुरू होने वाला है अगर कुछ और लड़कों का प्रबंध हो जाये तो कर लो पर लड़के अपने जैसे ही होशियार और मेहनती लाना फिर वो बोला नए लड़को को लाने वाले को हम 10% कमीशन देते हैं देख लो अगर दो तीन लड़के लगा दोगे तो महीने के 15000 तक ऐसे ही कमा लोगे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर गांव में 10-12 लड़के हैं जो काम की तलाश में हैं मैं एक दो दिन में बात कर के बुलवाता हूँ उन्हें सक्सेना ने कहा ठीक है 600 रुपये रोज के और खाने का इंतजाम मेरी तरफ से होता है वैसे तो 700 मिलते हैं लेबर को पर 100 मेरा कमीशन होता है बाकी तुम जितने में उन्हें सेट कर लो वो तुम देख लो अब हमारे गांव की तरफ तो लेबर को 300-350 ही मिलता है वो भी काम मिले ना मिले कोई ठिकाना नही यहां तो अच्छे खासे पैसे मिल रहे थे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर मैं कल ही लड़के बुलवा देता हूँ पर आप उन्हें 500 ही पेमेंट बताना लेकिन उनके रहने का इंतजाम करना होगा ये सुन कर सक्सेना बोला यार यही इसी साइट पर रह लेंगे अभी तो 3-4 महीने काम चल ही रहा है यहां इतने कमरे बने हैं जैसे बाकी लेबर रहते हैं वो भी रह लेंगे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर मेरी बात सुन कर सक्सेना बोला संजय तुम्हारे चाचा से अब ज्यादा काम होता नही वो तो मेरे पुराने जानने वाले हैं और मेरी सभी साइट्स पर उन्होंने ही काम किया है इस वजह से मैं उन्हें मना नही कर पाता पर अब मैं उनके काम से ज्यादा खुश नही हूँ पर कल तुम्हारा काम देख कर मुझे लगा कि उनकी कमी तुम पूरी कर सकते हो मेरी बात गौर से सुनो मैं जिस कंपनी में काम करता हूँ इसके दो चार प्रोजेक्ट हर टाइम चलते रहते हैं काम की कमी नही है और न ही पैसे की बस मेरी बातें मानते रहो समझते रहो और पैसा छापते रहो…. मैंने कहा श्योर सर मैं अपनी तरफ से आपको कभी शिकायत का मौका नही दूंगा और काम के लिए मैं हमेशा हाजिर हूँ पर मुझे यहां चाचा ही ले कर आये हैं सो आप उन्हें काम से मत हटाना उनके काम की कमी मैं पूरी कर दूंगा आप निश्चिंत रहिये उसने खुश हो कर मेरी पीठ थपथपाई और बोला मैं पहली नजर में जान गया था तुम कामके आदमी हो और अच्छे इंसान भी अपने चाचा के प्रति तुम्हारी सोच बहोत अच्छी है देखना एक दिन तुम बहोत तरक्की करोगे….. मैंने बस हाथ जोड़ कर कहा सर आपका आशीर्वाद बना रहे बस उसने कहा अपना फ़ोन नंबर दे दो मुझे मैंने ना जाने क्यों झूठ बोल दिया कि मेरे पास फोन नही है वो अज
ीब से नजरो से मुझे देखते हुए बोला आज एक जमाने मे बिना फ़ोन के कौन रहता है यार मैंने कहा सर मैं गांव से हूं गरीब परिवार से अभी कल से ही काम शुरू किया है पैसे आते ही फ़ोन लेना है सक्सेना ने कहा शाम को काम खत्म कर के मुझसे मिल कर जाना मैंने कहा ok सर और फिर वो चला गया और मैं चाचा के साथ काम पर जुट गया उस दिन हमने साढ़े छह तक काम किया और दो बाथरूम और एक किचेन की फिटिंग कम्पलीट कर दी और फिर हाथ मुह धो कर कपड़े बदल कर हम नीचे आ गए सक्सेना अपने केबिन के बाहर खड़ा लेबर को पैसे बांट रहा था मैं जा कर पास में खड़ा हो गया उसने मुझे देखा और अपने काम से फुर्सत हो कर कहा एक काम और कर पाओगे मैंने कहा जी सर बताइए वो बोले कल से दिन भर अपना काम करने कर बाद शाम को ठीक 6 बजे यही आ कर सारे लेबर को पैसे देने होंगे….. कल से एक और साइट का नया काम शुरू हो रहा है तो कुछ दिन मैं उधर व्यस्त रहूंगा और ये जिम्मेवारी का काम है हर किसी को नही कह सकता मैंने कहा लेकिन सर मैं तो नया हूँ अभी आप मुझे ठीक से जानते भी नही उसने कहा जानने के लिए 10 मिनट बहोत होते हैं बेटे और ना जानने के लिए पूरी जिंदगी भी कम फिर उसने एक सिगरेट सुलगाई और धुंवा उगलते हुए बोला संजय मैंने भी ऐसे ही एक साइट पर मजदूरी करने से अपना जीवन शुरू किया था पर मेहनत और ईमानदारी ने मुझे आज सब कुछ दिया है इस साइट की वैल्यू 750 करोड़ है और ऐसी 4 साइट मेरे अंडर हैं एक लाख मेरी सैलेरी है बंगला गाड़ी सब मुझे कंपनी ने दे रखा है ईमानदारी से बेईमानी कर के तीन चार लाख और कमा लेता हूँ और क्या चाहिए मैंने कहा ठीक है सर आप एक बार काम समझा दीजिये बस उन्होंने कहा अंदर आओ और केबिन में चले गए पीछे पीछे मैं भी आ गया ये एक एयरकंडीशनर कमरा था जिसमे एक टेबल और एक लेदर कुर्सी लगी हुई थी सामने एक सोफा पड़ा था ac की ठंडक मुझे बड़ी अच्छी लगी और दिन भर की थकान मिटने लगी पीछे की दीवार के साथ एक बड़ी अलमारी खड़ी थी उसे सक्सेना ने खोला और अंदर से एक और चाभी निकाल कर लाकर खोला अंदर दो हजार और 5 सौ के नोटो की गड्डियां भरी पड़ी थी सक्सेना ने कहा ये पैसा पड़ा है और ये रहा रजिस्टर इस पर हर एक लेबर का नाम दर्ज है और उसका कोड नंबर उसके साथ ही सामने इस कॉलम में उसे दी जाने वाली मजदूरी की रकम दर्ज की जाती है और इस आखिरी कॉलम में उनके दस्तखत या अंगूठे के निशान कल से तुम्हे इसी केबिन के बाहर उन सब को पेमेंट करनी है और उनके साइन ले कर बचा हुआ कैश और रजिस्टर वापस यही रख देना है और इस काम के लिए तुम्हे 8000 सैलेरी मिलेगी अलग से मैंने कहा जरूर सर ये तो आसान काम है और मुझे पैसों की जरूरत भी है इस टाइम फिर सक्सेना ने उस अलमारी में से ढूंढ कर एक मोबाइल फ़ोन निकाला ये एक एक रेडमी का 18000 रेंज का इस्तेमाल किया हुआ मोबाइल था उसने उसे ऑन किया तो वो ऑन हो गया और उसने वो मोबाइल मुझे पकड़ाते हुए कहा ये लो संजय बेटा स्मार्टफोन और कल से एकदम स्मार्ट बन जाओ ये मेरा ही फ़ोन है मैंने पिछले महीने नया ले लिया तो ये फालतू पड़ा हुआ है मैंने कहा सर कल से क्यों आज से ही और फिर सक्सेना ने अपने जेब से हजार रुपये निकाल कर मुझे दिए और बोला इसका चार्जर नही है मेरे पास ले लेना और सिम डाल कर रिचार्ज करवा लेना कल से इस साइट की काफी हद तक जिम्मेवारी तुम पर रहेगी कोई समस्या हो तो मेरे नंबर पर कांटेक्ट कर लेना मैं अब अगले हफ्ते ही यहां आऊंगा मैंने कहा ok सर फ़ोन के लिए thanks……

Megans Secret

Bridget stood in the middle of her daughters room naked, she looked around. Her husband was fucking her daughter, she smiled. She reached back into the wardrobe pulling out the tin. She sat down and opened it up. She pulled out her diary again and opened it. She read it again smiling, she picked up the baby doll again and the knickers, again smelling her daughters scent. She felt naughty smelling her daughters underwear.

Risky Fucking…

मैं ऑफिस से घर गया तो मम्मी रानी से कुछ बातें कर रहे थी मैं जाकर बैठ गया तो मम्मी ने मेरी शादी की बात छेड़ी, और एक लड़की की फोटो दिखाई मुझे पसंद नहीं आई तो बात वहीँ खत्म हो गई, थोड़ी देर में रानी ऑफिस में आई ” साहिल शादी कर लो, उनका ठीक है ” मैंने उसे छेड़ते हुए ” तुम्हारे होते हुए मुझे किसी और की क्या ज़रुरत है ” वो मुड़ के जाने लगी ” टाइम मिले तो स्टोर में आ जाना ” मैं घर गया मम्मी पापा खाना खा कर आराम कर रहे थे, मैं स्टोर में गया, कोई नहीं था मैं जाकर बैठ गया ” क्यों बुलाया ” वो मुस्कुराई ” सोचा कुछ सेवा कर दू, पता नहीं और कितने दिनों का साथ है ” उसने मुझे खड़ा किया और मेरी पेंट खोलने लगी, वो नीचे बैठ गई और मेरे लटके हुए लण्ड को पकड़ा और टोपे को चूसने लगी, मैं घबरा रहा था ” रानी कोई आ ना जाए, फस जाएंगे ” वो ऊपर देख कर मुस्कुराई ” तुम जल्दी खड़ा करो ” और फिर चूसने लगी, एक अजीब सी उत्तेजना हो रही थी और लण्ड खड़ा होने लगा उसने लण्ड गीला और खड़ा कर दिया और उसने अपनी सलवार उतार दी और घोड़ी बन गई ” जल्दी से सवार हो जाओ मेरे राजा ” मैंने जल्दी से लण्ड उसकी चूत में लगाया और घुसा दिया ” रानी इतना रिस्क क्यों ले रही हो आज ” वो हांफ रही थी ” अहह हह हह कभी कभी ऐसे करने में मज़ा आता है ” मैं उसकी चौड़ी कमर पकड़ कर चोदने लगा और लण्ड उसकी गर्म चूत में आगे पीछे करने लगा, डर भी लग रहा था और मज़ा भी आ रहा था, वो हाथ पीछे बड़ा के मेरे गोलियों से खेल रही थी, उसकी चूत मेरे लण्ड पे कसने लगी और वो आहे भरने लगी ” अह्ह्ह हहहह साहिल बस मेरा होने वाला तुम भी जल्दी करो, मैं झटके तेज़ कर दिया और वो झड़ने लगी और कांपने लगी, मैं भी झड़ने वाला था ” रानी मेरे होने वाला है ” उसने मझे रोक दिया ” रुको मैं करती हूँ ” उसने मुझे खड़ा कर दिया लण्ड को मुँह में लेकर चूसने लगी, और मुझे अपने मुँह में झाड़ दिया और सारा का सारा माल पी लिया, और लण्ड को तब ताका चूसती रही जब तक वो नरम नहीं पड़ गया, मैंने कपड़े ठीक किये उसने मुझे आवाज़ दी ” साहिल पूनम के लड़की हुई है ” मैं मुस्कुराया ” अच्छी बात है ” और ऑफिस चला गया….This content appeared first on new sex story .com

E-Mail Sex Slave

This story is based loosely on fact. While I am not a 19 year old college student, I did have a relationship with a Dom by e-mail and I did do a lot of the stuff in the story. I just have not become quite the slut described in the story. This e-mail relationship did cause me to be much more open to opportunistic sex and, while not subjugating myself to men completely, have become much more conscious of making sex as pleasurable as possible for my partner, male or female. It has also enhanced my exhibitionist tendencies and allowed me to feel pleasure wearing revealing clothing, and discretely exposing myself, in public. Now, to the story:

How I became a whore for animal cock

I was working the nightshift at the social care farm where I’d been working for the past year. I am a 20 year old well shaped girl, long blond hair and people tell me I’m real pretty. I was quietly reading a magazine in the living room, when suddenly Pete, one of our clients rushed in shouting that something was wrong with one of the horses. Of course I immediately got up and followed him to the stables. As soon as we entered the stables I heard the door slam shut behind me and Pete turned around with that smirk on his face that I’d seen so often before and that said that what he’d really like to do is rip my clothes off and fuck me. I looked behind me and saw that Hank and Billy were standing there in front of the closed door. “Shit, now what”, was what went through my head. The answer came immediately as Pete grabbed me, and Hank and Billy started ripping off my dress. I screamed at them to stop, but they just laughed and threw my ripped dress behind them. Then they tore off my bra and panties and I was completely naked and at the mercy of three lightly mentally handicapped males of about 25 years old.

Sisters Boyfriend

Steve was a well known sixteen year old thug who many people did not like or trust and would do their very best to avoid him if they saw him in the street they would cross the road or turn back to avoid him, there were many residents of the small English coastal town where Steve lived wished that he would leave town and go and live some where else, Steve had been dating Sharon for just over a year, Sharon’s parents did not approve of their daughter dating Steve and had tried to talk Sharon into dumping Steve and finding a different boy friend but Sharon would not dump Steve and continued to date Steve. Sharon’s sister Sara who was two years younger than what Sharon was supported her sister saying it was up to Sharon who she dated. It was late one afternoon when Sara was cutting through the abandoned scrap yard as she walked home from school when she saw Steve’s bike laying on the ground near to the old office, Sara walked towards the office as she did she saw Jane who was her sisters best friend come out of the office doing her blouse up as she did, Sara could see that Jane had a glazed look in her eyes, Jane did not see Sara who walked to the office went in and saw Steve doing his jeans up and not wearing his tee shirt, Sara realised that Steve and Jane had been having sex, Sara looked at Steve and said to him you have been cheating on Sharon you have been banging Jane ” Steve looked at Sara and said ” wow your clever are you jealous do you want some of my cock as well ” as he spoke Steve stopped doing his jeans up, Sara said your with my sister ” Steve lowered his zip and pulled his dick out, Sara looked at Steve’s seven inch dick as he walked towards her when he got to her Steve cupped Sara’s boobs saying ” come on your sister will not know ” Sara said ” it would be wrong ” as she spoke Sara saw Steve’s dick rise to a nine inch erection, Steve started to unbutton Sara’s blouse as he did Sara said ” it would be wrong ” Steve had Sara’s blouse fully open and pulled her bra open and started to massage her ample boobs saying who needs to know as he did, Steve started to lick and suck on Sara’s nipples and raising her skirts as he did, Sara mumbled ” we should not be doing this ” as she spoke Steve guided Sara over to an old table an gently lay her on it then pulled her panties down and off then bent forward and started to lick her love tube, Sara was soon breathing heavy as Steve gently squeezed her erect nipples while licking her love tube, after a few minutes Steve stood up pulled Sara closer to him and slowly pushed his dick into her love tube as he did Sara let out a deep groan, Steve started to thrust in and out of Sara’s love tube pushing in as deep as he could while still squeezing her nipples, Sara lay groaning in deep pleasure then after five minutes cried out ” yes yes yes as she climaxed, Steve continued to thrust in and out of Sara’s love tube making her cum a second time before he pulled his dick from her love tube and squirted his cum over the floor, Steve looked at Sara and said to her ” you have a nice tight cunt I will have to fuck you.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Piss Slave of Mom and Her friends

It were times of summer holidays and my stepmom (Lexi) & her 6 other friends used to go for parties, beaches, pool, bar and obviously doing Kitty Parties at each other homes. 4 Of them were divorced and there kids were not leaving with them so they were obviously more craze for sex in life. My those aunties were over 40 but still they looked 10 years old, all ever the perfect milf ever seen. Not one but all has huge tits and lusty ass which can easily make anyone horny to suck those fucking bitch ass. My Stepmom was also the best of one.

My Sexy Sister

I am a normal male, 22 years old and without a girlfriend at the moment. Although, to be honest I have never actually had a girlfriend as I am sports mad and spend a lot of time actively taking part in physical activity.

Punishment Club

Martin was walking up the garden path towards Dawns house, Dawn who at sixteen years of age was two years older than what Martin is had beaten him up very badly Dawn had caught Martin spying on girls at school and took revenge by beating him up, Martin had spent three days in hospital and now after being released from hospital was going to dawn’s house with his mum to see Dawn punished, Martin who was a peeping tom was hoping that Dawn would get her bare bum spanked, Once inside the house Dawn was called into the lounge by her mum who gave her a good telling off then said to her ” you have broke the ultimate rule by putting the boy in hospital so you will pay the ultimate penalty of one hour with the boy” Dawn looked up in horror and started to protest” but when her mum said ” I can increase the time” Dawn shut up and when her mum said” OK get on with it” Dawn looked at Martin and to his surprise said to him ” do you want me to strip naked and masturbate while you watch me” Martin uttered a feeble yes, Dawn’s mum said ” let her finish” Dawn then said ” or do you want me to strip naked and let you play with my body and masturbate me or do you want to fuck me while I am naked” Martin could hardly believe his ears, after Dawn had been quiet for a minute Martin said ” want to fuck you” Dawn then said ” come on follow me” Martin followed Dawn up to her room where she switched a tape on and started to undress, Martin watched in disbelief and when Dawn removed her bra letting her ample boobs fall free and said ” there are my tits for you” and when naked said ” now you can see my cunt as well” Martin looked in awe, Dawn lay on the bed and parted her legs, Martin smiled and undid his trousers letting his eight inch erection spring out, when Dawn saw it she was surprised that a boy his age had a dick so big, Martin climbed on the bed between Dawns legs and positioned himself and after a couple of seconds was sliding his dick into Dawn’s love tube as it slid in Dawn let out a fairly quiet moan, Martin started to thrust in and out pushing in deep and soon Dawn was breathing heavy and to her surprise was starting to enjoy it and after five minutes groaned loudly as she climaxed, Martin continued to thrust in and out of Dawn’s love tube making her cum a second time before he pulled his dick out and squirted his cum over Dawn’s body, after a few minutes Martin dressed fully and went back to the lounge where Dawns mum asked him if he was happy Martin told her yes. On the way home Martin’s mum told him that there was a punishment club that met once a month and all those being punished were naked and that it was meeting the next night, Martin and his mum went to the club, Martin saw Dawn and her sister Amy who was two years younger than him on the stage naked Martin admired Amy’s developing boobs and love tube he also saw a couple of boys who both had full erections one was being jerked by an Indian girl who was his age while the girls sister who was four years younger than himself jerked the other boy who was sixteen yeas old, Martin saw both boys squirt cum, Martin then saw Amy being pounded by sixteen year Asif while his dad who was sixty eight pounded into Dawn’s love tube Martin knew the two girls were racist. As he walked home with his mum Martin thought I will be going to that club more often might even get to fuck Dawn’s bum and her sister.This content appeared first on new sex story .com


It was early evening on a warm summers night, the big mansion that stood just over five fives miles out side of the nearest town had a lot of activity happening inside of it, the man who owned it and was one of the richest men in the world had gone away on a business trip and would be away for two or three months, his wife had left him for a toy boy a couple of years ago Sara who at sixteen years of age and their only daughter had been left in charge of the running of the house while her dad was away and was having a dinner party for a few of her friends, none of the full time staff who worked at the mansion wanted to work that night despite being offered extra pay so Sara had hired an outside catering firm and offered some of the local lads two hundred pound to work that evening, the food had been delivered and now the local lads were serving the food, like her five friends Sara was wearing very tight fitting clothes that much to the delight of the boys that were serving the food showed off the outline of their well developed bodies, Mark who was three years younger than what Sara was pointed out the window and said ” what is that” the others looked and saw a strange shape with orange lights floating in the sky, Sara said ” it is a space ship the Aliens are attacking” as she said this the lights in the mansion flickered and went out plunging the place into darkness, then a bright green light from the space craft lit the mansion up, the boys stared in disbelieve as the six girls started to glide upwards then hover a few feet of the ground and after ten minutes slowly returned to the floor where they all stood with a dazed look on their faces, Tony noticed that each girl had big pokies and said ” look at those pokies” then to the amazement of the boys the girls all removed their tops and bras the boys looked at the six sets of naked boobs not knowing which to look at first and when the girls removed their skirts and panties and stood naked, the boys stared in awe at the love tubes of the naked posh sixteen year old girls, Sara walked to Mark and said to him ” fuck me” and started to pull his clothes off him till he was naked his six inch solid dick ready for action, the other girls were saying ” fuck me” but did not need to strip the boys as they were already stripping, after a minute Sara was laying on the floor with her legs open guiding Mark’s dick into her moist love tube, Tony was pushing his nine inch dick into the love tube of Sara’s best friend Kim, in the town there were loads of girls floating in the air sixteen year old Gary the well hated local pervert was looking at July who was four years younger than he was and had been shouting abuse at him before the space craft arrived now Gary was looking in awe as July undressed saying fuck me as she did and after a few minutes was thrusting in and out of her love tube, July’s twin brother was looking at a naked Mandy who lived next door to him it was the first time he had seen a naked girl and was transfixed by the seventeen year old girls boobs, all over town girls were stripping naked and telling boys to fuck them while all the adults slept in a very deep sleep, the violent racist sixteen year old Eve had been shouting racial abuse at the Bengali boys in the grocery shop but was now laying naked while the boys waited their turn on her love tube while three of their mates were stood smiling hardly able to believe what they had just had fourteen year old Paul who was gay was walking around town looking at the boys who had their erect dicks out and when he saw Martin who had beat him up a few times squirting his cum he thought yes at last. After five hours the space craft started to move away from the town and a hour after the girls who had fallen asleep started to wake up wondering why they were naked and who had had sex with them, the incident was talked about for years to come after everybody remembered the space craft but it was only the boys who knew who had had which girl and they were not saying anything. While the sign that was burnt into the grass saying VISITED never faded.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

The stranger in my cunt

Well New Year has cum but not gone, The hangovers are almost gone and the bodies recovering. My Pussy is almost not sore, the Cocks are not swollen. The costumes are hung back up and the toys cleaned and put away, the house is almost clean. My memory is clear. Man what a New Year’s! We knew it would be a good party but we had no idea how good. A costume New Year’s party. We could all get naked but everyone had to keep their mask or makeup on. Me and my Husband even waited till the last second to get dressed. I came out to answer the door, my husband waited till there were quit a lot of people here till he came out, he came out into the crowd without my knowing, he never saw my costume either. We had all kinds of very sexual costumes walking through our door, even though it was cold women wore their breast hanging out or at least showing a lot, the Men were not quite as bold but one guy did walk in with his cock hanging out of leather shorts dressed like the biker from the YMCA guys, maybe my head is not clear, I can’t think of their name. Anyway, he had something to show, even semi soft he was hanging a fat 10 inches. I thought to myself, it looks like he wants me to shake hands with it, so I did, my hands were warm and soft as I stroked his very thick member. Hello I said, I hope to see you later. I was dressed like Harley Quinn out of the Comic books, except for one small change, my costume had no crotch and my breast covers could be pulled off showing my entire large tits. Everyone got drinks and were mingling, some were just too horny and started kissing and getting naked, soft touching and walking around with semi hard ons and naked pussies, erect Nipples and very taunt Areolas. After all it was a sex party. It was not long before people were fucking and sucking on every piece of furniture we had. We all ended up going down into the basement which was one large room, except for a bathroom and a large closet where we kept all the sex toys. I opened up the closet and told everyone to help themselves, they did too, it was not long until the closet was empty except for a game of strip Monopoly. As I was closing the doors this guy came up behind me, I could feel his cock pressing between the cheeks of my ass, he put his hand on my neck, told me to not turn around, his voice was low and gruff, his hand went straight between my legs while he kissed my neck and face, he said I am going to do whatever I want with you and there’s nothing you can do about it. He pulled my shoulders back pushing my breast out and bending me backwards slightly. His hand squeezed my pussy hard and then softly ran his fingers between my lips, my clit got hard instantly, his finger found the tip of my clit and ever so lightly flicked it back and fourth, my legs got weak as my knees bent just a little, his voice commanded me to reach behind me and stroke his cock, then I felt his fingers on my nipples, rolling them between his finger tips and pulling them gently, twisting them in between his slightly rough touch. Another guy came to the front of me and started to touch my hips and thighs, his lips found my erect nipples sucking them softly and gently biting them, then the voice behind me said go find that guy with the huge cock and bring him to the sofa. I was thinking to myself, huge cock? This guy was pretty fucking big, my hand was not fitting around his cock and he was pretty long, at least 8 or 9 inches, he led me over to the sofa where this other threesome was going on, he sat down and told me to get between his legs and not look up and suck his cock. I did exactly what he said, I was so excited being told what to do. His legs were naked, he only had a pair of shorts that were jagged cloth hanging down his legs, and his cock and balls hanging out of a hole cut out, his cock was lovely, he had greased it up with oil, every vein in it was popping out. When I grabbed it I knew in the back of my head it was my husband, I was not 100% sure, the slight curve to the left gave him away, but he seemed bigger. His cock was rock hard, or like a damn steel pipe. As soon as I put the head of his cock in my mouth and he groaned out with oh fuck baby that’s it. I knew it was him. I started to look up and he pushed my head back down, about that time the two guys walked up, one said you mean this huge cock? I looked to the side and saw the cock I shook at the door, the Voice said yeah that one. Forcefully he said you guys go find another place to fuck and smack one of the girls on the ass. They all got up and moved away with a look of question on their face. My husband is not that forceful, maybe I was wrong? Who the fuck was this! He said get up while I move, he got over in the corner of the sofa, spread his legs and told me to sit on his cock facing away from him. Then he told the guy with the huge cock to let me suck it. He moved over in front of me and rubbed his cock all over my face as my tongue chased it around, finally he put the head right in my mouth, it was hard to fit my mouth around his cock, the guy behind me pulled me down as he guided his cock into my dripping pussy, I felt my pussy stretch around this cock. Was it my husband? it felt bigger but still it was not that much different. I looked around the room to see if I could spot him or at least the way he moved. The guy fucking me now rammed his cock deep into my wet cunt, pushing up as he pulled me down onto his cock. I was still trying to suck this enormous cock in my mouth, all I could fit was the head, that was hard enough but it felt good in my mouth, the thick rim and the meaty head was nice, he tried pushing my head down further but all that did was gag me. My spit was thick and streamed from his cock as I pulled back, the voice behind me said you better treat her easy boy, his voice was deep and very forceful, I thought he only person that would say anything like that would be my husband. The guy with the huge cock left, he was replaced by a guy dressed in a costume that was just a white face with a hat on and a pair of leather shorts with the crotch out, his cock was very nice and hard, I love when the veins are thick and full, massaging the inside of my mouth or pussy, I reached up and grabbed his cock, he also had a curve to the left and was about the same size of my husband, then I noticed a scar that I knew too well right across his chest, it was my husband, then who was this guy fucking me? He did not want me treated bad and was watching out for me, I could see the blue eyes I loved so much as he took the back of my head and pushed it down on his cock. I loved taking his cock in my mouth, hard as steel and already greased up. His hand went right for my tits and massaged them just right and pushed them together. I said fuck my tits baby and cum in my mouth, then I sucked his cock as far down my throat as I could and he pushed my tits together around his cock and started fucking them. He had to pump upward into my mouth as I rode this big cock that was pushing deep inside me. The guy I was grinding my cunt on shoved his cock hard into my pussy, I felt him hit bottom, deep in my stomach, over and over. The sounds of everyone else fucking was driving me mad. I raised up off the cock and pulled the one out of my mouth and said I am laying down and you guys switch places, they did as I said, I took control and told the guy with the scar to fuck me hard and the other guy to give me his cock in my mouth. He did, I wrapped my hand around his big hard cock and gave his the blow job of his life, I shoved my cunt up at his cock and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pumped me hard and fast, we all came at the same time, moaning and groaning, yelling and getting very verbal. The guy that I was sucking fell down on the floor and then walked away to another couple, the white face mask stayed for round two, he got between my legs pushed his mask up on his head but kept his face down so I did not see who he was. He licked my pussy juices from my cunt, it was not long until I was cumming two more times. I knew it was my husband, he loved to make me cum ov
er and over while he licked me, sucking my hard clit and massaging my swollen G-Spot. Then he raised up and motioned for this couple to come over, the woman was very cute and sexual, I could see cum on her body, tits and pussy, she was dark skinned, short black hair, blue eyes, large breast and nipples surrounded by big dark tight Areolas, her waist was just a bit chubby, a small stomach, her pussy was thin haired and shaved around the lips, she walked up with her finger between her pussy lips and licking her fingers. The guy was wearing a evil clown makeup, his nipples had clamps on them and no clothes at all, just his makeup, his cock was big and shiny, hanging down semi hard, wet with cum dripping off the head, really thick and pale, one huge vein running down the center of his cock. I sat rubbing my tits and pussy as I watched them walk over, the white mask just kept staring at me through little slits in his mask, it was actually kinda creepy the way he just stared without saying a word, slowly stroking his big hard cock. The woman went over and grabbed his cock and took over the stroking, she laid down beside me and started sucking my nipples and kissing me, her makeup was simple and starting to run just a bit, as if she was crying black tears, she had a type of scarf wrapped around her head with her black hair sticking out the sides. The guy that came with her stuck his enormous cock between our lips, we both started sucking, licking and biting on the sides of his cock, my white faced fuck doll laid down, pulled one leg up and started shoving his cock in me from behind. He reached around and rubbed my clit softly, with intermediate circles, slow, then fast, slow then fast, he would rub it from side to side, then in circles, his cock pumping in and out of me with long deep thrust. I reached over and started caressing the woman’s clit and pushing my fingers in her sweet creamy pussy, she started pumping her hips against my hand, she was moaning and trying to suck cock at the same time. We fucked for hours, switching places and positions, sometimes we would have another person come join us or one would leave. One woman that came over had Tattoos all over, the one side of her head was shaved underneath and the top long, her ass was round and firm, her tits were the same, she had Piercings in her nipples and clit, when I licked her pussy she loved it, she was yelling and shoving her cunt in my face hard. The white face fucked her hard and fast when she was eating my pussy, she seemed to really love licking pussy, oh man she was ever good at it. He was ramming his big cock deep in her pussy, shoving his cock, trying to get deeper and deeper. After we all went off again a few more times we just laid on each other covered in cum and juices and sweat, our bodies weak and totally satisfied, we fell asleep. When woke up I was laying with the woman but the white face was gone, most of the people had left, some were asleep on the floor, the sofa, the recliners and so on. When I got up and made my way to the kitchen, I saw someone standing at the fridge, wrapped in a small skirt type cloth around his waist, open in the front, a black do-rag around his head and his entire face blacked out on one side and wavy strips on the other, with both eyes totally red. He turned around with his cock hanging out and getting a drink, he said good morning babe, did you have a good time last night? He said I didn’t find you all night, how about we go into the bedroom? He leaned in and kissed me and started to finger my pussy, he said damn you’re still wet, he grabbed my cunt and squeezed then said lets go now. We walked into our bedroom, the bed had never been touched, we got in laid down in all of our big soft pillows and quilt and started touching each other. I said, I thought I was fucking you last night. Nope, not me he said. He told me that he was over by the fireplace, he had no idea how many people he had fucked, maybe 6 or 7. He said well I guess you will never know who fucked you, that what we planned, that’s why we had costumes, isn’t it? Then he told me to close my eyes for a minute, he said open. I did, all I saw was a white face looking down at me, I felt better knowing that it was my husband. He said now wasn’t that exciting? then he pushed his cock deep in my pussy, we fucked again for a long time.This content appeared first on new sex story .com


I was still glowing after Aubrey and I had our first sexual encounter the night before, my “sensual massage” training finally finding an outlet. That experience will forever be one I will cherish. I was able to see her beautiful body naked for the first time in person. And I was able to give her what I intended to be the first couple of many orgasms – as long as she continued to want them. That, of course, was up to me being able to get the job done to her satisfaction. That in mind, I knew what I wanted to do next.

Promiscuous IV

I haven’t seen Jim in a while. It bothers me a bit. I’m nothing if I’m not patient. I’m just hoping you’re wanting me as bad as I want you right now. Until then I guess I’ll have to satisfy myself. I’m actually a pro at it. All I do is imagine I’m with you. I close my eyes and I think about that enormous cock of yours. I slowly slide my hand down my panties. I imagine you entering my hot pussy with that huge cock. You’re moaning and groaning and that shit really turns me on. I slide my index finger in my pussy. I pretend it’s your dick and you’re fucking me. I slowly slide my finger from my pussy. I lift it to my mouth to taste the pleasure I wish you were tasting right now. You’d love it. I put my finger back in my pussy. It’s cold from the air. “Mmmm” I say as my tongue traces a circle around my lips. I gently move my finger in and out of my pussy. I grab my breast with my free hand. I start jabbing my finger in and out of my pussy. My mind returns to the last time we were together. I hunch hard imagining your dick filling my pussy. I call out your name over and over. “Jim…Jim…Jim..” until I think you can actually hear me. Before I know it, all my muscles have tightened. I hold my breath at the beginning of that little tingle when you’re about to cum. I hold my clitoris like a cigarette and squeeze as tight as I can stand it. In less than a moment I feel like I’ve touched the tip of heaven. I clench my teeth as the blood rushes to my head. I feel like I’m going to pass out, but I don’t. My body grows limp. I hear my phone ring in the distance, I let out a loud satisfying sigh.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Mazi Chulat Kaki – 2

Hi Mitrano ani mitrininno, kashi vatali mazi last stories. Tar bhavano tumi tumcha bulla halvayla ani baykano tumi nikar madhe hat ghalun pucchi cholayla tayar raha. Mi jast vel n gheta mazi story start karto. Tumala tar mahiti ahech ki last story madhe mi mazya kaki la kase zavle.

Naked Husband

My wife and ex wife got on really well we all used spend evenings and week ends playing computer games and drinking.I was always dispatched to the kitchen to cook up some bacon sandwiches and things.

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