Cuckcake to Cuckquean – Part 1

I was a 20 years old, fairly short 5 feet 1 inch shy girl from Chennai with good structure when I met my master. I was doing my final year Under Graduation where I was staying with my junior friend in the city. I met my husband and master as my friend introduced him as her boyfriend who was 5 years her senior ( 4 for me from here on referred as it).

New Powers

There had been stories in the newspapers and on the telly news reports that a U.F.O. had been spotted flying over England and that the Royal Air Force had been tracking a space ship but had been unable to make any form of contact with the space ship, many people thought that the stories were a hoax and refused to believe in them, but the reports kept coming in, no civilians ever saw the space ship and more and more people thought the stories were some sort of ploy to get people to join the military services, then the reports stated the space ships had disappeared and that there was no sign of them. Then one morning when the youngsters of a small country town got up they found that there was no adults around, at the school it was the caretakers twelve year old daughter Amy who unlocked the gates and the school, there were no teachers to be seen anywhere, the students just hung about doing as they wanted, sixteen year old Mandy was sitting on the roof smoking when Amy’s twin brother Colin and two of his class mates appeared and told Mandy they were in charge and that she was in trouble for smoking, Mandy looked at the trio and said to them ” fuck off you little twerps” the trio advanced on Mandy and before Mandy knew what was happening had her pinned down on the roof and Mandy found that she could not break their grip, Mandy felt her tight fitting skirt being pushed up and her panties pulled down and off then her bare bum being smacked being smacked very hard, after it had been smacked twenty times the smacking stopped, Mandy felt her bum stinging then saw Colin who said to her” no smoking we now run the school” and left with his two mates following, Mandy stood up adjusted her skirt and went into the building where she saw her best mate Cindy getting her bare bum smacked by Colin and his mates, then Amy’s voice boomed out over the public address system saying ” the juniors are now in charge anybody over the age of twelve will obey us” Mandy said ” yeah like fuck will I” Amy then said ” anybody over twelve will strip naked us girls want to see boys cocks” then Amy’s voice was replaced by Colin’s who said ” us boys want to see some tits and cunts” Cindy laughed said ” your out of your tiny little mind if you want to see a cunt look in the mirror” all over the school the older students were laughing saying things like their mad, in the main hall sixteen year old Steve the school bully headed to the office where he confronted Amy and started arguing with her telling her he was the boss, at a given word from Amy her class mates jumped on Steve dragging down onto the floor and despite his best efforts Steve could not fight the girls off and Steve could not stop the girls as they ripped his clothes off him leaving him naked, Amy looked at Steve’s six inch dick and said ” not bad” Mandy and Cindy were both now naked after being stripped by a group of twelve year old boys who were now rubbing the naked bodies of the two girls, all over the school the students over twelve years of age had been stripped naked by the students of twelve and younger who had gained super strength,  Amy’s best mate Sally was stroking Steve’s eight inch erection while her friends shouted make him shoot spunk and when Steve did in four spurts the girls all cheered and clapped, Cindy was laying naked as the group of young boys were taking it in turns to push their fingers in and out of her love tube and making Cindy cum quite a few times, Mark who was known as the school pervert was stood watching as Mandy who was two years older than what he was lay naked and when the younger students said to him ” fuck her” he did not need forcing and was soon thrusting his six inch dick in and out of Mandy’s love tube making her cum twice before he was finished, all over town the boys and girls of twelve and under had stripped the older youths naked, seventeen year old Martin was being held on the floor as his stepsister Sara who was six years younger than what he was stroked his nine inch erection, all over the world Adults started to disappear and the older youth was being stripped naked by the under twelve year olds, nobody knew where the adults were and the younger kids did not care Mark certainly was not worried he was now thrusting into the love tube of his eighth girl and was glad that he had plenty of Viagra, there was never any sign of a space ship but nobody on earth cared anymore, most of the older boys and girls were now enjoying the attention of the younger students, Steve was groaning as Amy’s best friend bounced up and down on his solid dick, Cindy was wondering how Mandy’s little brother had grown such a big dick but did not care it felt real good, Amy was watching Mark squirt his cum over the older girls face and though life is certainly not going to be boring ever again.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

The Cave

It was a hot afternoon as the bus made it’s way through the narrow country lane it was about five miles from the country village when the bus swerved to one side and hit a tree, nobody was hurt but sixteen year old Sara a loud mouth trouble maker started to curse the driver, who explained that he had lost control pf the bus because of a puncture, After getting off the bus and inspecting the damage he phoned the bus depot and found it was going to about three hours before a replacement bus could get to them, when the driver told the passengers this Sara cursed again saying she was not waiting that long and decided to walk, her best friend Sharon and her sister Kerry who was two years younger decided to join her as did sixteen year old Steve, after walking a mile Sara pointed to a cave saying that must be the same cave that comes out in the village by the vicarage it will save a lot of time if we cut through it and it should be light enough, the four youngsters started to walk through the cave finding there was just enough light to see where they were going, after walking through the cafe for a mile Sara noticed a strong smell and said ” that smells like dead meat ” the others agreed and covered their mouths and noses with their hands, Kerry was the first to see something lurching towards them and shouted what is that Sara and Steve both said at the same time ” zombies ” Sharon said ” it is some kids fucking about ” and went closer to the lurching figures ready to yell at them, as she got closer she stopped then yelled out ” fuck run it is zombies ” as she turned to run she tripped over a rock falling to the ground Sara went to help her mate get up and kicked out at a zombie that was pulling at Sharon’s top, as she did other zombies started pulling at her ripping her flimsy tee shirt off leaving her topless, Sharon was also now topless and could feel her jeans being pulled and called out ” for fuck sake help me ” Kerry rushed forward to help her sister and friend but was soon trying to fight the zombies off, Steve looked at the scene in front of him and saw that, all three girls had been stripped naked by the zombies Sharon was still on the ground and trying to fight a zombie off Sara and Kerry were now both on the floor trying to fight zombies off Sharon suddenly shouted out ” help I am being fucked ” Steve suddenly felt his shirt being ripped off and within a couple of minutes like the girls he was naked, Kerry then felt something enter her love tube and start to thrust away while her boobs were being rubbed, Sara had managed to get to her knees and gagged as something went into her mouth, Steve was now on the ground and screamed out very loud as his bum was penetrated and when the thrusting started he realised he was being fucked but like the girls he could not break free, Kelly could now feel something thrusting in and out of her bum while Sara could feel her love tube being penetrated, it seemed like hours and hours to the girls before the zombies left, the girls lay shivering and knew they had been raped in all holes by zombies, Steve was laying curled up in a ball with a very sore bum and like the girls was unable to get up. It was three days before a search party found the group of teens who were all rambling about zombies, at the hospital the doctors decided that they had all got high on some drug and after a few days the teens were sent to a mental health hospital. Steve’s girlfriend Helen did not believe that Steve or the others had been taken drugs in the cave and set off to the cave with her best mate Lucy and her sister to find out the truth about what happened and soon found out.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

The Attack

The day had begun like any other day in the small English town, sixteen year Steve who was a racist thug had stayed in bed as long as he could listening to his mum yelling up the stairs for him to get up and now he was sat at the breakfast table pulling faces at his sister Sara who was six years younger than what he was, after breakfast he set off for school with Sara following him and nagging at him to slow down, as they past the church Steve saw the police cars at the entrance and jokingly said to the vicar ” the police caught you have they vic ” then saw that all the graves were open, the vicar told him that grave robbers had been at work and had stolen all the bodies, Steve saw that there was about two hundred empty graves, when he got to school Steve found that there was a lot of talk about the missing bodies, after meeting up with his classmate Martin who was also a racist thug the pair went to the old derelict part of the school where students went to have a sly smoke, when they got there Steve noticed a strong smell but stayed, the four young Bengali girls were sat under the trees near the derelict school when they saw the zombies lurching towards the old school the girls looked at the zombies in disbelieve, Sara who was also going to the old school had seen the Bengali girls who were her age at the same time she saw the zombies who were now close to her brother and Martin she saw the two boys start to fight the zombies, Sara ran to the Bengali girls asking them to help, one of the girls said ” wow look ” Sara looked and saw that both the boys had been stripped naked by the zombies, the Bengali girl said ” they have big cocks ” Sara saw Martin’s dick was about seven inches and hairy, Sara heard the two boys scream out loud and soon realised that the zombies were raping the two boys she could see their dicks swinging about as the zombies thrust in and out of their bums, one of the girls said ” serves them right for bullying us, Sara ran back to the main school shouting zombies as she went, the other students thought that she was joking but started running in fear when zombies appeared, the entrance to the school was soon jammed up with panicking students, the zombies were soon on the panicking students and were soon ripping their clothes off them, Sara had been caught by zombies but had managed to break free but had lost her clothes and like many other students was naked, Sara ran to the school allotments as she got there she saw the two sixteen year old Bengali boys, one said ” look the racist bitch is naked ” Sara tried to run back but was grabbed by the two boys one said ” let us fuck the bitch people would think it was the zombies ” Sara then saw both boys get their erect dicks out and when the first one slid into her love tube she screamed, Steve and Martin were now laying on their backs in shock at having their bums fucked by zombies they were hoping the zombies would not return for more, at the school sixteen year old Jane was hanging over a desk naked with a zombie thrusting in and out of her love tube while her sister July who was four years younger than Jane was also naked and gagging on a zombie dick and one pushing into her bum, all over the school students were being stripped by zombies, nine year old Sally was watching as six boys who were sixteen had been stripped naked, Sally watched from the safety of a locked classroom as the naked boys fought the zombies off. Martin was staggering away from the old school towards the tree hoping to find safety when he got there he lay down then saw the four Bengali girls one of who said ” we saw you get fucked ” she then sat and grabbed hold of his dick and started to rub it after a couple of minutes Martin had a nine inch erection which the girl started to jerk after five minutes Martin squirted cum in three spurts. Sara was now laying on the floor after both boy’s had been thrusting in and out of her love tube making her cum twice. After a hour gun shots were heard as the army started to deal with the zombies. Nobody knew what caused the dead to rise but a few students were happy they had.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Son and father

My name’s Julie I’m 24 now, but story about when I was 19. then I was small slim blonde girl ( I wasn’t a virgin, lost it at 14 to our neighbor’s son another story ) 36 cc tits boys loved them. I had become religious and went to church regularly. I started dating Ian he was 2 years younger than me, skinny red head boy. His father was elder in church strict kind of guy ( always felt Ian’s mother was scared of him ). We had really trimmed relationship, all we did was kiss, hold hands and cuddle, although it didn’t stop Ian trying to grope my tits or get his hands up my skirt. But I was trying to be good and always stopped him. A week before Ian’s 18th birthday, he asked if I would let him go further, I said we see I won’t promise. I knew he was sexually frustrated. Anyway after church one Sunday night he borrowed his dad’s car and took me to a quiet car park ( he just turned 18 on the Friday ). I was wearing white blouse, red skirt and had tights on. We started kissing and cuddling ( he seemed in a hurry ). Slow down I shouted at him I promised you a surprise didn’t I. I unbuttoned my blouse, my bra was fastened at front, unclipped it and exposed my large breasts ( his face lit up as if he won lottery ) be gentle I said he begun to caress them, it felt good, then lick them and suck them, I must admit I was getting aroused. Rub my cock he said, only through your trousers I said, it felt hard as if it wanted to rip material to get free. Suddenly I felt his hand trying to slide up my skirt as he sucked me. I put my hand down and stopped it, no I whispered just enjoy my tits. He did as he was told for a few minutes then tried again. Again I stopped him, we kissed a long kiss ( I must admit I was getting turned on ) his hand was trying to get up my skirt again, I stopped him though he had got further up than before. He began sucking my tits again only this time he was pulling my nipple with his teeth, biting me (not hurting me ), now I was aroused. He had stopped trying to get his hand up my skirt, but I was so aroused, I put his hand on my knee, he hesitated, I looked in his eyes and started to push his hand slowly right under my skirt, two fingers touched my pussy through my tights and pants. He was rubbing me gently, digging in as if he was pushing my pants and tights inside me, he knew by my face the groaning that he was the winner here. I stopped him, his face had a look of shit not now. Hold on and put my hands under my skirt and dragged my tights and soaking pants down ( removing them ). I put his hand on my soaking pussy, my hairy bush was dripping. He rubbed my pussy and fingered me, my juices covered his fingers, he licked them. I unzipped his trousers and stroked his cock ( about 6 inches ). I put car chair down and opened my legs. I felt him on top of me and guided his throbbing cock inside me, oh it felt good. I felt him thrust deep in my pussy, slow thrusts and then faster, I was begging him to fuck me hard, my wee legs wrapped round him, I had cum twice when he moaned I’m cumming. Instead of pushing him out my legs stayed wrapped round him, I felt my pussy getting filled, wow he shouted. We just lay their, I felt his cream oozing out of me. We kissed laughed ( a nervous laugh ). We sorted ourselves out and made ourselves respectable and headed back to his home ( my tights in my handbag ) Ian put my pants in his pocket said he will taste them later. We sat in his parents house talking to them for ages. Ian fell asleep on settee, his mother said he looks shattered ( if you only knew I thought where your innocent son been ). Then Ian’s dad said I give you lift home, I said I will get taxi but he said nonsense it’s no bother. I lived 12 miles from them so reluctantly agreed. Surprisingly he talked away to me when he suddenly took detour into the same car park I just been fucked. He parked the car and said he thought I was a wonderful young lady. I said thank you. He put his hand on my knee and started stroking it ( I was nervous ) but smiled. He leaned forward and kissed me, instead of pushing him off I responded to his kiss by kissing back. His hand went further up skirt ( suddenly I remembered I had no pants on, he thinks I’m a slut ) but as our kissing became more intense he reached my bare pussy ( he stopped as he realized I was naked ) he pushed lever and chair went flat my skirt was lifted and my legs pushed apart. heard his zip been pulled down and wow he had at least 8 to 9 inches ( never had anything that big inside me ) he was in and fucking me like a whore with no mercy. If only he knew his son had just been there. I screamed oh I’m cumming. Then felt a load full me again. He wasn’t finished with me yet and ordered me to get naked, I stripped off, his hands were everywhere groping me like a frustrated old man. He stuck his cock in my mouth and made me suck him deep. Omg he was getting hard again, I couldn’t believe it. He turned me over face down, shouting where you want it, I screamed in my pussy, again he demanded where you want it after slapping my bum, again I screamed in my pussy, another slap on my ass, after another 2 to 3 slaps he whispered where you want it. I lifted my head and said in my ass, good girl he said and proceeded to edge his cock in my butt. The pain as inch by inch pushed into my bum, fucking me slowly, I groaned and moaned, you like that he said, stuttering I said yes then after he fucked me deep he groaned and cum in my ass. I dressed, he had a satisfied smile and drove me home my pussy filled my ass aching. That’s our secret he said, I nodded. In next 3 months Ian and his dad fucked me at every chance they got. Then I became pregnant and both of them disowned me, the members of the church were shocked I was pregnant ( unwedd ) and thought I was a slut and ignored me. I had a girl but who’s?This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Spaced Out

It was a quiet sunny summer afternoon and as was normal in the small country village not many people were about, the schools had just closed for the day and the students were slowly making their way home, most were in no hurry to get home but others were rushing to get home and off the streets. There had been reports of a strange light and shape in the sky above the village which caused rumours that aliens were going to invade and take over earth, the authorities reported that it was a weather balloon and that there was no need to worry and that everybody was safe and to continue their normal daily lives. Sixteen year old Tina was a girl that caused trouble where ever she went and was not liked by many people including her step brother Mark who was four years younger than what she was. Tina was walking across the fields with Mark and two of his classmates heading to the village when Mark noticed the light appear in the sky his two mates Sean and Clive also noticed the light and the three stopped and looked up at the light, Tina said to the boys ” come on you wankers stop hanging about” a bright light then shone from the sky covering Tina who dropped her school bag and stood still staring into space, the light faded away then a thin beam of light started to work down the front of Tina’s blouse as it did each button on her blouse popped open and when they were all open the light moved to Tina’s shoulders and her blouse fell from her body, the light then moved to her hip and the zip on her skirt slid down allowing the skirt to fall to the ground, the three boys looked in awe at Tina standing in just her skimpy bra and panties and when the light moved behind Tina’s back and her bra fell away revealing her ample boobs the boys all smiled, the light moved to Tina’s hips and slid down her legs sliding her panties down as it went leaving Tina naked, the boys could hardly believe what they were seeing and stared at Tina’s love tube and boobs noticing her very erect nipples, Tina looked at the three boys and in a strange voice said ” who wants me to suck their cock” the boys looked at each other and all said ” me” at the same time, Tina knelt on the ground pointed at Sean said ” your first you others can play with me while I suck his cock” Sean undid his trousers letting his solid dick spring out which Tina started sucking while Mark and Clive massaged her boobs eagerly waiting for Tina to suck their throbbing dicks, Tina’s best friend sixteen year old Sharon had been crossing the field giving Asif who was two years younger than her a load of racial abuse, Asif had watched in disbelief as the thin beam of light had appeared and stripped Sharon naked and when she laid on the ground parted her legs and said ” fuck me” Asif had not hesitated and was now thrusting in and out of Sharon’s love tube, twelve year old Kim was standing watching as the seventeen year old farm hand on the farm where she lived stood naked stroking his seven inch erection and when he squirted his cum in four spurts Kim thought cool. Sixteen year old Steve the school bully had also been stripped by the light and when his seven inch dick had first appeared Martin who was two years younger than Steve and gay had thought he was dreaming, and when the homophobic thug got a nine inch erection and said to Martin ” give me a wank” Martin had not waited for a second invite and was quick to start wanking the naked thug and after Steve had squirted his cum in four spurts he knelt down on his hands and knees and said to Martin ” fuck my bum” Martin was now ramming in and out of Steve’s bum slapping the bullies bum cheeks as he did, sixteen year old Palash had watched as Kim’s twin sister had been stripped naked by the light and was now thrusting in and out of her tight love tube, Mark and his two mates were now walking home talking about the blow job they had got from Tina who was groaning as a boy who was two years younger than her thrust in and out of her love tube while his mate waited patiently for his turn and his sister sucked Tina’s nipples, Martin had squirted his cum up Steve’s back and was watching as Steve jerked his dick. The following day Kim was looking round the farm for the farm hand hoping to get a repeat show and when she saw him standing in the barn naked with a full erection she thought great this will be fun, then the light engulfed her and the farm hand walked towards her as the thin beam of light started working down her body thinking at long last and smiled.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Lust and Love between Queen Mother and her Prince Son

Once upon a time thousand of years ago. There was a kingdom called Kamathipuram in southern part of India. The kingdom is well known for their wealth. The peoples in the kingdom are living happily understand administration of the king Simmavarthan he is one of the brave and strong king in the southern part of India. Now the heroin of the story the sex bomb Nandhini Devi wife of the king and queen of the kingdom. She is the most beautiful woman in the whole kingdom. Let’s see about her sexy body she has a voluptuous sexy curve body with large pair of soft and stiff breast, pulpy and soft large size ass which go up and down when she walks. Some fleshes around here hip and a deep sexy navel, lengthy hair hanging between her ass crack. She is a living sexy goddess. Now the hero of the story the young and handsome teen boy Kamavarthan he is only 18 years old the son of the king Simmavarthan and sexy queen Nandhini Devi. He is brave like his father. He is very obedient to his father. Both the king and queen love him more than anything in the world.

The Test Boys

Dawn and her best mate Tina were two sixteen year old girls who worked in a top secret lab that tested medicines on humans before being sent for sale, the girls were part time staff cleaning up in the lab. It was late as the girls cleaned no other staff were on duty as she cleaned some shelves Dawn knocked over a large bottle of liquid which spilled into the air condition unit for the rooms where there were twenty boys all aged sixteen and seventeen as she tried to clean the spillage up Dawn heard Tina calling out come and look at this, Dawn went and saw Tina pointing and when she looked where Tina was pointing was saw that the boys who were used for testing the medicines had ripped their clothes off with them all being naked with full erections some of the boys were jerking some boys were clawing at the windows others were trying to break open the door, Dawn said lets get out of here” the girls rushed for the exit, as Dawn tried to enter the code the other door gave way, Dawn fumbled the code and had to start again as she entered the last number and the door opened she felt her hair grabbed and pulled backwards then hands ripping at her clothes and was soon naked and as a dick slid into her love tube she screamed out Tina was on her hands and knees with a dick thrusting in and out of her mouth and another her bum, the loan security guard at the main gate saw the hordes of naked youths running towards his post but was unable to activate the emergency gate closure because of a fault and the youths were able to run free the four girls waiting at the bustop did not not see the youths running towards them and were very soon stripped naked and their love tubes having dicks ramming into them, inside the lab all the boys had escaped escaped and Tina and Dawn were getting to their feet and started to walk out of the building, the two Bengali boys could not believe their eye when they saw the two naked white girls with erect nipples before the boys could react properly the girls had ripped their trousers off and were bouncing up and down on their dicks Tracy and Amy had just got off the bus when they were grabbed by the boys and were now naked having climaxed multiple times, Martin was walking home from his mates house when he saw the four naked girls and thought cool streakers and was soon laying naked on the floor with a girl bouncing up and down on his dick sixteen year old Mandy was in the kitchen at home when she heard her sister Amy who was four years younger than her scream and rushed to see what was wrong and saw Amy naked on the floor being pounded by a youth but before she could react Mandy had been stripped naked and was herself being pounded seventeen year old Martin who lived next door to the girls had heard Amy scream but ignored the scream half a hour afterwards he went out and saw Amy walking towards him naked and was surprised when got him on the ground and ripped his clothes off and started to ride his dick, after two hours an alert was sounded from the lab but all over town there were many naked people who were sex starved attacking other people, a state of emergency was declared extra staff were brought in to try and contain the rising problems but some did not want to be cured.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

The Treble

Simon was walking home school happy that it was Friday which meant that there was no more school for two days, Simon decided to take a short cut through the derelict factory, not long after going into the factory Simon saw Steve who at sixteen years of age was two years older than what he was, Steve was standing smiling, when Simon got closer he saw that Steve had his trousers down round his ankles and Cindy who was the girlfriend of Simon’s older brother Mark was knelt sucking Steve’s dick Steve saw Simon and quickly pulled his dick out of Cindy’s mouth and after pulling his trousers up ran off, Simon knew that Steve and Mark hated each other and if Mark found out Steve would have major problems as would Cindy because Steve was a violent well feared thug. Simon looked at Cindy and after calling her a cock sucking slag told her that if Mark found out she would be badly hurt, Cindy begged Simon not to tell his brother, Simon smiled at Cindy and said to her ” you can suck my cock dry for starters and I will not tell Steve ” Cindy knew that Steve would hurt her if he found out and agreed, Simon undid his trousers letting his seven inch erection spring out, Cindy was surprised at the size of Simon’s dick but soon took it in her mouth and started to suck it, Simon held the back of Cindy’s head enjoying the attention his dick was getting then after ten minutes he squirted his cum into Cindy’s mouth which she swallowed, after five minutes Simon was walking away from Cindy who was wiping her mouth with the back of her hand after which she started to walk out of the building as she did she thought Simon’s cock is quite big for a boy his age nearly as big as Mark’s, Cindy then saw Abdul one of her classmates stood with his brother Asif who was four years younger than what she was, Abdul smiled at Cindy and said to her ” it is our turn to get our cocks sucked ” and undid his trousers letting his eight inch erection spring out, Cindy smiled knelt down and soon had Abdul’s dick in her mouth sucking it as she did she felt Asif cup her boobs then after a few minutes swallowed as Abdul squirted his cum into her mouth, after a couple of minutes Abdul moved back putting his dick back into his trousers, when Asif moved in front of her with his four inch erection out Cindy took it in her mouth and started sucking it feeling him dry cum after a few minutes, as the two boys walked away Cindy thought Simon is right I am a cock sucking slag I love sucking cock and swallowing the spunk Abdul always has loads of it one day his brother will have as well then smiled when she saw Steve stood waiting for her.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Spaced Out 2

Mia was walking to her uncles shop at six in the morning, it was her turn to deliver the early morning papers, as she walked along the street Mia was still thinking about the strange flashing lights she had seen in the sky during the night wondering where they had come from she was also wondering where the dull humming noise she had heard had come from, as she got to the shop Mia saw that the door was still locked and thought that her cousin Asif had over slept again and went up the ally to the back of the shop, when she got to the rear of the shop she looked through the window and saw Asif who at sixteen was two years older than what she was stood in the back room of the shop naked, Mia thought cool nice bum, Asif turned round, Mia thought oh very nice as she saw that Asif had an eight inch erection, when Asif started to stroke his dick Mia stood watching thinking this is super cool, after five minutes Asif squirted his cum in four spurts. Mia went into the shop looked at Asif and said to him ” I just watched you wank off when I tell your dad you will get a real good hiding ” then went into the main part of the shop as she did she saw Asif’s best friend Abdul who was also stood naked jerking his seven inch dick, Mia thought two boys wanking off how cool when Abdul squirted his cum Mia said ” nice spunk ” and walked past him slapping his bum as she did, when Abdul said nothing Mia slapped his bum again, she then got he papers as she went back into the back of the shop Mia saw both boys stood still naked still with erections, she could see that the boys had glazed looks in their eyes and thought drugs she went and stood between the boys took hold of their dicks and started to jerk them, the boys just stood still then after five minutes Asif squirted cum with Abdul squirting cum soon after, after wiping her hands Mia left the shop. As she walked up the street Mia saw army trucks going up the street then got told a police officer that a space craft was in the field and to stay away. Mia thought it was a joke and carried on delivering her papers at the first house, Mia saw sixteen year old Mandy a school bully though the window stood naked in her kitchen, Mia is bi sexual and thought nice as she looked at Mandy’s large boobs when she got closer she saw that Mandy was fingering herself and stood watching her, after awhile Mia saw Mandy gush and thought nice, after putting the paper though the door Mia went to the next house where through the window she saw Steve stood naked his nine inch erection being stroked by his ten year old sisters best mate Carol, Mia watched till Steve squirted his cum in three spurts then walked on, all over the estate Mia saw boys and girls naked masturbating and wondered what was going on and wondered why there were no adults about, as Mia approached the tower block she saw sixteen year old Sharon a racist school standing naked by the door her nipples fully erect, Mia saw that she had the same spaced out look in her eyes as Abdul and Asif had, Mia stretched her hand out and rubbed one of Mandy’s boobs after Mandy made no response Mia started to rub her love tube while sucking her nipples, Mia then slid her fingers into Mandy’s love tube and started to finger her feeling her gush after five minutes, Mia walked into the block and smiled when she saw Mandy’s boyfriend Mark naked bending over the stair bannister with Colin a gay boy thrusting in and out of Mark’s bum, when Colin looked at Mia she said ” keep going there are lots more boys outside ” Colin smiled and said ” on the roof everybody is naked it is like an orgy ” Mia realised that the space craft had some thing to do with what was happening but did not care as she headed to the roof thinking this is well cool I hope that the space craft stays forever.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Jacks Offshore

The blue and white Bell Jet Ranger helicopter was closing on the oil rig, eighty miles into the green choppy sea off Port Fourcon, Louisiana. Jack told himself he wasn’t going back offshore again! Ever! Yet, here he finds himself, accepting another hitch — not on the platform he’s flying to, but on the one-hundred-forty foot supply boat tied up to it. Twenty-eight days of – fourteen days off.


Amy was sat in her dad’s broken down car miles from town, her dad had started walking back to the nearest town to get a mechanic. The town was forty miles away, Amy knew he would be gone for a couple of hours. The road they were on was a small country lane that her dad had said was a short cut but ended up admitting he was lost soon after admitting he was lost the car broke down. Amy got out the car and climbed into the back seat looked at her fingers and said ” no cocks, no toys you will have to, raised her skirt and slid her panties down and off then undid the top buttons on her blouse slid her hand inside and started rubbing her bare boobs glad she had not put her bra back  on after gym, after a few minutes Amy said ” come on boys where are you there is a 16 year old girl here that needs some cock” Cindy felt cramped in the back of the car unable to move about to much, she opened the car door moved her body down a bit so that her legs were hanging out the car with her feet on the ground, she was now able to lay flat, Amy undid the rest of the buttons on her blouse,  opening the blouse all the way pulled her skirt right up and started rubbing her hairless clit after a few minutes she brought one leg into the car and draped it over the car seat she then felt hot breath on her slit looked down and saw a dog, before Amy could move the dog had jumped up with it’s paws on Amy’s shoulders it’s heavy body on Amy’s, Amy yelled get off me you brute and tried to push the dog off but it was to heavy, Amy felt a wet patch on her leg felt it slide across and realised it was the dogs dick, again Amy tried to push the dog away again but failed she then felt the wet patch slide onto the lips of her pussy said ” fuck no” and pushed the dog  again” and again failed then to her horror she felt the dog’s dick penetrate her still moist love tube and slide right into her she then felt the dog starting to hump her she felt one of her nipples being licked Amy tried to push the dog away again but could not, then to her surprise it started to feel good she then started to relax and was soon enjoying it after a few minutes the dog pulled away from Amy and got down, Amy sat up and saw three girls about her age stood there all with dogs one said ” this one is best” Amy looked at the girls one of whom said ” our dogs fuck us” Amy’s phone rang  it was her dad telling her he would be about 3 hours after chatting to her dad Amy got out of the car one of the girls invited Amy to join them in the field, Amy followed the girls into the field where the girls stripped naked and got down on their hands and knees Amy watched as the dogs mounted the girls and start to hump them, after 10 minutes one dog got off the girl he was humping then another girl arrived with a dog but said the monthly visitor had arrived,  one of the girls looked at Amy and asked her if she wanted the dog, Amy removed her skirt got on her hands and knees and was soon being humped by the dog enjoying it. A couple of hours later Amy was sat in the back of the car when her dad arrived back with a mechanic who soon had the car working. As they drove the rest of the way home Amy asked her dad if she could have a dog.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Old School

The school was five years old, it was built after an accident in the science lab of the old school had released very toxic gas into the ventilation system of the school this resulted in the death of quite a few staff and students. After an investigation that lasted quite a few months the old school had been boarded up and the new one built. Stories started to go around about ghosts of the dead roaming round the school not many people believed the stories saying they were rubbish and fake, The old school was put out of bounds but some students at the new school wanted to go inside and have a look around. One Friday after school had closed sixteen year old Sara lead a group of students into the old school after forcing boards off one of the windows, Sixteen year old Steve the school bully went along on the trip hoping to be able to pull Sara, after the group had been in the building a short while one of the younger girls commented on how cold it was and that it felt spooky, the group arrived outside the science lab where the accident had taken place, Steve was in the lead when he felt something tugging at his jacket be could not see anything but the other students suddenly felt themselves being held tight by the arms and unable to move, and when Steve’s jacket suddenly lifted off his body someone in the group shouted ” ghosts” the group started to scream but fell silent when Steve’s trousers fell to the floor and his shirt appear to undo on it’s own and lift off his body, Steve’s underwear suddenly slid down his legs to his ankles the remaining group members gasped as Steve’s seven inch hairy dick came into view, and when Sue’s clothes started to be undone and removed the group watched and when she was naked there were smiles from the younger boys, Steve looked at Sara admiring her naked boobs and love tube and quickly got a nine inch erection, then slowly the remaining four boys who were all two years younger that Steve and Sara lost all their clothes and stood naked with full erections, the two remaining girls who were four years younger than Steve were also soon naked, the group saw their clothes suddenly float into the air and float away, Steve felt something wrap round his dick and start jerking it the other boys then felt the same happen to them while the girls felt something slide into their moist love tubes and start to thrust in and out, it was not long before each of the boys had squirted their cum and the girls climaxed. When old Tom the caretaker did his rounds he saw the board had been pulled off the window and after his tools put it back on thinking bloody vandals, Despite a massive search and investigation by the police the missing students were never found, Tom never thought of reporting the board off the window so the old school was never searched, Tom did his nightly checks and on more than one occassion thought he heard groans of pleasure from the old school for a week till they got quieter then stopped completely. Four boys from the school were out side the old school trying to find a way in and later that night Tom was putting the board back on the window and was sure that he could groans and someone say I am going to spunk up coming from inside the building.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

First time to the gyno

My name is Sarah, I just turned 17 and this is my story about the first time I went to a gynecologist instead of my pediatrician. I’m 5’4 about 105lbs, I have green eyes and short reddish brown hair. My breasts are a small b cup and I’m still a virgin.

The stranger in my cunt

Well New Year has cum but not gone, The hangovers are almost gone and the bodies recovering. My Pussy is almost not sore, the Cocks are not swollen. The costumes are hung back up and the toys cleaned and put away, the house is almost clean. My memory is clear. Man what a New Year’s! We knew it would be a good party but we had no idea how good. A costume New Year’s party. We could all get naked but everyone had to keep their mask or makeup on. Me and my Husband even waited till the last second to get dressed. I came out to answer the door, my husband waited till there were quit a lot of people here till he came out, he came out into the crowd without my knowing, he never saw my costume either. We had all kinds of very sexual costumes walking through our door, even though it was cold women wore their breast hanging out or at least showing a lot, the Men were not quite as bold but one guy did walk in with his cock hanging out of leather shorts dressed like the biker from the YMCA guys, maybe my head is not clear, I can’t think of their name. Anyway, he had something to show, even semi soft he was hanging a fat 10 inches. I thought to myself, it looks like he wants me to shake hands with it, so I did, my hands were warm and soft as I stroked his very thick member. Hello I said, I hope to see you later. I was dressed like Harley Quinn out of the Comic books, except for one small change, my costume had no crotch and my breast covers could be pulled off showing my entire large tits. Everyone got drinks and were mingling, some were just too horny and started kissing and getting naked, soft touching and walking around with semi hard ons and naked pussies, erect Nipples and very taunt Areolas. After all it was a sex party. It was not long before people were fucking and sucking on every piece of furniture we had. We all ended up going down into the basement which was one large room, except for a bathroom and a large closet where we kept all the sex toys. I opened up the closet and told everyone to help themselves, they did too, it was not long until the closet was empty except for a game of strip Monopoly. As I was closing the doors this guy came up behind me, I could feel his cock pressing between the cheeks of my ass, he put his hand on my neck, told me to not turn around, his voice was low and gruff, his hand went straight between my legs while he kissed my neck and face, he said I am going to do whatever I want with you and there’s nothing you can do about it. He pulled my shoulders back pushing my breast out and bending me backwards slightly. His hand squeezed my pussy hard and then softly ran his fingers between my lips, my clit got hard instantly, his finger found the tip of my clit and ever so lightly flicked it back and fourth, my legs got weak as my knees bent just a little, his voice commanded me to reach behind me and stroke his cock, then I felt his fingers on my nipples, rolling them between his finger tips and pulling them gently, twisting them in between his slightly rough touch. Another guy came to the front of me and started to touch my hips and thighs, his lips found my erect nipples sucking them softly and gently biting them, then the voice behind me said go find that guy with the huge cock and bring him to the sofa. I was thinking to myself, huge cock? This guy was pretty fucking big, my hand was not fitting around his cock and he was pretty long, at least 8 or 9 inches, he led me over to the sofa where this other threesome was going on, he sat down and told me to get between his legs and not look up and suck his cock. I did exactly what he said, I was so excited being told what to do. His legs were naked, he only had a pair of shorts that were jagged cloth hanging down his legs, and his cock and balls hanging out of a hole cut out, his cock was lovely, he had greased it up with oil, every vein in it was popping out. When I grabbed it I knew in the back of my head it was my husband, I was not 100% sure, the slight curve to the left gave him away, but he seemed bigger. His cock was rock hard, or like a damn steel pipe. As soon as I put the head of his cock in my mouth and he groaned out with oh fuck baby that’s it. I knew it was him. I started to look up and he pushed my head back down, about that time the two guys walked up, one said you mean this huge cock? I looked to the side and saw the cock I shook at the door, the Voice said yeah that one. Forcefully he said you guys go find another place to fuck and smack one of the girls on the ass. They all got up and moved away with a look of question on their face. My husband is not that forceful, maybe I was wrong? Who the fuck was this! He said get up while I move, he got over in the corner of the sofa, spread his legs and told me to sit on his cock facing away from him. Then he told the guy with the huge cock to let me suck it. He moved over in front of me and rubbed his cock all over my face as my tongue chased it around, finally he put the head right in my mouth, it was hard to fit my mouth around his cock, the guy behind me pulled me down as he guided his cock into my dripping pussy, I felt my pussy stretch around this cock. Was it my husband? it felt bigger but still it was not that much different. I looked around the room to see if I could spot him or at least the way he moved. The guy fucking me now rammed his cock deep into my wet cunt, pushing up as he pulled me down onto his cock. I was still trying to suck this enormous cock in my mouth, all I could fit was the head, that was hard enough but it felt good in my mouth, the thick rim and the meaty head was nice, he tried pushing my head down further but all that did was gag me. My spit was thick and streamed from his cock as I pulled back, the voice behind me said you better treat her easy boy, his voice was deep and very forceful, I thought he only person that would say anything like that would be my husband. The guy with the huge cock left, he was replaced by a guy dressed in a costume that was just a white face with a hat on and a pair of leather shorts with the crotch out, his cock was very nice and hard, I love when the veins are thick and full, massaging the inside of my mouth or pussy, I reached up and grabbed his cock, he also had a curve to the left and was about the same size of my husband, then I noticed a scar that I knew too well right across his chest, it was my husband, then who was this guy fucking me? He did not want me treated bad and was watching out for me, I could see the blue eyes I loved so much as he took the back of my head and pushed it down on his cock. I loved taking his cock in my mouth, hard as steel and already greased up. His hand went right for my tits and massaged them just right and pushed them together. I said fuck my tits baby and cum in my mouth, then I sucked his cock as far down my throat as I could and he pushed my tits together around his cock and started fucking them. He had to pump upward into my mouth as I rode this big cock that was pushing deep inside me. The guy I was grinding my cunt on shoved his cock hard into my pussy, I felt him hit bottom, deep in my stomach, over and over. The sounds of everyone else fucking was driving me mad. I raised up off the cock and pulled the one out of my mouth and said I am laying down and you guys switch places, they did as I said, I took control and told the guy with the scar to fuck me hard and the other guy to give me his cock in my mouth. He did, I wrapped my hand around his big hard cock and gave his the blow job of his life, I shoved my cunt up at his cock and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pumped me hard and fast, we all came at the same time, moaning and groaning, yelling and getting very verbal. The guy that I was sucking fell down on the floor and then walked away to another couple, the white face mask stayed for round two, he got between my legs pushed his mask up on his head but kept his face down so I did not see who he was. He licked my pussy juices from my cunt, it was not long until I was cumming two more times. I knew it was my husband, he loved to make me cum ov
er and over while he licked me, sucking my hard clit and massaging my swollen G-Spot. Then he raised up and motioned for this couple to come over, the woman was very cute and sexual, I could see cum on her body, tits and pussy, she was dark skinned, short black hair, blue eyes, large breast and nipples surrounded by big dark tight Areolas, her waist was just a bit chubby, a small stomach, her pussy was thin haired and shaved around the lips, she walked up with her finger between her pussy lips and licking her fingers. The guy was wearing a evil clown makeup, his nipples had clamps on them and no clothes at all, just his makeup, his cock was big and shiny, hanging down semi hard, wet with cum dripping off the head, really thick and pale, one huge vein running down the center of his cock. I sat rubbing my tits and pussy as I watched them walk over, the white mask just kept staring at me through little slits in his mask, it was actually kinda creepy the way he just stared without saying a word, slowly stroking his big hard cock. The woman went over and grabbed his cock and took over the stroking, she laid down beside me and started sucking my nipples and kissing me, her makeup was simple and starting to run just a bit, as if she was crying black tears, she had a type of scarf wrapped around her head with her black hair sticking out the sides. The guy that came with her stuck his enormous cock between our lips, we both started sucking, licking and biting on the sides of his cock, my white faced fuck doll laid down, pulled one leg up and started shoving his cock in me from behind. He reached around and rubbed my clit softly, with intermediate circles, slow, then fast, slow then fast, he would rub it from side to side, then in circles, his cock pumping in and out of me with long deep thrust. I reached over and started caressing the woman’s clit and pushing my fingers in her sweet creamy pussy, she started pumping her hips against my hand, she was moaning and trying to suck cock at the same time. We fucked for hours, switching places and positions, sometimes we would have another person come join us or one would leave. One woman that came over had Tattoos all over, the one side of her head was shaved underneath and the top long, her ass was round and firm, her tits were the same, she had Piercings in her nipples and clit, when I licked her pussy she loved it, she was yelling and shoving her cunt in my face hard. The white face fucked her hard and fast when she was eating my pussy, she seemed to really love licking pussy, oh man she was ever good at it. He was ramming his big cock deep in her pussy, shoving his cock, trying to get deeper and deeper. After we all went off again a few more times we just laid on each other covered in cum and juices and sweat, our bodies weak and totally satisfied, we fell asleep. When woke up I was laying with the woman but the white face was gone, most of the people had left, some were asleep on the floor, the sofa, the recliners and so on. When I got up and made my way to the kitchen, I saw someone standing at the fridge, wrapped in a small skirt type cloth around his waist, open in the front, a black do-rag around his head and his entire face blacked out on one side and wavy strips on the other, with both eyes totally red. He turned around with his cock hanging out and getting a drink, he said good morning babe, did you have a good time last night? He said I didn’t find you all night, how about we go into the bedroom? He leaned in and kissed me and started to finger my pussy, he said damn you’re still wet, he grabbed my cunt and squeezed then said lets go now. We walked into our bedroom, the bed had never been touched, we got in laid down in all of our big soft pillows and quilt and started touching each other. I said, I thought I was fucking you last night. Nope, not me he said. He told me that he was over by the fireplace, he had no idea how many people he had fucked, maybe 6 or 7. He said well I guess you will never know who fucked you, that what we planned, that’s why we had costumes, isn’t it? Then he told me to close my eyes for a minute, he said open. I did, all I saw was a white face looking down at me, I felt better knowing that it was my husband. He said now wasn’t that exciting? then he pushed his cock deep in my pussy, we fucked again for a long time.This content appeared first on new sex story .com


John was only 17, a slim but very feminine looking guy. Only 5ft tall and even talked very softly. He left home at 16, as life was unbearable at home. He got a job working in a office and now had a small 1 bedroom apartment. He had only one friend, a girl named Sofia (who worked in office with him). She was very close to him and challenged him to go to party dressed as a girl. She joked you act like a girl, you look very feminine so do it. After argument, he give in. In the next couple of weeks Sofia went about transformation of John. First she got him to learn to walk in higheels, then tight skirts. Next was to shave every hair off his body waxing him. She made him grow his hair longer (To his shoulders). There was only one other person knew about it, their boss. He had a wager with her she couldn’t pull this off. Then make walk very sexy. On the day she started by getting his feet nails painted and finger nails, a nice red. Next she done John’s hair to he looked really nice, followed by make up and eyelashes. Then lipstick. A bra with padding a nice blouse, a skimpy pair of pants (see through). Joking you may get pulled Sofia said. Then hold me up stockings and a body clinging skirt followed by higheels. Wow you look stunning Sofia said. Very proud of herself. John looked in mirror and felt great, even felt seductive. Sofia said we call you Clare. Sofia dressed she looked beautiful. And they got taxi to party. The first person they met was their boss. He looked stunned omg wow he said. Sofia said I win you owe me. He said you deserve the money. As the party was going Clare had to dance the night away. After a while sitting in a corner with some guy who kissing her and groping her. Sofia then moved in to save Clare before they went to far. As it was time to leave their boss (Mike) offered them lifts home. Sofia was very drunk and Clare wasn’t far behind her. They dropped Sofia home first then Mike drove Clare home. Sitting outside Mike leaned over and surprised Clare with a kiss, then a longer one. Clare (John) responded kissing back. Can I come in Mike said. Yes please do. They entered the small apartment and Clare got Mike a drink he sat on the settee. Well Clare what’s next he asked. There was a silence then Clare undone her skirt and let it fall to the ground. Mike looked at her sweet body and the small but sweet cock in the see through pants. Smiled then asked for more. Clare removed her pants and Mike’s eyes lit up at shaved body. Clare walked into her bedroom and waited, lying on the bed. When Mike walked in he was already naked. Clare was only 17 and was about to taste her first cock, slowly licking and sucking Mike’s cock. She was feeling so turned on as Mike caressed and groped Clare’s body then Mike got in 69 position and began sucking Clare’s small cock. Soon Mike made her cum and now positioned Clare so he could enter her virgin ass.. Lifting Clare’s legs in the air he eased his hard throbbing cock in side her. Clare moaned as inch by inch entered her. Soon Mike had a rhythm and fucking his boy pussy without mercy. Soon Clare cock was dribbling cum before Mike started to thrust his cum in her tight wee hole. Mike was to fuck her 2 further times that night. In the morning he didn’t go back to been John he dressed in tight leggings and girl top he bought. He phoned Sofia and told her everything.. That was the last time he was John and now has become Clare. And is going out with Mike. She has now started hormone treatment and has started growing small tits. The thing is Sofia has become part of the company and has had sex with both Clare and Mike. And has become pregnant to one of them. Clare and Sofia both moved in with Mike. People talk but they don’t care. Away with John and a new life as Clare a VERY sexy life.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

How I became a whore for animal cock

I was working the nightshift at the social care farm where I’d been working for the past year. I am a 20 year old well shaped girl, long blond hair and people tell me I’m real pretty. I was quietly reading a magazine in the living room, when suddenly Pete, one of our clients rushed in shouting that something was wrong with one of the horses. Of course I immediately got up and followed him to the stables. As soon as we entered the stables I heard the door slam shut behind me and Pete turned around with that smirk on his face that I’d seen so often before and that said that what he’d really like to do is rip my clothes off and fuck me. I looked behind me and saw that Hank and Billy were standing there in front of the closed door. “Shit, now what”, was what went through my head. The answer came immediately as Pete grabbed me, and Hank and Billy started ripping off my dress. I screamed at them to stop, but they just laughed and threw my ripped dress behind them. Then they tore off my bra and panties and I was completely naked and at the mercy of three lightly mentally handicapped males of about 25 years old.

CFNM Nude River

When I was studying 6th Class, I visited my village, it is very remote. There children used to take nude bath in river, since they don’t have many clothes. When I was taking bath in my house backyard, my friends there called me to take bath in river, I am taking bath nude. Since my grandma don’t allow me to go to river, I went silently along with them without any clothes. The river was 02 km from my house. There I seen already some village women washing their clothes. By seeing me naked they all laughed. At that age I didn’t understand why they are laughing at me. After taking bath, all friends went to their home, leaving me alone – I came out from river nude. I feared how to go home since I lost the way how to reach. I am standing in the river bed and crying without any clothes. There a woman aged 50 washing clothes came to me and asked reason. Then she taken me to her house nearby, there she is having 2 girls aged about 20 & 25. By seeing me naked without any clothes they were silently laughing. I am standing in front of her house without any clothes. It was a sunny day. The woman invited me inside their house and went inside to bring clothes for me. I am standing in their house completely nude and nearby two teenage girls were watching me, they came near to me and asked where you come from. At that time I felt shy because I am standing nude in front of two girls. They asked me to come outside and wanted to play. I went along with them and played with them innocently where one of the girl repeatedly touching my penis. By that time the woman brought towel and asked me to wear. But the girls told not to give since he is only a small boy, then the woman told ok play quickly and come to house. Since their house is nearby river I am not finding any other house there. A girl playing with me has told I will bring my friends and we play kabadi. She ran and bring their neighbor friends near about 10 girls. Within 10 minutes all were coming and started admiring me and my penis. We started playing, I am standing nude in front of 12 teen girls. I told leave me I will go to home. But the girls denied and told we will play kabadi afterwards you can go home. They all formed two teams. I was in one team standing nude. They asked me to play kabadi, when I started all were falling on me and touched my penis and not allowing me to stand. They asked me to stand and all were admiring, by that time me penis got erected, at that age I didn’t know what is happening. And they all touched it one by one. By that time the woman came and shouted all to go to their house. She gave me a towel and manged to reach my house.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Chemical Leak

The residents of the large English town were going about their daily tasks like they always did, Old Joe was sat in the town square with his board that stated doom is approaching like he had done for the last ten years, nobody every took any notice of him saying that he was mad but safe, all the shops were open and trading as normal, the school had just started lessons for the day, the court had just sentenced thug boy Steve to six months youth custody and the factories were all running as normal, the sun was out and beating down hot on the town, when suddenly the alert siren at the chemical recycling factory started to sound, few residents of the town bothered taking any notice, they were used to the siren sounding and knew that it would be a false alarm and were not worried, five minutes after the alarm had first started to sound the ground shook violently followed by a very loud explosion, residents looked towards the chemical factory and saw a large bloom of yellow smoke drifting into the air and rushed to their homes, in the school the tutours and students were shutting all doors and windows noticing the yellow dust descending onto the school as they did, after a few minutes one of the younger kids shouted look zombies, a scream went up as the other students saw a mass of zombies heading towards the school, the school football team who had carried on playing suddenly saw the zombies and stood in stunned silence as the zombies approached them, on the top floor of the school the class of sixteen year old girls were watching as the zombies started to attacked the boys, Karen said ” shit look the boys are being stripped ” after a few minutes the girls cheered as they looked out at fifteen naked boys, Sara said ” what they doing ” Karen said ” the zombies are fucking the boys ” the boys had tried to run when the zombies had got to them but were to late and all were now naked and screaming as zombies thrust in and out of their bums, Sixteen year old Sharon had been leading the four boys who were all four years younger than what she was to the cellar when zombies reached through an open window grabbing at Sharon as they did Sharon’s blouse was torn from her body followed by her bra, the young lads looked in awe at Sharon’s naked boobs then started to hit out at the zombies trying to free Sharon, in one of the corridors the girls from the top floor were making their way down to the ground when they got there they saw a lot of zombies had got into the school Karen and Sara were the first the zombies caught and were soon naked Karen screamed as she felt a zombie dick slide up her love tube and another slide up her bum soon all the girls were naked with zombies thrusting in and out of their love tubes bums and mouths, the young boys were still trying to free Sharon with out luck then when Sharon was dragged through the window the boys could only watch as Sharon who was now naked was pounded by the zombies, five girls were building barricades on the stairs hoping to keep zombies at bay the girls suddenly saw the boys who had tried to save Sharon running towards them all the boys were naked one girl said ” they got small dicks ” the girls then saw Martin and Tony the sixteen year old bully boys, the two boys were four years older than the girls tried to get over the barrier the girls had built but were caught by the zombies and were soon naked and screaming as zombies pounded into their bums, the girls were staring at the boys dicks saying they are big July got hold on Tony’s six inch dick while Amy got hold of Martin’s seven inch dick the girls did not see the zombies coming down the stairs but when the zombies grabbed them they all screamed and like the boys were soon naked being pounded by zombies, July had managed to get free from the zombies by getting inside an air duct that had no cover and was now crawling naked through it then after a short while dropped into an empty classroom where she hid in a cupboard, it took the army a day to get rid of the zombies, nearly every student in the school had been attacked by zombies and were now in hospital, The school was sealed up but not before Steve who had escaped from the cell during the mayhem had sneaked in. In the town square old Joe’s sign now read told you so, July was still hiding in the cupboard to scared to come out when she head a noise and peeped out to see Steve in the classroom and when Steve stripped naked July thought that is big as she looked at his seven inch hairy dick and smiled, and when Steve got a nine inch erection July thought wow that is massive and watched in awe as Steve jerked his dick squirting his cum in four spurts. In the local grave yard the vicar and the bishop were both walking round looking at all the empty graves trying to decide what to do while at the chemical recycling factory a team of experts were trying to work out what had caused the explosion while another team were trying to work out what chemicals had been released when the explosion had occurred. On the outskirts of the town in one of the fields seventeen year old Mark was laying in the grass with his sixteen year old girlfriend Emma who had escaped the zombies both were naked kissing and cuddling, after a few minutes Mark rolled onto Emma sliding his dick into her love tube as he did then started to thrust in and out, Emma suddenly screamed zombies, Mark then screamed as he felt a zombie dick slide into his bum as he screamed Mark saw loads of zombies ahead of him most with big erections.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

My Vip Encounter with Natalie Raitano

I was in a Los Angles night club when the entire cast from the tv show VIP walked in. I looked at all of them when they walked past me, but the one that made my heart skip a beat was the goddess aka Natalie Raitano. She stood 5’3″ tall weighted 116 lbs with her pretty brown eyes with very short brown hair and a very sexy 36 24 34 body. The outfit she had on showed off her fantastic body. Her tiny top barely covered her sexy tits and her pants looked like they were painted on her sexy hips. I walked over to were she was sitting and started talking to her.

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