They Are Here

Jet fighters were flying over the small town in the early hours of the morning, police and military personal were out on the streets residents of the town were woken from their sleep by all the noise, residents were told to stay inside their homes and to keep all windows and doors locked, then the news channels broadcast reports that unidentified aircraft had been picked up on radar then suddenly disappeared a police patrol reported seeing a bright green light in the sky that descended to the ground when the football pitch where the light had descended to was examined a high level of radiation as well as strange shapes in the soil was found, stories of Aliens having landed were soon going around but after a couple of months nothing was found and people forgot all about the incident, sixteen year old Steve a local racist thug was waiting at the derelict factory he had not long finished playing football and was still in his shorts and football jumper as he waited Steve saw Pao who was four years younger than what he was and originally from Bangladesh throwing fish onto the floor then for some unknown reason the fish vanished Steve approached Pao and said” what you doing bitch” Pao replied saying ” feeding my friends” and threw more fish, Steve slapped Pao and told her to fuck off, Pao glared at Steve and said ” take all your clothes of I want to see you naked” Steve pushed Pao and again told her to fuck off, Pao pointed and said ” help him” Steve felt a heavy thud in his chest and he fell to the floor, then his shoes and socks came off followed by his jumper then his shorts, Pao looked at the now naked Steve and said ” nice cock” Steve covered his seven inch dick and when Pao said ” stand and put your hands on your head” Steve felt him self being lifted and his hands go to his head he found he could not move, Pao said up and Steve felt a strange sensation in his dick and he got a nine inch erection, Pao walked over to him took hold of Steve’s dick and started to stroke it, Steve could do nothing to stop her and after a few minutes squirted his cum in four spurts much to the great delight of Pao, Steve’s girlfriend Tina who was also sixteen was just approaching the building when she saw Tony a local pervert who was a peeping tom and flasher, Tony was laughing and to Tina it looked like it he was playing tag with somebody but she could see nobody, Tony smiled at Tina and said ” let me fuck you” Tina looked at the Tony who was two years younger than she was and told him to piss off, Tony said ” help her strip” Tina then felt tee shirt going up and could not stop it and was soon topless with Tony saying nice tits Tina then fell onto the ground and her jeans panties and shoes came off in one go, Tina could not move and saw that Tony had his seven inch erection out he said position her and Tina felt herself being laid back on the ground and her legs parted Tony moved forward knelt between Tina’s legs and pushed his dick up her love tube and started to thrust in and out pushing in as deep and hard as he could and after five minutes felt Tina cum but carried on thrusting in and out of her love tube and after half a hour had felt Tina cum four more times before he pulled his dick out and stand back, Tina lay where she was, In town eighteen year old Jane was working on her dads fresh fish stall when her step brother Mark who was six years younger than her walked up with two of his classmates,  Mark looked at the ground and said dinner, Jane stood looking at the fish as they slowly vanished with out anybody being near them, Jane could not understand what was happening and when Mark said ” strip her” Jane froze and all the buttons on her overalls popped open and her overalls fell to the ground leaving her naked, the three sixteen year old girls at the bus stop who were waiting for the bus saw Tony looking at them then point and the girls froze then their clothes were stripped off them leaving them naked, in the local Bengali shop where Pao lived sixteen year old Martin was standing naked with a eight inch erection while Pao’s sister who was seven years younger than Martin was jerking his dick all over the town the adults were in a very deep trance while all the teens were walking around naked the boys all had solid erections the girls all had solid nipples all the younger boys and girls were enjoying having fun with them, at the bus stop Tony was humping the bum of the third girl while his brother who was four years younger was sucking the nipples of each girl in town, the military were outside the town trying to get in but there was some sort of invisible shield stopping them and no matter what they tried it would not budge.This content appeared first on new sex story .com


You know what I look like from the photo’s I’ve sent, the time on video chat together: dark hair cropped short, medium beard, black-framed glasses sometimes. I’m taller than you by four inches or so. Enough that you’d need to look up to see my face, but not so tall that ill tower over you. At least, that’s how you’ve imagined it.

Jennys Punishment Pt. 1

Jenny walks into the room, on hands and knees, lead on a leash by her mother. Her father is setting in his chair watching as they enter, he is wearing only a pair of loose boxers. She can see right up one of the legs and can see his semi hard cock laying against his leg. This is just the first day of her one month punishment for skipping a weeks worth of school, serving her parents doing anything they tell her to do when they tell her to do it. Hell this morning she woke up to her mother straddling her face getting ready to pee, “Drink or drown,” she had said just seconds before the stream of hot yellow liquid had started. Now it was time to see what daddy wanted her to do for him, hopefully not the same, ‘Maybe he will just want me to jerk him off, or let him eat my pussy or something,’ she was thinking to herself as she was placed in front of him. He slid forward, his cock sliding out of his boxers and hanging in front of her face, ‘maybe he will just want me to suck on it,’ she thought again.

Megans Diary

Hello all. Firstly before I start my next series. Thanks for the feedback. Some ideas for continuing some of my past series. Especially ‘Nudist Family Antics’ and ‘Being treated right’ and a couple of others. I am working on where I can take those further, and the other small ones I have had mentioned by a few readers.

My sex desire – 01

Hey friends I have come up with a story today which happened in real. Coming to the story, this happened nearly 10 years back and it is still fresh in my head so I hope you all get wet by the end of this story. I am a simple guy in a middle class family and the girl I had a passionate sex is next to my house. Her name is Priya. Initially I never had any bad indentations towards her but after many days once I went to her home and I saw her in a red dress on top of it she is doing some work while bending. I immediately I  got hard by looking at her beautiful boobs. They are really white and look very tender. Except the nipple part I had a wonderful view of them which made me masturbate after going home.

Mom is now my biker babe – with additions

Patty Barker was on the back of my Old Indian bike, her mini-skirt up around her hips, hanging on to me for dear life, it was her first ride on a motorcycle and she was loving it. We had just separated from Mom and her father Larry, we had followed them from a beer hall and watched from under a shadowed shop entry while his daughter gave him a blow job, then fucked him. Of course, this turned us on, so while they were fucking, we were, too. About that time, the cops had showed up and were questioning them, and they were about to be in deep shit, so my quick thinking Mom stepped out and claimed Patty as her own daughter, claiming that Patty was 19, and was with her. Patty, just as quick as Mom, agreed, and that got rid of the cops. We had introduced ourselves, made it obvious that we were an incest couple as well, and since they were from out of town, Mom invited them up to our apartment on India St. Since Larry was a big rugged handsome guy, I could see Mom had eyes for him, so I invited Patty, a plump, auburn haired cutie, to ride on my bike with me while Mom rode home in Larry’s old Chrysler Air Flow.

The Day I Knew I was Bi – Part 15

I could not wait for Saturday and when it came I went off to the village with my heart pounding hoping that Meg would take care of Pauler and Peter and I could have some fun, me being turned on by watching the two girls find the spots that turned them on to girly sex. I need not have worried Meg and Peter were outside the shop waiting when I arrived and both looked great, I went in and bought my fag’s and off to the Mill we went taking care to see we were not followed and the place was clear on our arrival. Yes all was clear and a surprised Pauler was waiting for me, we all went inside and I introduced Peter and Meg to Pauler, explaining they were friends I met on the cliff’s at weekends for mutual fun. To my joy Pauler looked Meg over with a searching eye tracing her body from head to toe and doing it slowly and missing nothing at all, Meg smiled and said she was pleased to meet her in a very meaningful way which Pauler understood and enjoyed her lips parting and her tongue running over her bottom lip in a very sexual reply. Meg went to her and kissed her full on the lips her hands going straight behind her and clutching her bottom cheeks firmly while her left leg went right between her legs and under the hem of her skirt, the knee finding the gusset of her panties which the hands behind her pulled her tight on to, she was beached high and dry her pussy rubbed by any movement of Meg’s leg. Pauler had delight written all over her face and she started to move her bottom forward and back grinding her pussy on Meg’s knee and letting all her body weight down at the same time to take the maximum pressure on her clit she could. The girls are happy Peter said in my ear, oh yes and I can’t wait to enjoy the exploring of each other and the sound of girly heavy breathing as naked breasts and wet pussies are given the full treatment to find each others cum button I said and he kissed me.

Closing Early by tony.pop13

My first job ever was working at a small restaurant. I was mostly working a closing shift on a very slow location so it was easy money. There were many people that helped me close through out the week and one of them was this small but fun blonde girl. We were really bored through out the day and would talk about random topics. We were both in relationships and she asked me if I would be comfortable with the idea of my girlfriend starting an only fans. I said that I would most likely be quite uncomfortable of the idea. She was a little surprised and said that she thought I would be supportive of my girlfriend. I explained my stance further and ask her what her boyfriend would think of the idea of her doing the same. She said that she hopes her bf would be supportive and most likely would be. I asked why. And she said that she has always been comfortable with her body and the idea of showing it off and getting money from it would be cool. I asked just how comfortable she was with showing her body to people. She made deep eye contact with me and said “very comfortable actually”. I jokingly said; “damn show me then”. She was quite for a moment and then said. “Ok”. We stood there in silence for a moment and I checked the clock. We closed in around 45 minutes and asked her if she wanted me to lock the door and we could close early that day. She said yes. As I went to close the door she said she would be in the office waiting for me. I walked to the door, turn the open sign off and locked the door. I even turned some lights off in the front to make it look closed. I walked to the office and went inside. She was waiting in there and when I shut the door she asked me “what now?” As I sat on the office chair, I told her that it was up to her, that she could show me as much or as little as she was comfortable with. She smiled timidly and slowly lifted her shirt up. I saw her pale flat stomach and then I saw a sexy pink bra being uncovered. I started getting hard and rather than hiding it I let it bulge up for her view. And in one quick movement she removed her shirt uniform. She spinned around a couple of times showing off her body to me. She reached towards her belt and undid it along with her pant button and zipper. Revealing some cute black underwear. She was lowering her pants slowly and by the time her pants were down to her knees she turned around showing me her butt, and across her panties there was a text that said “fuck me daddy”. I smiled and she giggled as she completely removed her pants. She gave a little show as she spinned and showed off her beautiful sexy body. She came closer to me and sat on my lap. I slipped my fingers between her thighs and her pussy and asked her. “What would your boyfriend think of this?” She said; “fuck that asshole, I don’t want to think of him right now” she gave me a kiss and started undoing my pants. She was shocked. She said;

Never too late for anal

I was with my boyfriend for three years before we broke up. We then kept loose contact, and as time went by we grew some sympathy for each other again and one drunk night we kissed, and we are a couple again since then. Our sex live was not bad but never too exciting. We were not doing anything that was out of the ordinary. I sucked his cock, he licked my pussy, and we fucked. That was it. During the period of separation, however, I discovered that I wanted a more fulfilling sex-live. I was keen to try new things.

Black Domme White Sub

Karen is a college freshman. She is 5ft4 about 140. She has a good figure 36DD 24 38. Because she is on the short side that top and bottom look even bigger than they really are. She had a boyfriend Steve. He like sucking on her 38’S and she likes it too. Make that she loves it. Just from his nursing her she has really strong orgasms. She not only soaks her panties she soaks her jeans. She has never let any guy get that far before. She wants to be a virgin on her wedding night. She thinks she is being very naughty by sleeping in the nude. She thinks she is being kinky by going out on her last two dates with Steve not wearing panties. Given the nature of their relationship he never knew. She had him well trained he knows he is allowed to suck on her tits but now he would never try to put his hand down inside her pants or up under her dress.

The Day I Knew I was Bi – Part 12

My start at the boarding School in Dover was a shock, tight rules and full Army kit to look after along with home work every night mad my first 3 months very hard for me, I got on well with the guy’s in my Dorm and slowly settled in. Free from home and in a place with every possible thing a lad could wish for, sport, swimming pool indoors, a great Gym and fields full of Rugby and football pitches. I put myself in for cross country running and was shocked when the practice start time turned out to be 04.30 but on finishing the course we went in the pool for a run down swim, naked, back to looking at cocks from boy’s 9 to 18 a sort of heaven for my thoughts.

Being Bi at Home 1958-61 – Holiday Part 1

On leaving school I arrived home to be told it had been arranged for me to go and stay with my Aunt and two cousins down in Devon at Plymouth, the girls were 16 and 17 and the family lived in a small Hamlet. My folks were off on a well earnt holiday and it was thought here was great for me at the coast with the girls and the beaches to keep us busy for the 2 weeks. I was ok with that, the girls were good fun and Vicky the younger was always laughing Betty the older was a little more of the thinking type so all was looking good.

The Taking of Teilor Grubbs Virginity

I had gotten myself a job working on the set of Hawaii 50 as a set lacky just for the summer till I started college being only 18 it was a dream for me to be working with actors and actresses of a good caliber. After a couple of weeks in they had a scene with a character called Grace aka Teilor Grubbs I had always thought she was hot just from watching the show so having to work a long side her made me so excited.

Coming in Love

He knelt before her as if to worship her. Her eyes were fire in anticipation of this man’s love. She twitched uncontrollably, almost imperceptibly. But he noticed. He felt her, he knew her intimately, but they had never been this close; not physically, anyway. But the connection was there, the fire burned, the touching of hearts and minds complete — all that was left to do was consummate this match. This heavenly connection, this divine union. This spark that was about to combust.

Mating with Curley

Who could predict the thoughts in the mind of married women. Some women wonder what it might be like to fuck some certain guy while others go out of their way to do it. Gone are the days of the man being a serial cheat. These days it’s the women. And, for some women they even go outside the species.

Wakeing The Zombies Part 1

Martin was a sixteen year old thug who lived in a small country town, he did not bother to go to school which pleased the students of the school that he should of attended, they felt safer with him not being in school, the tutours were not keen on him not being there either. Martin was a very violent thug, he was both homophobic and racist, He was feared by nearly everyone who lived in the small town where he lived, even the local police were scared of him and avoided him. Just over ten miles outside of the town where Martin lived was a plot of land that was owned by the government, it was the scrap yard for air force planes that were no longer in use, there had been six people who worked there taking the planes to bits but a year ago they stopped work at the site now there were just rusting plane shells, the security that had patrolled the site stopped patrolling the site, it appeared that the government had abandoned the site. Martin started to go to the site and strip the planes of anything that he could sell to the crap yards. It was late one afternoon when Martin turned up at the site and started to strip planes as he did he noticed that on the door of one of the old cargo planes was a skull and cross bones and the word danger, The door was locked shut Martin set about trying to force the door open and after trying for half a hour cheered when the door gave way, when Martin stepped inside the room to his slight horror he saw ten bodies that were slowly rotten away Martin backed out of the room then saw the bodies start to move after a few minutes the bodies had all risen to their feet and were slowly lurching to the door, Martin thought zombies picked up a wrench and hit one the zombies with the wrench before he could take another swing the remainder of the zombies had got to Martin and were clawing at him, outside the plane a group of girls were watching what was happening and could see that the zombies were ripping Martin’s clothes off him, the girls were all two years younger than Martin was and were all soon smiling when they saw a naked Martin trying to fight the zombies off, July said ” he has got a big cock ” as she watched the way Steve’s seven inch dick swung about. Martin was trying to fight the zombies off with out much success, July said ” come on let us get a closer look and along with her three friends climbed on board the aircraft and soon realised their mistake when the zombies turned on them and started ripping their clothes off, Martin had managed to back into a corner and was soon looking at four naked struggling girls hearing them screaming, he then heard July shout ” he is fucking me ” Martin looked and saw that a zombie was pounding into July’s love tube Martin saw that each of the girls were being pounded by zombies and developed a nine inch erection, Martin felt safe from danger in the corner he was in and watched as the zombies pounded away into the love tubes of the help less girls, after a hour the zombies left the aircraft leaving the girls laying on the floor after a short time three of the girls had managed to get up and run off leaving July laying on the floor, when July got up Martin saw that her nipples were very erect Martin stepped from the shadows, July looked at Martin and said ” you could have helped ” Martin smiled stepped up to July and said ” the zombies seemed to manage ” and started to rub her firm boobs then lay her back down onto the floor where July parted her legs allowing Martin to slide his throbbing dick into her love tube and start to thrust in and out, after a hour Martin and July were walking through the site when July saw a mass of zombies and pointed them out to Martin who said ” there are hundreds of the things and they are heading towards town, both Martin and July started heading in the same direction as the zombies wondering what they would see when they got to the town. In town July’s three still naked friends had arrived and were mumbling about zombies, the residents of the town thought that the girls were high on drugs and did not believe what the girls were telling them but when the first of the zombies appeared there was panic set in with residents running in fear as the zombies entered town.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Mom son travel during lockdown

Hii guys I am Steve, 20year old lives in Bangalore about myself I am 6.2feet tall with a 7inch thick dick, brown guy currently doing my BTech, we are a family of 5 members me my 2 brothers and mom dad, I am the eldest one, telling about my mom she is Sara who is a teacher, she is a37-year-old chubby women with medium-large boobs and sexy big ass.

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