निशा १

निशा आत्ताच १८ वर्षाची झाली होती. त्या दिवशी तिचे शेवटचे २ तास नसल्यामुळे तिला लवकर सुट्टी झाली. तशी ती बसने रोजच्या वेळातच घरी पोहचणार होती, पण तिच्या मैत्रिण सोनलला तिच्या बाबाने सकूटी घेऊन दिली होती आणि तिने निशाला आपल्या बरोबर येण्यासाठी सांगितलं. निशाही तिच्या बरोबर सकूटी वरून घरी निघाली. आज निशा पहिल्यांदा वेळेच्या आधी घरी आली. निशाच्या घरी तिची आई रेखा आणि भाऊ अनिल राहत होते. वर्षभर पूर्वी तिचे वडील वारले होते.

Crossdresser whore

Ricky was 18 and looked very feminine. He had been crossdresser since he was 12. He loved the way it made him feel. He awoke lieing naked except for a pair hold me up stockings in a stranger’s bed. His bum was on fire, sore from some serious pounding. He had a taste in his mouth off cum. He new he went to party and was very drunk, he remembered kissing a couple off guys. He looked round and beside him was the naked body off a black guy. Omg he thought as he noticed the size off his cock. Fuck no wonder his ass was sore and mouth. Was that fucking monster inside me. Ricky would call herself Rachael when dressed up. He grabbed his clothes quietly and tried to sneak out. It was the 3rd time this week he ended up in someone s bed. Fuck at 18 I’m a slut he thought. He lived with his mother who new off his fetish to crossdress and infact bye him woman’s clothes. As he tried to go the door creaked, the guy woke looked round, where you going baby he said. I have to go Rachael said. He was dressed everything except his knickers ( which where lost in the bed somewhere. ). At least give me kiss goodbye. He hesitated but moved  round to kiss him. But the black guy slipped his hand under the dress and started to caress Rachael’s cock and balls. Omg it felt good. He lifted his dress exposing his small white cock. Bending over the black guy so his now white cock was over his mouth. Soon Rachael was like ragged doll as his drained out off him as the guy sucked his cock. It felt so good, it felt great been a whore. Before he could cum he was pulled on the bed and legs parted. And this big black cock re entered his white ass. He felt every thrust and pounding as the guy fucked him deep and hard. He even moaned like a girl. The guy shouted what our you. I’m your white whore I’m your white whore. Then felt cum full his battered ass. After another hour he made his way home. It was ok he was able to get home without anyone recognising him. In the house he dressed like a lady all the time. His hair was long and he kept himself well shaved all over. A few days later he was invited to another party, and he always went as Rachael. He wore a pink blouse, a short skirt and tights. With no underwear. It wasn’t long before a couple off guys hit on him. Drink flowed and soon Rachael was tipsy. Both guys where taken turns to grope him. The three off them left the party and got taxi to this house. They hardly entered the door before he was pushed against the wall and a tongue pushed in his mouth. It was like whirlwind before he new it he was on a settee sucking cock as the other guy had lifted his skirt and was licking his cock through the tights. Suddenly he felt a rip as his tights where ripped open and the guy released Rachael’s cock and started jerking it as he rimmed his ass. Mmmmm Rachael moaned in between sucking cock. A finger replaced the tongue then 2 fingers. Fuck it felt good. The guy said to his mate we got ourselves o proper slut this time. And forced his cock inside Rachael’s ass. Now she was getting spitroasted. And not gently either. They fucked him good taken turns to empty their load in Rachael’s ass or mouth. After been fucked all night she lay asleep in between both guys. Well used. He showered and dressed, but didn’t leave. After a while one guy woke. What’s for breakfast he shouted. Rachael stood up lifted her skirt and pulled her cheeks apart, showing her asshole. This he laughed. The guy came up behind her, and Rachael stroked his cock to it was hard and guided inside her.. Your a proper slut as he fucked her. She went home full off fresh cum. Since then she is now taken pills to grow a pair off tits, she wants to be a proper transgender. She also caught up with the black guy who is her boyfriend and pimp. Infact also gets clients for his mum, so is making money from both off us. Signed a young crossdressing whore.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Megans Diary

Hello all. Firstly before I start my next series. Thanks for the feedback. Some ideas for continuing some of my past series. Especially ‘Nudist Family Antics’ and ‘Being treated right’ and a couple of others. I am working on where I can take those further, and the other small ones I have had mentioned by a few readers.

Zoo Break In

The zoo was situated on the outskirts of the town and brought thousands of visitors each week all being charged five pound to get in, sixteen year old Emma had guessed that the zoo must be raking in tens of thousands of pounds each week and that due to a country wide strike by all security guards the weeks takings must be in the safe in the office, and as there were no security guards to patrol the zoo the money would be easy to nick, Emma worked out a plan on how to get into the zoo which included climbing over the wall at the rear of the zoo, once inside Emma would then make her way to the office and after silencing the alarms would easily be able to open the safe and get the money then make a clean get away much richer than she had been when she had first went in. It was late at night as Emma lay on the ground at the rear of the zoo where it was all waste ground, after being sure that nobody was about Emma made her way to the wall and climbed the tree next to the wall then swung over onto the wall where she cursed herself for having forgot about the spikes on top the wall but tried to lower herself down as she did Emma felt a spike go under the leg of the overalls she had worn and tried to shake it free but could not as she struggled she lot her grip and fell to the ground as she did the spike ripped her overalls from top to bottom, after regaining her senses Emma stood as she did the ripped overalls fell from her body leaving her naked, Emma thought I will find clothes in the office and will be able to buy tons of clothes with what I am getting. Then to her horror Emma realised that she had got her bearings wrong and had landed in the gorilla pen and could see three gorillas moving to wards her, Emma backed up to the bars but the gorillas advanced on her and started rubbing her with their paws, Emma was to scared to scream, a gorilla picked her up under its arms and carried her to an area where there were logs as it did Emma saw a sign saying breeding station and thought oh shit, after rolling her around between themselves one gorilla pulled Emma up and before she really knew what was happening she felt a gorilla’s dick enter her love tube and start humping away, after five minutes Emma was starting to enjoy it and after another ten minutes climaxed after ten more minutes another gorilla was humping her she then felt a dick enter her mouth and start humping, After ten minutes Emma felt gorilla cum in her mouth and another dick slide into her love tube, after a hour Emma had lost count of the amount of times she had climaxed and how many times a gorilla had cum in her mouth and was laying on the ground with no gorillas around then spotted an escape hatch as she crawled through it she she did she thought I know how to visit the gorillas in future, In the morning Emma woke up in bed and after having breakfast sat counting the money from the zoo office wondering how to get rid of the taste of the gorilla cum but was looking forward to getting a lot more of the stuff fresh from the gorillas dicks.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Best head ever

He stood there looking down at me. On my knees in front of him. I looked up, the smile of anticipation as I slowly undid his trousers. The belt, the button, the zip coming down seeing his black men’s underwear. The bulge of his package greeting me. I reach in feeling the skin of his penis his hard shaft wanting to get out. As I pull his pants come down, his cock springs out in front of me.

New Powers

There had been stories in the newspapers and on the telly news reports that a U.F.O. had been spotted flying over England and that the Royal Air Force had been tracking a space ship but had been unable to make any form of contact with the space ship, many people thought that the stories were a hoax and refused to believe in them, but the reports kept coming in, no civilians ever saw the space ship and more and more people thought the stories were some sort of ploy to get people to join the military services, then the reports stated the space ships had disappeared and that there was no sign of them. Then one morning when the youngsters of a small country town got up they found that there was no adults around, at the school it was the caretakers twelve year old daughter Amy who unlocked the gates and the school, there were no teachers to be seen anywhere, the students just hung about doing as they wanted, sixteen year old Mandy was sitting on the roof smoking when Amy’s twin brother Colin and two of his class mates appeared and told Mandy they were in charge and that she was in trouble for smoking, Mandy looked at the trio and said to them ” fuck off you little twerps” the trio advanced on Mandy and before Mandy knew what was happening had her pinned down on the roof and Mandy found that she could not break their grip, Mandy felt her tight fitting skirt being pushed up and her panties pulled down and off then her bare bum being smacked being smacked very hard, after it had been smacked twenty times the smacking stopped, Mandy felt her bum stinging then saw Colin who said to her” no smoking we now run the school” and left with his two mates following, Mandy stood up adjusted her skirt and went into the building where she saw her best mate Cindy getting her bare bum smacked by Colin and his mates, then Amy’s voice boomed out over the public address system saying ” the juniors are now in charge anybody over the age of twelve will obey us” Mandy said ” yeah like fuck will I” Amy then said ” anybody over twelve will strip naked us girls want to see boys cocks” then Amy’s voice was replaced by Colin’s who said ” us boys want to see some tits and cunts” Cindy laughed said ” your out of your tiny little mind if you want to see a cunt look in the mirror” all over the school the older students were laughing saying things like their mad, in the main hall sixteen year old Steve the school bully headed to the office where he confronted Amy and started arguing with her telling her he was the boss, at a given word from Amy her class mates jumped on Steve dragging down onto the floor and despite his best efforts Steve could not fight the girls off and Steve could not stop the girls as they ripped his clothes off him leaving him naked, Amy looked at Steve’s six inch dick and said ” not bad” Mandy and Cindy were both now naked after being stripped by a group of twelve year old boys who were now rubbing the naked bodies of the two girls, all over the school the students over twelve years of age had been stripped naked by the students of twelve and younger who had gained super strength,  Amy’s best mate Sally was stroking Steve’s eight inch erection while her friends shouted make him shoot spunk and when Steve did in four spurts the girls all cheered and clapped, Cindy was laying naked as the group of young boys were taking it in turns to push their fingers in and out of her love tube and making Cindy cum quite a few times, Mark who was known as the school pervert was stood watching as Mandy who was two years older than what he was lay naked and when the younger students said to him ” fuck her” he did not need forcing and was soon thrusting his six inch dick in and out of Mandy’s love tube making her cum twice before he was finished, all over town the boys and girls of twelve and under had stripped the older youths naked, seventeen year old Martin was being held on the floor as his stepsister Sara who was six years younger than what he was stroked his nine inch erection, all over the world Adults started to disappear and the older youth was being stripped naked by the under twelve year olds, nobody knew where the adults were and the younger kids did not care Mark certainly was not worried he was now thrusting into the love tube of his eighth girl and was glad that he had plenty of Viagra, there was never any sign of a space ship but nobody on earth cared anymore, most of the older boys and girls were now enjoying the attention of the younger students, Steve was groaning as Amy’s best friend bounced up and down on his solid dick, Cindy was wondering how Mandy’s little brother had grown such a big dick but did not care it felt real good, Amy was watching Mark squirt his cum over the older girls face and though life is certainly not going to be boring ever again.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

My encounter with Xenonetix

Back in 2010 I found a flash game called Everybody Edits. It was a sandbox/platformer where people could build and play worlds. The concept was intriguing so I found myself coming back to the game. After a few months the developers added a way to create an account and save your creations. Communication with other players was done by writing words in a world. As this was very time-consuming I had been looking for other ways to talk to the community. I found a world which had a link to a Tinychat chatbox. The world was created by the EXcrew, one of the first groups of players to collab to create worlds as a group. Worlds by this group featured a link to the crews Tinychat. When I finally decided to visit the chatroom it was fairly active. There were about 10 people there and there was a discussion about something I don’t remember. The world I was playing at that time had some jumps that I couldn’t figure out so I decided to ask for help.

Night Light

The evening had begun like any other evening in the small quiet English village, the small village shop had just closed for the night while the pub was just opening, Geoff the village police officer was on his way to the town thirty miles away for his weekly meeting with his boss, sixteen year old Emma was walking home from school along the narrow country lane towards the village she was not happy after having been in detention which had made her late, not far behind her was Colin who was two years younger than what Emma was, he had also been in detention but did not care, Colin was well known for being a peeping tom and was often in trouble for it. Emma was known as the school bully, she did not care who she picked on and as she walked was shouting abuse at Colin, apart from from Colin and Emma there was nobody else in the lane, suddenly there was a loud whoosh as something flew over head as it did Emma saw orange green and pink lights flashing and realised that it was a space craft, after a few minutes the craft appeared again and hovered over the two teens as it did a bright light shone down on the two teens for ten minutes before going out then the craft flew away with a loud whoosh as it did, Emma stood for a few minutes looking into space then turned and looked at Colin and said to him ” do you want to give me a real good fucking ” and took her jumper off then started to unbutton her blouse Colin watched as Emma stripped naked, after looking at her ample boobs and love tube Colin stripped naked and walked towards Emma his seven inch erection throbbing as he walked, Emma lay down on the ground parting her legs as she did, Colin knelt between Emma’s parted legs and after rubbing her love tube for a couple of minutes bent forward and pushed his erect dick into Emma’s love tube and started to thrust in and out, Emma started groaning and saying ” yeah man fuck me fuck me hard ” Colin thrust in and out of Emma’s love tube deep and hard and massaging her boobs at the same time, after ten minutes Emma cried out in pleasure as she climaxed and after half a hour had climaxed a further four times, Colin pulled his dick from Emma’s love tube and told her to get on her hands and knees, Emma did as Colin had said, after five minutes Colin was thrusting his dick in and out of Emma’s tight bum while reaching under her and starting to rub her boobs again, Colin continued to thrust in and out of Emma’s bum for twenty minutes before squirting his cum up her back, After ten minutes Emma stood and dressed then looked at Colin and said to him ” you are cool ” and walked away, after dressing Colin headed for home not knowing how he had kept going for so long and not caring but guessed it had something to do with the space ship which was now hovering over the village, Colin thought tonight could be fun and hurried towards the village not wanting to miss out on the fun that he knew would be taking place.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

ਮੰਮੀ ਚੁੱਦੀ ਮਿਸਤਰੀ ਕੋਲੌੰ – 1

Hello mera naam sam wa te mein ferozpur rehna wa.. main apni mumi bare bhut interesting kahani dasan ja rha…. mumi meri da naam.. anju sharma wa umar 46 saal wa figure 36-32-38 wa chubby jehi lagdi aa badi sanskaari aurat a mumi… path puja daan wagera bhut krdi a mandir v daily jandi aa…. Gori chitti aa puri jado saree paundi aa us din ta muth meri wajji pakki hundi aa mumme bhaari hon karkee saree cho bahr aunde ne te suit ch b mumme tight hi hunde ne… chittad jayde badde ni par naram te lun khda karn nu bhut ne turdi de hilde hunde aa.. ik trah sanskari garm aurat aa puri… mumi kol bra penty sare cream ya white rang de ne….. jado mein 12-13 saalan da c ta mein main mumi dady de nal penda reha kade mumi nu ghodi bni dekhna kade latta chakki kade upar pyi shaala mardi awaj bdi sohni kad di hundi c aahhh ahhh di… chuppe v mardi hundi c.. fer mumi pregnant hogi te hun ik 7 salan da bhra hor wa te main hun alag sona nalde room ch… jdo da bra hoya mumi di awaaja ni sunia fr mein dubara…. Swere jado naha ki aundi baal gile gile gore badan te chipke hone haye katil lagdi aa mumi puri… chalo kahani wal hune aa hun…..

Mami kadna chotasa gift

Tumhala mahit ahe ki mi Mami la kasa jhavala te, Ani majya dusrya mamachya pori la pan kasa jhavlo te. Ata tumhala mi Mami ne majya sathi Kai gift dila te sangto. Mi varsha nantar gelo hoto gavi and Mami pan khush hoti. Mama poranna gheun mamichya ghari janar hota 10-12 divsa sathi. Tasa Mami ne mala kalavla hota, mi jevha pochlo tevha mama bag Bharat hota and pora tayar hoti. Mama me mala vicharla ki tu yeto ka, mi bollo ki nahi nako, ithech bara ahe. Tar to bolla ki Mami chi kalji ghe Karun and to nighala. Mami ne mala angol sathi Pani dila and me fresh jhalo. Dupar paryant jevan Karun thoda Aram kela. Mami khush hoti karanki ratri amche yoga chalnar hote. Mami and mi ratri room madhe Alo and ekmekanna kiss karu laglo and ekmekanche kapde kadun takle. Mami ne tichi puchi shave keleli hoti, nantar mi and Mami bedvar jhopun jhavat hoto and thodya time ne tila call ala ki tichi friend yete ahe. Mami la Ananda pan jhala and dukha pan. Mala samajla te and Mami la ghatta pakdun jhavat rahilo. Ratri 3 vajle tari amhi jhavat hoto, Mami mala bolu lagli ki ata kahi divas jhavta yenar nahi aplyala. Mi tila bollo ki baguya pudcha pudhe and mag tila mi kiss kela and tichya gandit Lund takun dila. Mami kalvali and bolli ki aramat pahilya sarka Chota nahi ahe, ata ha jada and lamb ahe. Mi mamichya gandit jhadlo and tasach jhoplo. Sakali amhi angol keli and vaat bagat hoto tichya friend chi. Ticha call ala ki bus 1hr late ahe tar mala ghyayla yaal ka. Mi tayar jhalo anayla. Ek tas ahe bagun mi Mami la mandivar basavla and kiss karu laglo. Mami ne dress ghatla hota khas tichya friend sathi. Mi ticha legin Khali kela and puchit Lund takun jhavu laglo. Mami la khup maja yet hoti, and mala bolli ki please chadit nako taku kapde kharab hotil. Mi tila bollo ki tondat ghyaava lagel mag. Ti tayar jhali and mag mi tila Khali basavla and tond ugdayla sangitla. Tine tond ugadla and mi tila deepthroat dila 3-4 times and tichya tond bharel yevdi Malai dili. Tine te piun takla and bolli ki tila nit gheun ye. Mi stop var gelo and tila pick kela. Tila bagtach mi hairan rahilo. Ti savli hoti pan tiche hoth khup cute hote and ball pan bhari hote. Mag mi tila rickshaw madhe basayla sangitla, tevha tichi gand bagitli Kai shape hota 3 tennis ball milun ek side Cha bocha hoil. Mag amhi ghari Alo and tya doghi ek mekanna mithi marun bolu laglya. Mami tila fresh hoyla patavla, and mala vicharat hoti ki kahi tras tar nahi jhala na. Mi tila bollo ki hila jhavu ka mi. Ti aikun hasayla lagli and bolli ticha 6 months adhi lagna jhala ahe tujhe chance kami ahet. Mi bollo Mami la ki tu try kela tar Tula pan jhaven ekatra. Mami la idea patli and ratri doghi ekatra jhopayla gelya. Mi Mami la atvan Karun dili sex chi. Mami and tichi friend bolu lagli. Boltana Mami ne vishay kadla ki seal tutli vatta ekichi. Tar tichi friend hasayla lagli and bolli kuthe yevda nashib. Majha navra ratri yeto to gandila puchi samjun jhavto. Tyala andharat kahi disat nahi and light lavayla det nahi. 6 months to gand jhavto ahe fakt, puchi tar ajun seal pack ahe and doghi hasayla laglya. Mami bolu lagli ki seal todaychi ki nahi, khup control ahe ki interest nahi. Tichi friend bolli interest yevda ahe ki Lund aat takla tar ek tas baher karayla nahi denar. Pan mala ajun kiti mahine lagtil Kai mahit seal todayla. Puchi chi khaj veglich ahe. Mami bolu lagli ki Tula hava ka koni jhavayla, and tichi friend bolli kahitarich Kai. ASA lagna jhaleli Bai dusrya barobar kasa Karel. Mami bolli tila ki khaj mitvayla ek bahercha hava, mi tar mitavte majhi khaj. Tichi friend bolli bara ahe tujha, kiti Vela kela tu and kasa vatta. Mami bolli ki tu swata try kar mala tar khup enjoy hota. Mami ne tila jhopayla sangitla, ratri tichi friend bathroom madhe jayla nigali. Tine bathroom madhe chukun shower Cha button on kela and oli jhali. Floor ola hoil mhanun tine ticha gown kadla and bathroom madhe thevla and baher Ali. Mi just kitchen madhun baher Alo tar mi tila bagitla. Mi magun haluch gelo and ticha tond dabla and donhi hath handle. And tila majya room madhe anla. Ti bolaycha prayatna karat hoti, pan mi idea keli and ASA dakavla ki mi Mami la bandun bedroom madhe anla ahe. Mi tila bollo ki Mami aj tujhi gand jhavun tujhi Shanti karto. Majya room chi light off hoti and bahercha ujed hota tevdach. Mi tichi underwear Khali keli and tichya gandit condom lavlela lavda takla. 45 min jhavat rahilo and nantar tiche hath ugadle and bollo ki ja ata tu mokli ahes. Mi bedroom chi light on keli. And ticha chehra bagnya sarka hota, ti Lal jhali hoti and bolayla lagli. Arey Tula bagta yet nahi ka konala jhavto ahes te, tujhi Mami bedroom madhe ahe and tu mala jhavat hotas. Mi acting keli ki chukun jhala. Mag ti underwear ghalayla lagli and bolli ki tila sangu nako. Mi bolla nahi sangat pan tumcha response changla hota. Ti hasli and jayla nigali, mi tichya chadit hath ghatla magun and tila mage khechla. Ti bolu lagli he Kai ata jau de tujhi icha purna jhali na. Mi tila bedvar dhakala and tichi underwear kadli, and bollo ki ajun thoda time Karun. Tine nakar dila pan mi parat tichya gandit takla and jhatke deu laglo. Tila majha yet hoti and tine tichi bra kadun side la thevla. Mag tine mala majha lavda karayla sangitla and tine to tondat gheun chokayla suru kela. Tine 5 min nantar condom kadla and parat choku lagli. Mi tichya tondat sagla maal takla. And tila hug Karun jhopun rahilo. Tine nantar parat majha lavda halvayla suru kela and suck karu lagli. Nantar tine sangitla ki majya puchit Tak, mi condom ghetla Navin and ugdaychya aat tine to khechun ghetla and bolli ki Bina condom jhavaycha mala. Mi bollo thik ahe and lavda ghasu laglo tichya puchivar. Kai kovli puchi hoti neat and clean, ASA vatta hota ki Navin pustak ahe. Mi lavda set kela tar ti bolli ki first time ahe majha nit Jara. Mi bollo kahi tension nahi and halu majha lavda aat dhakalla. Tila dukayla lagla pan tine continue karayla sangitla. Mi ajun thoda dhakala and tichi seal tutli. Mi majha ardha lavda takla hota and tichi seal tutli hoti. Mi ardha lavda var tila jhavu laglo. 5-6 min nantar mi lavda baher kadla and saaf kela. Tichi puchi saaf keli and parat tichya puchit lavda takla. Hya veli mi full aat takla, to dachkan uthli and radayla lagli. Mi tila halu halu thokat rahilo and tila Aram bhetla. Mag nantar majhi speed vadavli and jhavat rahilo. Ek tas jhala tari amhi jhavat hoto. Ticha Pani sutnar ahe ASA tine sangitla, mi tila control karayla lavla and ekdam dogha Jana Pani sodu ASA bollo. Amhi doganni mithi marli and mi tila uchlun ghetla. Tine mala payani kamre bhavti ghatta pakadla. Mi tasach jhatke jorat deu laglo. Thodya time ne doganni Pani ekdam sodla. Mi tila Ulta bed la tekvun thevla and lavda baher kadun lagla. Tichya puchitun sagli Malai baher yeu lagli. Mi tila tyach position madhe thevla and majha lavda thoda right hota mhanun parat aat ghatla and jhavu laglo. Tila excitement yevdi hoti ki tine parat thoda Pani fekla. Mi jasa majha lavda baher kadla tasa sagla Pani galat tichya ball paryant gela. Mi tichya ball var te fasla and bathroom madhe gheun alo. Amhi ekmekana saaf kela and apaplya kholit gelo. Sakalche 6 vajle hote. Pudhe ajun Kai Kai ghadla te sangto next story madhe.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

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