Madhura maryade 1

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My sex desire – 02

Dear Friends I have posted my perivous story My sex desire-01 has published recently. I thank newsexstory for accepting my post and wonderful response from some of the readers who ping me personally. Here is another story I have to share with you all.

Crossdresser whore

Ricky was 18 and looked very feminine. He had been crossdresser since he was 12. He loved the way it made him feel. He awoke lieing naked except for a pair hold me up stockings in a stranger’s bed. His bum was on fire, sore from some serious pounding. He had a taste in his mouth off cum. He new he went to party and was very drunk, he remembered kissing a couple off guys. He looked round and beside him was the naked body off a black guy. Omg he thought as he noticed the size off his cock. Fuck no wonder his ass was sore and mouth. Was that fucking monster inside me. Ricky would call herself Rachael when dressed up. He grabbed his clothes quietly and tried to sneak out. It was the 3rd time this week he ended up in someone s bed. Fuck at 18 I’m a slut he thought. He lived with his mother who new off his fetish to crossdress and infact bye him woman’s clothes. As he tried to go the door creaked, the guy woke looked round, where you going baby he said. I have to go Rachael said. He was dressed everything except his knickers ( which where lost in the bed somewhere. ). At least give me kiss goodbye. He hesitated but moved  round to kiss him. But the black guy slipped his hand under the dress and started to caress Rachael’s cock and balls. Omg it felt good. He lifted his dress exposing his small white cock. Bending over the black guy so his now white cock was over his mouth. Soon Rachael was like ragged doll as his drained out off him as the guy sucked his cock. It felt so good, it felt great been a whore. Before he could cum he was pulled on the bed and legs parted. And this big black cock re entered his white ass. He felt every thrust and pounding as the guy fucked him deep and hard. He even moaned like a girl. The guy shouted what our you. I’m your white whore I’m your white whore. Then felt cum full his battered ass. After another hour he made his way home. It was ok he was able to get home without anyone recognising him. In the house he dressed like a lady all the time. His hair was long and he kept himself well shaved all over. A few days later he was invited to another party, and he always went as Rachael. He wore a pink blouse, a short skirt and tights. With no underwear. It wasn’t long before a couple off guys hit on him. Drink flowed and soon Rachael was tipsy. Both guys where taken turns to grope him. The three off them left the party and got taxi to this house. They hardly entered the door before he was pushed against the wall and a tongue pushed in his mouth. It was like whirlwind before he new it he was on a settee sucking cock as the other guy had lifted his skirt and was licking his cock through the tights. Suddenly he felt a rip as his tights where ripped open and the guy released Rachael’s cock and started jerking it as he rimmed his ass. Mmmmm Rachael moaned in between sucking cock. A finger replaced the tongue then 2 fingers. Fuck it felt good. The guy said to his mate we got ourselves o proper slut this time. And forced his cock inside Rachael’s ass. Now she was getting spitroasted. And not gently either. They fucked him good taken turns to empty their load in Rachael’s ass or mouth. After been fucked all night she lay asleep in between both guys. Well used. He showered and dressed, but didn’t leave. After a while one guy woke. What’s for breakfast he shouted. Rachael stood up lifted her skirt and pulled her cheeks apart, showing her asshole. This he laughed. The guy came up behind her, and Rachael stroked his cock to it was hard and guided inside her.. Your a proper slut as he fucked her. She went home full off fresh cum. Since then she is now taken pills to grow a pair off tits, she wants to be a proper transgender. She also caught up with the black guy who is her boyfriend and pimp. Infact also gets clients for his mum, so is making money from both off us. Signed a young crossdressing whore.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Gambian Holiday 2

This is the first time that I have told what I got my wife to do on our last holiday. My wife Carol is 32yrs old, she is a petite 5’2 and is only 115lbs with shoulder length auburn hair and deep blue eyes. I am your average guy 5’9 and around 160lbs and I have just turned 38. We had booked a 3 week holiday in The Gambia leaving our 2 girls with their grandparents.

Sisters Boyfriend

Steve was a well known sixteen year old thug who many people did not like or trust and would do their very best to avoid him if they saw him in the street they would cross the road or turn back to avoid him, there were many residents of the small English coastal town where Steve lived wished that he would leave town and go and live some where else, Steve had been dating Sharon for just over a year, Sharon’s parents did not approve of their daughter dating Steve and had tried to talk Sharon into dumping Steve and finding a different boy friend but Sharon would not dump Steve and continued to date Steve. Sharon’s sister Sara who was two years younger than what Sharon was supported her sister saying it was up to Sharon who she dated. It was late one afternoon when Sara was cutting through the abandoned scrap yard as she walked home from school when she saw Steve’s bike laying on the ground near to the old office, Sara walked towards the office as she did she saw Jane who was her sisters best friend come out of the office doing her blouse up as she did, Sara could see that Jane had a glazed look in her eyes, Jane did not see Sara who walked to the office went in and saw Steve doing his jeans up and not wearing his tee shirt, Sara realised that Steve and Jane had been having sex, Sara looked at Steve and said to him you have been cheating on Sharon you have been banging Jane ” Steve looked at Sara and said ” wow your clever are you jealous do you want some of my cock as well ” as he spoke Steve stopped doing his jeans up, Sara said your with my sister ” Steve lowered his zip and pulled his dick out, Sara looked at Steve’s seven inch dick as he walked towards her when he got to her Steve cupped Sara’s boobs saying ” come on your sister will not know ” Sara said ” it would be wrong ” as she spoke Sara saw Steve’s dick rise to a nine inch erection, Steve started to unbutton Sara’s blouse as he did Sara said ” it would be wrong ” Steve had Sara’s blouse fully open and pulled her bra open and started to massage her ample boobs saying who needs to know as he did, Steve started to lick and suck on Sara’s nipples and raising her skirts as he did, Sara mumbled ” we should not be doing this ” as she spoke Steve guided Sara over to an old table an gently lay her on it then pulled her panties down and off then bent forward and started to lick her love tube, Sara was soon breathing heavy as Steve gently squeezed her erect nipples while licking her love tube, after a few minutes Steve stood up pulled Sara closer to him and slowly pushed his dick into her love tube as he did Sara let out a deep groan, Steve started to thrust in and out of Sara’s love tube pushing in as deep as he could while still squeezing her nipples, Sara lay groaning in deep pleasure then after five minutes cried out ” yes yes yes as she climaxed, Steve continued to thrust in and out of Sara’s love tube making her cum a second time before he pulled his dick from her love tube and squirted his cum over the floor, Steve looked at Sara and said to her ” you have a nice tight cunt I will have to fuck you.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

They Are Here

Jet fighters were flying over the small town in the early hours of the morning, police and military personal were out on the streets residents of the town were woken from their sleep by all the noise, residents were told to stay inside their homes and to keep all windows and doors locked, then the news channels broadcast reports that unidentified aircraft had been picked up on radar then suddenly disappeared a police patrol reported seeing a bright green light in the sky that descended to the ground when the football pitch where the light had descended to was examined a high level of radiation as well as strange shapes in the soil was found, stories of Aliens having landed were soon going around but after a couple of months nothing was found and people forgot all about the incident, sixteen year old Steve a local racist thug was waiting at the derelict factory he had not long finished playing football and was still in his shorts and football jumper as he waited Steve saw Pao who was four years younger than what he was and originally from Bangladesh throwing fish onto the floor then for some unknown reason the fish vanished Steve approached Pao and said” what you doing bitch” Pao replied saying ” feeding my friends” and threw more fish, Steve slapped Pao and told her to fuck off, Pao glared at Steve and said ” take all your clothes of I want to see you naked” Steve pushed Pao and again told her to fuck off, Pao pointed and said ” help him” Steve felt a heavy thud in his chest and he fell to the floor, then his shoes and socks came off followed by his jumper then his shorts, Pao looked at the now naked Steve and said ” nice cock” Steve covered his seven inch dick and when Pao said ” stand and put your hands on your head” Steve felt him self being lifted and his hands go to his head he found he could not move, Pao said up and Steve felt a strange sensation in his dick and he got a nine inch erection, Pao walked over to him took hold of Steve’s dick and started to stroke it, Steve could do nothing to stop her and after a few minutes squirted his cum in four spurts much to the great delight of Pao, Steve’s girlfriend Tina who was also sixteen was just approaching the building when she saw Tony a local pervert who was a peeping tom and flasher, Tony was laughing and to Tina it looked like it he was playing tag with somebody but she could see nobody, Tony smiled at Tina and said ” let me fuck you” Tina looked at the Tony who was two years younger than she was and told him to piss off, Tony said ” help her strip” Tina then felt tee shirt going up and could not stop it and was soon topless with Tony saying nice tits Tina then fell onto the ground and her jeans panties and shoes came off in one go, Tina could not move and saw that Tony had his seven inch erection out he said position her and Tina felt herself being laid back on the ground and her legs parted Tony moved forward knelt between Tina’s legs and pushed his dick up her love tube and started to thrust in and out pushing in as deep and hard as he could and after five minutes felt Tina cum but carried on thrusting in and out of her love tube and after half a hour had felt Tina cum four more times before he pulled his dick out and stand back, Tina lay where she was, In town eighteen year old Jane was working on her dads fresh fish stall when her step brother Mark who was six years younger than her walked up with two of his classmates,  Mark looked at the ground and said dinner, Jane stood looking at the fish as they slowly vanished with out anybody being near them, Jane could not understand what was happening and when Mark said ” strip her” Jane froze and all the buttons on her overalls popped open and her overalls fell to the ground leaving her naked, the three sixteen year old girls at the bus stop who were waiting for the bus saw Tony looking at them then point and the girls froze then their clothes were stripped off them leaving them naked, in the local Bengali shop where Pao lived sixteen year old Martin was standing naked with a eight inch erection while Pao’s sister who was seven years younger than Martin was jerking his dick all over the town the adults were in a very deep trance while all the teens were walking around naked the boys all had solid erections the girls all had solid nipples all the younger boys and girls were enjoying having fun with them, at the bus stop Tony was humping the bum of the third girl while his brother who was four years younger was sucking the nipples of each girl in town, the military were outside the town trying to get in but there was some sort of invisible shield stopping them and no matter what they tried it would not budge.This content appeared first on new sex story .com


You know what I look like from the photo’s I’ve sent, the time on video chat together: dark hair cropped short, medium beard, black-framed glasses sometimes. I’m taller than you by four inches or so. Enough that you’d need to look up to see my face, but not so tall that ill tower over you. At least, that’s how you’ve imagined it.

Jennys Punishment Pt. 1

Jenny walks into the room, on hands and knees, lead on a leash by her mother. Her father is setting in his chair watching as they enter, he is wearing only a pair of loose boxers. She can see right up one of the legs and can see his semi hard cock laying against his leg. This is just the first day of her one month punishment for skipping a weeks worth of school, serving her parents doing anything they tell her to do when they tell her to do it. Hell this morning she woke up to her mother straddling her face getting ready to pee, “Drink or drown,” she had said just seconds before the stream of hot yellow liquid had started. Now it was time to see what daddy wanted her to do for him, hopefully not the same, ‘Maybe he will just want me to jerk him off, or let him eat my pussy or something,’ she was thinking to herself as she was placed in front of him. He slid forward, his cock sliding out of his boxers and hanging in front of her face, ‘maybe he will just want me to suck on it,’ she thought again.

The Day I Knew I was Bi – Part 13

On Sunday after our Church parade and lunch I thought I would leave School by the Guston gate and wander down to the village shop, I like many of the boy’s liked to smoke fag’s when I had enough money for them, back then in the 50’s parents like my Mum had little spare cash to send to son’s at school and that is why at weekends I spent my time on the cliffs or wandering the Lanes but now and then swimming at St Margeret’s Bay. The beach was small and not many people went there back then and I like to swim and sun bath on the pebble beach.

The farm

16 year old Mandy was well fed up, schools were on holiday and her parents had gone away for a week leaving her on her own to run the farm that was miles from town. Mandy knew her mate Sara would be over in a hour, she got out of bed went and had a shower after which she did not dress just put a gown on went and had breakfast, as she finished Sara arrived wearing her baggy tee shirt and shorts. The two girls sat talking for a while until Mandy said come on you can help me feed the pigs. The two sixteen year old girls headed towards the pig sty and after feeding the pigs went to the boar pen where the 12 boars were making a heck of noise. Mandy got the feed pushed the gate but it would not open, she said “fucking thing about time fixed it” and started to climb the fence, as she swung her leg over the top a boar hit the fence hard making it wobble causing Mandy to fall head first into the pen landing flat on her front,  Sara quickly jumped down into the pen to help Mandy up, the boars were trampling over Mandy as they scrambled to get the spilled feed, Mandy screamed “get the the fucking things off me” As Sara bent to help Mandy a boar knocked her flying, now both girls were struggling with the boars trampling over them, Mandy felt her tee shirt being tugged as the boar hunted for food, the flimsy material tore and the tee shirt came away, Sara was trying to get up and felt her gown which was flapping open being pulled the gown came off leaving the hapless Mandy naked, Sara was trying to fight the boars off and felt her shorts go the same way her tee shirt had, now both girls were naked, Mandy screamed “get off me” as the animals licked her body looking for food, she heard Sara yell “the fucking this is licking my cunt” Mandy managed to get to her knees but was  pushed forward landing on her hands she then felt a heavy weight on her back and saw hoofs either side of her face, she struggled but could not get up she then felt something wet slide across her bum and realised a boar was humping her, Mandy struggled but not get the boar off she then the wet thing on the lips of her pussy and screamed in horror as it slid inside her and start to hump, she yelled “help me it is fucking me” she hear Sara give a garbled sound managed to look round and saw a boar humping her face, after awhile the boar on her stopped and got off she turned tried to pull the boar from Sara but felt another boar mount her she saw a board had mounted Sara and was humping her, after what seemed like hours the boars left the girls and both girls climbed out the pen and fell on the ground exhausted, after awhile Sara said “I got boar spunk in my mouth”  Mandy said “I think at least 4 fucked me” Sara said “I had three fuck me 1 in my mouth” she looked at Mandy then added “your nipples are well erect you enjoyed it” Mandy said “you can talk look at yours” both girls went to the house and showered after they sat in the kitchen, Sara said “hey we ain’t got to feed the horses have we” Mandy said “no but we got to feed the boars again in 8 hours” 8 hours later both girls were naked on hands and knees in the boar pen.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Megans Diary

Hello all. Firstly before I start my next series. Thanks for the feedback. Some ideas for continuing some of my past series. Especially ‘Nudist Family Antics’ and ‘Being treated right’ and a couple of others. I am working on where I can take those further, and the other small ones I have had mentioned by a few readers.

Further, She is not a servant

This was happened during the delivering period of my wife’s second baby. Some complications were aroused then she had to stay in the hospital for special medical attention. This caused big difficulties to the day to day work at home because we have another child at the age of two years to look after carefully. The office I worked was 5 to 6 km away from my house. I had do go every day because it was supervising nature duty. As a solution to this problem we had decided to find a servant. It was very difficult task to find a suitable servant, fortunately at last we could find out a Tamil girl from upcountry.

My sex desire – 01

Hey friends I have come up with a story today which happened in real. Coming to the story, this happened nearly 10 years back and it is still fresh in my head so I hope you all get wet by the end of this story. I am a simple guy in a middle class family and the girl I had a passionate sex is next to my house. Her name is Priya. Initially I never had any bad indentations towards her but after many days once I went to her home and I saw her in a red dress on top of it she is doing some work while bending. I immediately I  got hard by looking at her beautiful boobs. They are really white and look very tender. Except the nipple part I had a wonderful view of them which made me masturbate after going home.

Mom is now my biker babe – with additions

Patty Barker was on the back of my Old Indian bike, her mini-skirt up around her hips, hanging on to me for dear life, it was her first ride on a motorcycle and she was loving it. We had just separated from Mom and her father Larry, we had followed them from a beer hall and watched from under a shadowed shop entry while his daughter gave him a blow job, then fucked him. Of course, this turned us on, so while they were fucking, we were, too. About that time, the cops had showed up and were questioning them, and they were about to be in deep shit, so my quick thinking Mom stepped out and claimed Patty as her own daughter, claiming that Patty was 19, and was with her. Patty, just as quick as Mom, agreed, and that got rid of the cops. We had introduced ourselves, made it obvious that we were an incest couple as well, and since they were from out of town, Mom invited them up to our apartment on India St. Since Larry was a big rugged handsome guy, I could see Mom had eyes for him, so I invited Patty, a plump, auburn haired cutie, to ride on my bike with me while Mom rode home in Larry’s old Chrysler Air Flow.

The Day I Knew I was Bi – Part 15

I could not wait for Saturday and when it came I went off to the village with my heart pounding hoping that Meg would take care of Pauler and Peter and I could have some fun, me being turned on by watching the two girls find the spots that turned them on to girly sex. I need not have worried Meg and Peter were outside the shop waiting when I arrived and both looked great, I went in and bought my fag’s and off to the Mill we went taking care to see we were not followed and the place was clear on our arrival. Yes all was clear and a surprised Pauler was waiting for me, we all went inside and I introduced Peter and Meg to Pauler, explaining they were friends I met on the cliff’s at weekends for mutual fun. To my joy Pauler looked Meg over with a searching eye tracing her body from head to toe and doing it slowly and missing nothing at all, Meg smiled and said she was pleased to meet her in a very meaningful way which Pauler understood and enjoyed her lips parting and her tongue running over her bottom lip in a very sexual reply. Meg went to her and kissed her full on the lips her hands going straight behind her and clutching her bottom cheeks firmly while her left leg went right between her legs and under the hem of her skirt, the knee finding the gusset of her panties which the hands behind her pulled her tight on to, she was beached high and dry her pussy rubbed by any movement of Meg’s leg. Pauler had delight written all over her face and she started to move her bottom forward and back grinding her pussy on Meg’s knee and letting all her body weight down at the same time to take the maximum pressure on her clit she could. The girls are happy Peter said in my ear, oh yes and I can’t wait to enjoy the exploring of each other and the sound of girly heavy breathing as naked breasts and wet pussies are given the full treatment to find each others cum button I said and he kissed me.

Promiscuous V

That was Jim on the phone. He was just checking in to make sure I wasn’t giving his loving away. Lord knows I should. But it’s him that does it for me and he knows it. He tells me that he and his ex have been arguing. Not over me, but just regular shit people argue about. I try to relate and understand, but the truth is I don’t give a rats ass. I just want his dick in my pussy now.

Closing Early by tony.pop13

My first job ever was working at a small restaurant. I was mostly working a closing shift on a very slow location so it was easy money. There were many people that helped me close through out the week and one of them was this small but fun blonde girl. We were really bored through out the day and would talk about random topics. We were both in relationships and she asked me if I would be comfortable with the idea of my girlfriend starting an only fans. I said that I would most likely be quite uncomfortable of the idea. She was a little surprised and said that she thought I would be supportive of my girlfriend. I explained my stance further and ask her what her boyfriend would think of the idea of her doing the same. She said that she hopes her bf would be supportive and most likely would be. I asked why. And she said that she has always been comfortable with her body and the idea of showing it off and getting money from it would be cool. I asked just how comfortable she was with showing her body to people. She made deep eye contact with me and said “very comfortable actually”. I jokingly said; “damn show me then”. She was quite for a moment and then said. “Ok”. We stood there in silence for a moment and I checked the clock. We closed in around 45 minutes and asked her if she wanted me to lock the door and we could close early that day. She said yes. As I went to close the door she said she would be in the office waiting for me. I walked to the door, turn the open sign off and locked the door. I even turned some lights off in the front to make it look closed. I walked to the office and went inside. She was waiting in there and when I shut the door she asked me “what now?” As I sat on the office chair, I told her that it was up to her, that she could show me as much or as little as she was comfortable with. She smiled timidly and slowly lifted her shirt up. I saw her pale flat stomach and then I saw a sexy pink bra being uncovered. I started getting hard and rather than hiding it I let it bulge up for her view. And in one quick movement she removed her shirt uniform. She spinned around a couple of times showing off her body to me. She reached towards her belt and undid it along with her pant button and zipper. Revealing some cute black underwear. She was lowering her pants slowly and by the time her pants were down to her knees she turned around showing me her butt, and across her panties there was a text that said “fuck me daddy”. I smiled and she giggled as she completely removed her pants. She gave a little show as she spinned and showed off her beautiful sexy body. She came closer to me and sat on my lap. I slipped my fingers between her thighs and her pussy and asked her. “What would your boyfriend think of this?” She said; “fuck that asshole, I don’t want to think of him right now” she gave me a kiss and started undoing my pants. She was shocked. She said;

Never too late for anal

I was with my boyfriend for three years before we broke up. We then kept loose contact, and as time went by we grew some sympathy for each other again and one drunk night we kissed, and we are a couple again since then. Our sex live was not bad but never too exciting. We were not doing anything that was out of the ordinary. I sucked his cock, he licked my pussy, and we fucked. That was it. During the period of separation, however, I discovered that I wanted a more fulfilling sex-live. I was keen to try new things.

Black Domme White Sub

Karen is a college freshman. She is 5ft4 about 140. She has a good figure 36DD 24 38. Because she is on the short side that top and bottom look even bigger than they really are. She had a boyfriend Steve. He like sucking on her 38’S and she likes it too. Make that she loves it. Just from his nursing her she has really strong orgasms. She not only soaks her panties she soaks her jeans. She has never let any guy get that far before. She wants to be a virgin on her wedding night. She thinks she is being very naughty by sleeping in the nude. She thinks she is being kinky by going out on her last two dates with Steve not wearing panties. Given the nature of their relationship he never knew. She had him well trained he knows he is allowed to suck on her tits but now he would never try to put his hand down inside her pants or up under her dress.

The Day I Knew I was Bi – Part 12

My start at the boarding School in Dover was a shock, tight rules and full Army kit to look after along with home work every night mad my first 3 months very hard for me, I got on well with the guy’s in my Dorm and slowly settled in. Free from home and in a place with every possible thing a lad could wish for, sport, swimming pool indoors, a great Gym and fields full of Rugby and football pitches. I put myself in for cross country running and was shocked when the practice start time turned out to be 04.30 but on finishing the course we went in the pool for a run down swim, naked, back to looking at cocks from boy’s 9 to 18 a sort of heaven for my thoughts.

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