I was now feeling unorthodox love for my mom. Love that teenagers don’t normally feel about their mother. Not that I want to marry you and you have my baby love, more like an addiction. From the time she first kissed me, it only took a few days for me to understand mom was going to teach me something new most everyday. My peepee stayed hard from anticipation of what was cumming next ( pun intended ). I would think about her body and get hard. I started sniffing her panties after she took them off, watching her pee and anything else like watching tapes of her fucking other people. She had albums of pictures. To this day I don’t think I ever had time to look through them all, there was so many. Sex toys for women, men and some I wasn’t sure of. By now we both stayed naked around the house. I would jerk off in her coffee or on our food. She would even pee in her homemade soup while cooking or boiling spaghetti. We only did this in things we were going to consume, never in anything that on inspecting guest might have.
little peepee
Mommys Little PeePee – Part 2 Got Pee
I’m sorry my writing isn’t professional and my text has a southern accent to it. I’m not really trying to write or tell a story, more just reliving my sexual experiences with my mom. This accounting of what we shared is true. My mom was obsessed with making sure I had every sex experience possible. Many were repeated over and over but the one we did the most was just the two of us making love. It was almost daily and most nights.