Road trip

Brian’s friend tommy was a nice guy. He was working as a general contractor on a building site outside Derry that was about 60 miles away. Tommy had no means of transport and asked Brian if he minded driving him out to the site and he would square him up with money. And it would only be for a week or two.

Aunt Annie decides to help me out

I was 17, and working after school and weekends for a property management outfit in New Hampshire taking care of summer camps, cottages, and estates for people who lived out of state. We worked out of an abandoned Texaco station, and had a bunch of different old pickups, vans, tractors, and even a couple of boats to look after everything. I had worked with Kippy Kneeland learning how things worked, and was now being given some of the basic repairs to do on my own, along with the keys to the vehicles and tool chests. I had a ring of keys on my belt that weighed a pound and a half.

चचेरी बहन ने बदला जीवन भाग 3

बबिता बाहर बैठी सब्जियां काट रही थी मुझे देखते ही चहक कर मुस्कुराते हुए बोली गुड मॉर्निंग भैया उठ गए मैंने उलझन में उसे देखते हुए कहा गुड मॉर्निंग और बाथरूम की तरफ जाने लगा तो बबिता तेजी से उठ कर मेरे पास आई और मेरा हाथ पकड़ कर मेरे कान में फुसफुसा कर बोली एक मिनट मेरे कमरे में आइये और मेरा हाथ पकड़े हुए मुझे लगभग खींचते हुए अपने कमरे में ले आयी और मेरी आँखों मे देखते हुए शरारत से बोली भैया वो फ़ोन के बारे में अम्मा या बाबूजी को मत बोलना प्लीज मैंने बड़ी मुश्किल से खरीदा है पैसे जोड़ जोड़ के अम्मा पहले मेरा एक फ़ोन तोड़ कर फेंक चुकी हैं….., अब मेरी जान में जान आयी कि मामला गंभीर नही है सब कुछ नार्मल ही है मैंने कहा एकदम निश्चिंत रहो मैं किसी से कुछ नही बताने वाला ना फ़ोन के बारे में ना ही उन वीडियोस के बारे में और हां थोड़े पैसे आते ही मैं एक अच्छा सा फ़ोन ले लूंगा जो कि तुम्हारा ही होगा पर बबिता तुम भी किसी से कुछ मत बताना कल रात जो मैंने तुम्हारी पैंटी के साथ किया ये सुन कर उसकी नजरें झुक गयी और वो धीरे से बोली मैंने वो धो कर सुखाने डाल दी है और आप न कहते तो भी मैं किसी को कुछ न बताती अब आप जाओ और जल्दी से तैयार हो जाओ वैसे ही आप देर से उठे हो आज फिर मैं फटाफट नहा धो कर नाश्ता कर के चाचा के साथ काम पर आ गया और आज फिर सारा दिन दिल लगा कर मैंने काम सीखा दोपहर में लंच टाइम में सुपरवाइजर सक्सेना मेरे पास आया और बोला संजय मेरे एक दोस्त की भी दो साइट में काम शुरू होने वाला है अगर कुछ और लड़कों का प्रबंध हो जाये तो कर लो पर लड़के अपने जैसे ही होशियार और मेहनती लाना फिर वो बोला नए लड़को को लाने वाले को हम 10% कमीशन देते हैं देख लो अगर दो तीन लड़के लगा दोगे तो महीने के 15000 तक ऐसे ही कमा लोगे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर गांव में 10-12 लड़के हैं जो काम की तलाश में हैं मैं एक दो दिन में बात कर के बुलवाता हूँ उन्हें सक्सेना ने कहा ठीक है 600 रुपये रोज के और खाने का इंतजाम मेरी तरफ से होता है वैसे तो 700 मिलते हैं लेबर को पर 100 मेरा कमीशन होता है बाकी तुम जितने में उन्हें सेट कर लो वो तुम देख लो अब हमारे गांव की तरफ तो लेबर को 300-350 ही मिलता है वो भी काम मिले ना मिले कोई ठिकाना नही यहां तो अच्छे खासे पैसे मिल रहे थे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर मैं कल ही लड़के बुलवा देता हूँ पर आप उन्हें 500 ही पेमेंट बताना लेकिन उनके रहने का इंतजाम करना होगा ये सुन कर सक्सेना बोला यार यही इसी साइट पर रह लेंगे अभी तो 3-4 महीने काम चल ही रहा है यहां इतने कमरे बने हैं जैसे बाकी लेबर रहते हैं वो भी रह लेंगे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर मेरी बात सुन कर सक्सेना बोला संजय तुम्हारे चाचा से अब ज्यादा काम होता नही वो तो मेरे पुराने जानने वाले हैं और मेरी सभी साइट्स पर उन्होंने ही काम किया है इस वजह से मैं उन्हें मना नही कर पाता पर अब मैं उनके काम से ज्यादा खुश नही हूँ पर कल तुम्हारा काम देख कर मुझे लगा कि उनकी कमी तुम पूरी कर सकते हो मेरी बात गौर से सुनो मैं जिस कंपनी में काम करता हूँ इसके दो चार प्रोजेक्ट हर टाइम चलते रहते हैं काम की कमी नही है और न ही पैसे की बस मेरी बातें मानते रहो समझते रहो और पैसा छापते रहो…. मैंने कहा श्योर सर मैं अपनी तरफ से आपको कभी शिकायत का मौका नही दूंगा और काम के लिए मैं हमेशा हाजिर हूँ पर मुझे यहां चाचा ही ले कर आये हैं सो आप उन्हें काम से मत हटाना उनके काम की कमी मैं पूरी कर दूंगा आप निश्चिंत रहिये उसने खुश हो कर मेरी पीठ थपथपाई और बोला मैं पहली नजर में जान गया था तुम कामके आदमी हो और अच्छे इंसान भी अपने चाचा के प्रति तुम्हारी सोच बहोत अच्छी है देखना एक दिन तुम बहोत तरक्की करोगे….. मैंने बस हाथ जोड़ कर कहा सर आपका आशीर्वाद बना रहे बस उसने कहा अपना फ़ोन नंबर दे दो मुझे मैंने ना जाने क्यों झूठ बोल दिया कि मेरे पास फोन नही है वो अज
ीब से नजरो से मुझे देखते हुए बोला आज एक जमाने मे बिना फ़ोन के कौन रहता है यार मैंने कहा सर मैं गांव से हूं गरीब परिवार से अभी कल से ही काम शुरू किया है पैसे आते ही फ़ोन लेना है सक्सेना ने कहा शाम को काम खत्म कर के मुझसे मिल कर जाना मैंने कहा ok सर और फिर वो चला गया और मैं चाचा के साथ काम पर जुट गया उस दिन हमने साढ़े छह तक काम किया और दो बाथरूम और एक किचेन की फिटिंग कम्पलीट कर दी और फिर हाथ मुह धो कर कपड़े बदल कर हम नीचे आ गए सक्सेना अपने केबिन के बाहर खड़ा लेबर को पैसे बांट रहा था मैं जा कर पास में खड़ा हो गया उसने मुझे देखा और अपने काम से फुर्सत हो कर कहा एक काम और कर पाओगे मैंने कहा जी सर बताइए वो बोले कल से दिन भर अपना काम करने कर बाद शाम को ठीक 6 बजे यही आ कर सारे लेबर को पैसे देने होंगे….. कल से एक और साइट का नया काम शुरू हो रहा है तो कुछ दिन मैं उधर व्यस्त रहूंगा और ये जिम्मेवारी का काम है हर किसी को नही कह सकता मैंने कहा लेकिन सर मैं तो नया हूँ अभी आप मुझे ठीक से जानते भी नही उसने कहा जानने के लिए 10 मिनट बहोत होते हैं बेटे और ना जानने के लिए पूरी जिंदगी भी कम फिर उसने एक सिगरेट सुलगाई और धुंवा उगलते हुए बोला संजय मैंने भी ऐसे ही एक साइट पर मजदूरी करने से अपना जीवन शुरू किया था पर मेहनत और ईमानदारी ने मुझे आज सब कुछ दिया है इस साइट की वैल्यू 750 करोड़ है और ऐसी 4 साइट मेरे अंडर हैं एक लाख मेरी सैलेरी है बंगला गाड़ी सब मुझे कंपनी ने दे रखा है ईमानदारी से बेईमानी कर के तीन चार लाख और कमा लेता हूँ और क्या चाहिए मैंने कहा ठीक है सर आप एक बार काम समझा दीजिये बस उन्होंने कहा अंदर आओ और केबिन में चले गए पीछे पीछे मैं भी आ गया ये एक एयरकंडीशनर कमरा था जिसमे एक टेबल और एक लेदर कुर्सी लगी हुई थी सामने एक सोफा पड़ा था ac की ठंडक मुझे बड़ी अच्छी लगी और दिन भर की थकान मिटने लगी पीछे की दीवार के साथ एक बड़ी अलमारी खड़ी थी उसे सक्सेना ने खोला और अंदर से एक और चाभी निकाल कर लाकर खोला अंदर दो हजार और 5 सौ के नोटो की गड्डियां भरी पड़ी थी सक्सेना ने कहा ये पैसा पड़ा है और ये रहा रजिस्टर इस पर हर एक लेबर का नाम दर्ज है और उसका कोड नंबर उसके साथ ही सामने इस कॉलम में उसे दी जाने वाली मजदूरी की रकम दर्ज की जाती है और इस आखिरी कॉलम में उनके दस्तखत या अंगूठे के निशान कल से तुम्हे इसी केबिन के बाहर उन सब को पेमेंट करनी है और उनके साइन ले कर बचा हुआ कैश और रजिस्टर वापस यही रख देना है और इस काम के लिए तुम्हे 8000 सैलेरी मिलेगी अलग से मैंने कहा जरूर सर ये तो आसान काम है और मुझे पैसों की जरूरत भी है इस टाइम फिर सक्सेना ने उस अलमारी में से ढूंढ कर एक मोबाइल फ़ोन निकाला ये एक एक रेडमी का 18000 रेंज का इस्तेमाल किया हुआ मोबाइल था उसने उसे ऑन किया तो वो ऑन हो गया और उसने वो मोबाइल मुझे पकड़ाते हुए कहा ये लो संजय बेटा स्मार्टफोन और कल से एकदम स्मार्ट बन जाओ ये मेरा ही फ़ोन है मैंने पिछले महीने नया ले लिया तो ये फालतू पड़ा हुआ है मैंने कहा सर कल से क्यों आज से ही और फिर सक्सेना ने अपने जेब से हजार रुपये निकाल कर मुझे दिए और बोला इसका चार्जर नही है मेरे पास ले लेना और सिम डाल कर रिचार्ज करवा लेना कल से इस साइट की काफी हद तक जिम्मेवारी तुम पर रहेगी कोई समस्या हो तो मेरे नंबर पर कांटेक्ट कर लेना मैं अब अगले हफ्ते ही यहां आऊंगा मैंने कहा ok सर फ़ोन के लिए thanks……

Exposing girlfriends big tits at rock show

This was a few years ago now but was very hot. My girlfriend and I were going to a rock show that evening at our local arena. There was 5000 plus people at the arena to see Godsmack. Of course my girlfriend had to dress like a little slut. Tight jeans, black high heeled boots, a low cut black top, a bright blue bra that was slightly visible because of the low cut top and a tight leather jacket zipped up halfway, showing a lot of cleavage. She unzipped her jacket the rest of the way when we got to our seats.

Promiscuous IV

I haven’t seen Jim in a while. It bothers me a bit. I’m nothing if I’m not patient. I’m just hoping you’re wanting me as bad as I want you right now. Until then I guess I’ll have to satisfy myself. I’m actually a pro at it. All I do is imagine I’m with you. I close my eyes and I think about that enormous cock of yours. I slowly slide my hand down my panties. I imagine you entering my hot pussy with that huge cock. You’re moaning and groaning and that shit really turns me on. I slide my index finger in my pussy. I pretend it’s your dick and you’re fucking me. I slowly slide my finger from my pussy. I lift it to my mouth to taste the pleasure I wish you were tasting right now. You’d love it. I put my finger back in my pussy. It’s cold from the air. “Mmmm” I say as my tongue traces a circle around my lips. I gently move my finger in and out of my pussy. I grab my breast with my free hand. I start jabbing my finger in and out of my pussy. My mind returns to the last time we were together. I hunch hard imagining your dick filling my pussy. I call out your name over and over. “Jim…Jim…Jim..” until I think you can actually hear me. Before I know it, all my muscles have tightened. I hold my breath at the beginning of that little tingle when you’re about to cum. I hold my clitoris like a cigarette and squeeze as tight as I can stand it. In less than a moment I feel like I’ve touched the tip of heaven. I clench my teeth as the blood rushes to my head. I feel like I’m going to pass out, but I don’t. My body grows limp. I hear my phone ring in the distance, I let out a loud satisfying sigh.This content appeared first on new sex story .com


When I was 12 years I went to my grandma house. The house is near to a beach. I want to take bath in beach but my grandma doesn’t allow me to go. One fine sunny day without informing I went to beach for bath. I kept all my clothes in cover then I started taking nude bath in beach. I enjoyed bathing in sea. It was in morning about 08 clock. There was no body in beach. I started playing in sea roaming here and there without clothes. Then I realized I came long from my clothes. By that time a group of fisherman came in beach I am watching them from long distance. They had taken my clothes which was kept in cover and they left the place. Now I am standing nude in the beach. I started walking in the beach nude to find out any clothes, I found some group of women cutting the woods near to beach. I went to them and asked help by seeing me nude they all laughed since I am small boy they told you wait for some time we will take you to your home. I waited there by that time another group of young girls came there for wood cutting I am standing there without clothes by seeing me they laughed and came near to me and asked reason. The women there told to young girls that you girls take this boy to our home and give clothes. The group of girls aged about 20 years taken me along with them I am starting walking with them nude in between one of the girl touched my penis. It was very bright sunny day. While walking nude in beach I found one peace of cloth lying in the beach I started wearing that cloth but suddenly I found lot of ants in the clothes that was biting my penis then one of the girls removed that cloth and thrown away. By that time there was many ants in my penis started biting. I shouted with pain. Then two girls touched my penis and started removing ants on my penis one by one. By penis become red by seeing this girls rubbed my penis with their hands and asked to sit. My penis became more red I started crying. Then one of girls told that their aunty is having hospital clinic near by the beach. Then they started taking me to the clinic. I went to clinic with them with completely nude. The clinic was in the house where I found no patient. The girls taken my to the inside clinic. The doctor laughed by seeing me nude. The girls explained what was happened. The doctor told to lay on the bed. She applied ointment on my penis. By that time all the group of girls staring my penis. Doctor told to wait outside. The lady doctor applied some more ointment on my penis. Then she gave pant & shirt and asked me to wear. I left that place immediately and went to home.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

The Tribe

Sara was a sixteen year old girl who lived in England with her sister Amy who was four years younger than what she was, her parents were both missionaries who did a lot of work with the tribes in the jungles of Africa, when her parents were in Africa Sara wold go and stay with her Aunt so that she could keep up with her studies. Sara was now sat with her best friend July in Africa after going with her parents on one of their trips, Sara’s parents were visiting a tribe, Amy appeared and told the girls that a report had come through that a local tribe who worshiped animals had been attacked by poachers and were very angry which meant the girls needed to take extra care, the girls decided to go find Sara’s parents and set off on the walk to the village where they were as they went through the jungle Sara thought it was very quiet when suddenly a large group of tribes men came out of the dense over growth before the girls could react the tribes men had tied them up and were leading them deeper into the jungle, after a hour the group entered a village where the girls were tied to poles and left. After what seemed like hours to the girls a small group of tribes men appears girls stood backed with some girls who Sara judged to be their age the men started to chant while doing a dance then slowly more and more tribes people appeared forming circle, after ten minutes the tribes girls went to the three girls and ripped their clothes off them leaving them totally naked, the tribe girls then started to rub a liquid from stone pots on the girls body, Sara found the liquid made her body warm then after a short time she started to feel aroused she noticed that both Amy and July had erect nipples and the girl rubbing the liquid into her body pushed her fingers inside her love tube Sara found it felt good it was the first time a girl had done this to her, after ten minutes the tribe, Sara was now feeling extremely horny she had never felt as horny as she was feeling before, the three girls were then taken into the centre of the circle and tied spread eagle to stakes, the tribes men and women were now all dancing and chanting then after ten minutes stopped and all fell to their knees Sara saw that they were worshiping some boars, one boar was brought forward and placed in front of Amy then released as soon it had been released it started to lick Amy’s body, Sara watched as the boar licked her sisters love tube then after a few minutes saw the boar’s dick slide into Amy’s love tube and it started to hump her, the other boars were released and soon both Sara and July were having their bodies licked by the boars, Sara felt a boar dick slide into her love tube and start to hump her but she was feeling so horny that she did not care it was a boar humping her it felt good and she was enjoying it then she felt a dick push into her mouth and start to hump it after few minutes Sara climaxed then felt the dick in her mouth twitch and her mouth filled with a warm sticky mess which Sara realised was boar sperm, the tribe people danced and chanted as the boars humped the love tubes and mouths of the three white girls who had lost count of how many times they had climaxed, after a hour the boars were taken away the girls were then bent over a long pole then after a few minutes each of the girls had a boar humping their backsides and their mouths, after three days with little rest the girls had been humped by boars countless times and were laying in a hut when they heard a lot of shouting and gunfire, Sara heard a voice say in here then felt herself being lifted after a week the three girls were in a English hospital recovering they were then taken to a home to receive further treatment then after a month the girls were all back home in the small village where they lived, After a few days just after the farmer had gone home for the evening the three girls were walking naked into the pig style smiling as they did.This content appeared first on new sex story .com


It was early evening on a warm summers night, the big mansion that stood just over five fives miles out side of the nearest town had a lot of activity happening inside of it, the man who owned it and was one of the richest men in the world had gone away on a business trip and would be away for two or three months, his wife had left him for a toy boy a couple of years ago Sara who at sixteen years of age and their only daughter had been left in charge of the running of the house while her dad was away and was having a dinner party for a few of her friends, none of the full time staff who worked at the mansion wanted to work that night despite being offered extra pay so Sara had hired an outside catering firm and offered some of the local lads two hundred pound to work that evening, the food had been delivered and now the local lads were serving the food, like her five friends Sara was wearing very tight fitting clothes that much to the delight of the boys that were serving the food showed off the outline of their well developed bodies, Mark who was three years younger than what Sara was pointed out the window and said ” what is that” the others looked and saw a strange shape with orange lights floating in the sky, Sara said ” it is a space ship the Aliens are attacking” as she said this the lights in the mansion flickered and went out plunging the place into darkness, then a bright green light from the space craft lit the mansion up, the boys stared in disbelieve as the six girls started to glide upwards then hover a few feet of the ground and after ten minutes slowly returned to the floor where they all stood with a dazed look on their faces, Tony noticed that each girl had big pokies and said ” look at those pokies” then to the amazement of the boys the girls all removed their tops and bras the boys looked at the six sets of naked boobs not knowing which to look at first and when the girls removed their skirts and panties and stood naked, the boys stared in awe at the love tubes of the naked posh sixteen year old girls, Sara walked to Mark and said to him ” fuck me” and started to pull his clothes off him till he was naked his six inch solid dick ready for action, the other girls were saying ” fuck me” but did not need to strip the boys as they were already stripping, after a minute Sara was laying on the floor with her legs open guiding Mark’s dick into her moist love tube, Tony was pushing his nine inch dick into the love tube of Sara’s best friend Kim, in the town there were loads of girls floating in the air sixteen year old Gary the well hated local pervert was looking at July who was four years younger than he was and had been shouting abuse at him before the space craft arrived now Gary was looking in awe as July undressed saying fuck me as she did and after a few minutes was thrusting in and out of her love tube, July’s twin brother was looking at a naked Mandy who lived next door to him it was the first time he had seen a naked girl and was transfixed by the seventeen year old girls boobs, all over town girls were stripping naked and telling boys to fuck them while all the adults slept in a very deep sleep, the violent racist sixteen year old Eve had been shouting racial abuse at the Bengali boys in the grocery shop but was now laying naked while the boys waited their turn on her love tube while three of their mates were stood smiling hardly able to believe what they had just had fourteen year old Paul who was gay was walking around town looking at the boys who had their erect dicks out and when he saw Martin who had beat him up a few times squirting his cum he thought yes at last. After five hours the space craft started to move away from the town and a hour after the girls who had fallen asleep started to wake up wondering why they were naked and who had had sex with them, the incident was talked about for years to come after everybody remembered the space craft but it was only the boys who knew who had had which girl and they were not saying anything. While the sign that was burnt into the grass saying VISITED never faded.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Mommys Little PeePee – Part 2 Got Pee

I’m sorry my writing isn’t professional and my text has a southern accent to it. I’m not really trying to write or tell a story, more just reliving my sexual experiences with my mom. This accounting of what we shared is true. My mom was obsessed with making sure I had every sex experience possible. Many were repeated over and over but the one we did the most was just the two of us making love. It was almost daily and most nights.

The Snob Girl

Tracy was the daughter of one of the richest men in the country, at just sixteen years of age Tracy had everything that she wanted, she went on holiday three times a year to the family villa in Italy, she dressed in designer clothes and attended many functions, it was at one of these functions that Tony the son of another very rich man took her to the wine cellar where he slid her one piece ballroom gown off her shoulders letting her bra less boobs fall into view and after sucking her nipples for a few minutes pulled the designer split on her gown open and slid her panties down and off then after rubbing her hairless love tube for a couple of minutes undid his trousers pulled his eight inch erection free and slid it up Tracy’s love tube and started to thrust in and out but only lasted a minute before he squirted his cum over the floor, Tracy was angry and disappointed at the very poor performance from Tony and after adjusting her gown stormed off with out putting her panties back on, Tracy was so angry that she left the dance and after telling her driver to go she would walk home started to walk home, as she walked along the country lane she could feel the wind blowing the bottom of her gown open and blowing round her love tube which started to make her feel horny, Tracy climbed over the fence into a field where she walked away from the road then pulled her gown open and stood enjoying the wind as it blew against her love tube, then lowered her top so the wind was also blowing against her boobs which now had erect nipples, after a minute Tracy took her gown right off and stood naked for a few minutes before laying flat on her back with her legs apart enjoying the sensation of the wind blowing on her love tube and her ample boobs then Tracy felt something wet slide up her legs and saw a dog licking her legs, as she started to sit up she saw a second dog which started to lick her face and another started licking her stomach, Tracy tried to get up but could not, she then felt the dog that was licking her leg start to lick her love tube the dog licking her stomach wandered off, while the dog licking her love tube moved up to her stomach, when Tracy tried to push it off the dog growled which frightened Tracy and made her leave the dog which was now licking her boobs, Tracy felt something wet slide up the inside of her leg and quickly realised it was the dogs dick and tried to close her legs but before she could she felt the dogs dick pushing into her love tube and felt it slide right in then start to hump her, she then felt the dog that had been licking her face stop and its dick on her face before she could react the dick slid into her mouth causing her to gag then start to hump her mouth, after a few minutes Tracy started to feel very aroused and after a few more minutes climaxed not long after she gagged again as the dog humping her mouth filled it with it’s juices which Tracy had no option but to swallow, the dog humping her love tube carried on humping and soon Tracy climaxed again then felt the dogs twitch and love tube become extra sticky, after a few minutes the dogs wandered off, Tracy then saw Sara one of the girls from the village who she knew was sixteen looking down at her, Sara said ” that was my dogs that just fucked you but do not worry I will not tell anybody ” Tracy stood up and put her gown on, When Sara said my parents are away if you want to have a bath before you go home and wash the smell of dog off you you can ” Tracy followed Sara back to her house where after half of a hour she was relaxing in a nice hot bath thinking fucked by a dog got dog spunk in my mouth and it felt good, The bath room door opened and Sara walked in with a cup of tea saying this will help get rid of the taste of dog spunk ” after handing the tea to Tracy Sara said ” you been thinking of the dogs fucking you ” Tracy said ” what ” Sara then said ” your nipples are very erect ” and smiled as she did, Tracy did not say anything. Sara then said ” do not worry I let them fuck me there are better than some of the boys, Tracy was stunned by what she had just heard and when a dog entered the bath room Tracy watched as Sara undid her jeans and slid them down and watched as the dog started to lick Tracy’s love tube, after a couple of minutes Sara stopped the dog and pulled her jeans up saying see you down stairs and left the bath room, after ten minutes Tracy got out of the bath wraped her towel round herself and went to the lounge, as she walked in she saw Sara laying naked on the couch with a dog licking her ample boobs, Tracy stood watching after a few minutes Sara said take your towel off and lay on the floor, Tracy smiled and did as Sara had said, after a few minutes the dog had not been near Tracy, Sara said ” it can only smell soap ” got up off the sofa and got a jar as she did she said this is aniseed dogs love it, then went over to Jenny knelt down beside her then pours some of the aniseed onto Tracy’s body then started to rub it into Tracy’s boobs which surprised Tracy, after rubbing the aniseed into Tracy’s boobs Sara started rubbing some into Tracy’s love tube pushing her fingers slightly inside as she did, soon the dog was sniffing round Tracy and licking her boobs and love tube, Sara said ” here it comes ” Tracy then felt the dogs dick sliding into her love tube and was soon breathing heavy as the dog humped away, Sara then said ” you have got a beautiful pair of tits ” and started to rub them, Tracy was a bit surprised then Sara stopped rubbing Tracy’s boobs and started to lick and suck her nipples, Tracy was soon groaning in deep pleasure and climaxed twice before she felt the dogs dick twitch, A hour later Tracy was walking back to where she lived thinking fucked by dogs and groped by a girl who has given me her phone number I have got a new friend or two I will have to phone her some time, At the weekend Tracy’s parents went off on their annual six week holiday, all the staff from the mansion where Tracy lived were now on leave annual leave leaving Tracy on her own, Tracy phoned Sara and twenty minutes later both girls were keeling naked by Tracy’s bed being humped by dogs.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Animal Rescue Farm

The animal rescue had been standing on the edge of the small English town for ten years. It had once been a farm that had been owned by the same family for nearly one hundred years, but then things started to go bad for the farm owners and despite their hardest efforts they went bankrupt and the farm was brought by an animal rescue charity who cared for animals that had been ill treated or abandoned by their owners. A few residents of the town had volunteered to work at the farm which had been given a big make over by the charity, quite often there were lots of animals at the farm being cared for. It was early evening and sixteen year old Dawn who was one of the volunteers was working at the centre, she was going to be there all night, Liam who was two years younger than what Dawn was was also going to be there all night, Liam was not very well liked in the town due to him being a peeping, Dawn was well know for being a bully and a girl who caused a lot of trouble and great upsets, not may people trusted her. It had been a very hot day and was still very warm, Dawn had changed out of her clothes and was wearing just overalls in the hope of staying cool and was now preparing food for the five chimps that were being kept in one of the former barns, Liam watched as Dawn went into the barn and started to feed the chimps, as he watched he saw the chimps were not touching the food and getting restless, then suddenly the chimps all rushed at Dawn jumping all over her, Liam saw the chimps pulling at Dawns overalls, then to his joy Liam saw the back of Dawns overalls tear and her bare bum appear, Liam held the stick he had fetched to fight the chimps off and smiled broadly as he saw Dawns overalls being torn off and was soon admiring her naked ample boobs and hairless love tube, Liam started to fight the chimps off the now naked Dawn who ran from the barn, Liam followed her, once outside Liam saw Dawn climb over a fence which was a quick way to the office, Lian knew there were pigs the other side of the fence and heard the squealing, Liam went to the fence and saw that Dawn had fallen flat on the ground and now had ten pigs round her, Liam saw the pigs were sniffing round Dawns body and that she was having trouble getting them off, Liam saw Dawn eventually get free and try to squeeze through the bars in the fence, as she did Liam saw a pig put its trotters on Dawn’s pig then heard Dawn yell “no” Liam saw the pigs rear going back and forward then heard Dawn yell “get it off it is fucking me” Liam moved and saw that the pig was up Dawn, Liam moved round to the front of Dawn as he did he saw the pig that was humping Dawn get off her but before she could get through the fence another pig was humping her, Liam then saw that Dawn’s nipples were erect and could hear her breathing heavy, Liam watch as two more pigs humped Dawn and heard her groan and realised she had climaxed and was enjoying what was happing, Liam watched as pig after pig humped Dawn and could see she was enjoying it. After nearly a hour the pigs were finished and Dawn squeezed through the fence and lay on the ground, Liam looked down at her noticing that her nipples were still very erect. After a short time Dawn got up and went into the office, while she was in the shower Liam looked through the paper work and found papers that said the pigs had come from a satanic sect, when Dawn came out of the shower she made Liam promise not to tell anyone what had happened. A few nights later Liam went to the farm as he arrived he saw Dawn was naked climbing into the pig pen her nipples erect and thought it is going to be very interesting working her at night and moved over to the fence as a pig mounted Dawn.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Ritika Ke Sath Suhagrat 3

Hi guys main apka sourabh fir se mere aur cousin Ritika ke upar ye story le kar aya hu, last me padha tha ki shaadi se pehle Ritika ko jamm ke chudai kiya uske bad wo shaadi kar ke sasural chali gayi par is bar mere ek chote se galti ke wajah se uski mummy mere sath set ho gayi.

Clean Up 2

Steve lived in a small quiet town in England with his dad who owned and ran a building business, Steve often did clean up for his dad, when a job had been finished Steve often went to the site and cleaned any mess that was left and today was on his way to a farm a couple of miles out side of town where his dad had fitted new doors in the farm house, Steve knew that the farmer and his wife were away leaving their daughter July to run the farm, July was in the same class at school as what Steve was, her sister Sara who was two years younger than what Steve was had a reputation for being a trouble maker and was often involved in fights. Steve arrived at the farm as he did he saw Sara stood by the barn door and was totally surprised to see that she was naked, she was stood back to him looking into the barn, Steve thought what a cute bum she has got on her, Steve saw Sara go into the barn closing the door behind her, Steve wondered why she was walking around naked and walked over to the barn to find out, when he got to the door he heard Sara say ” bitch I wanted that one ” Steve saw a crack in the panels of the door and looked through it and smiled when he saw Sara stood rubbing her love tube her nipples fully erect, Steve looked through another crack and could hardly believe his eyes when he saw July was also naked on her hands and knees with a pig humping her from behind, Steve watched his mouth open wide, he saw July’s large boobs swinging around as the pig humped away he then saw Sara on her hands and knees move into view as she did he saw a pig start to sniff around her, as it did Steve saw Sara stop, he could see the nipples on her ample boobs were very erect and when the pig mounted her she pushed backwards, Steve stood watching as the two girls were humped by the pigs, he could hear them both groaning, he saw that another pig was near Sara and watched as Sara started to suck the pigs dick, when he looked at July he saw that she was also sucking the dick of a pig, Steve could hardly believe what he was seeing but stood watching feeling his dick throbbing inside his trousers, after a few minutes Steve saw the pigs round Sara back away from her then saw July was standing so he quickly went over to the farm house where after a few minutes he saw both the sisters leave the barn fully dressed, the girls walked over to Steve and let him in the house, after a couple of hours Steve had finished the clean up without telling what he had seen knowing he would return to watch more.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

The Day I Knew I was Bi – Part 10

I managed to break free for a few days as the lads were on duty and Petra had managed to get Hanner to herself and taken her home with her, so I tried a night club in the old part of town which was supposed to have a bad reputation and I like the sound of that. Showered shaved and plenty of after shave of I went to the Dragon Club, I had no trouble getting in as I had a nice Jacket and trouser combo on with a plain short sleeved shirt. The place was dark with pink subdued lighting and the tables were in alcoves around the side of the dance floor which had a Disco Ball shining coloured light on to the floor and ceiling. I made myself comfortable were I could see all the action but remained in the darkness at the back of the alcove, some girls were dancing together and by the look of it they were from a group as they came to the floor from different tables, all in high spirits. The place was filling up now and my Brandy and coke was making me feel right at home watching the girls dance and start to get a little relaxed in the way they acted towards each other, lots of kissing and one girl to my delight fumbling under her partners skirt, feeling her bottom on more. Yes with girls wearing the mini skirts and drinking plenty became free to observe and enjoy from the dance floor.

ਮੰਮੀ ਚੁੱਦੀ ਮਿਸਤਰੀ ਕੋਲੌੰ – 1

Hello mera naam sam wa te mein ferozpur rehna wa.. main apni mumi bare bhut interesting kahani dasan ja rha…. mumi meri da naam.. anju sharma wa umar 46 saal wa figure 36-32-38 wa chubby jehi lagdi aa badi sanskaari aurat a mumi… path puja daan wagera bhut krdi a mandir v daily jandi aa…. Gori chitti aa puri jado saree paundi aa us din ta muth meri wajji pakki hundi aa mumme bhaari hon karkee saree cho bahr aunde ne te suit ch b mumme tight hi hunde ne… chittad jayde badde ni par naram te lun khda karn nu bhut ne turdi de hilde hunde aa.. ik trah sanskari garm aurat aa puri… mumi kol bra penty sare cream ya white rang de ne….. jado mein 12-13 saalan da c ta mein main mumi dady de nal penda reha kade mumi nu ghodi bni dekhna kade latta chakki kade upar pyi shaala mardi awaj bdi sohni kad di hundi c aahhh ahhh di… chuppe v mardi hundi c.. fer mumi pregnant hogi te hun ik 7 salan da bhra hor wa te main hun alag sona nalde room ch… jdo da bra hoya mumi di awaaja ni sunia fr mein dubara…. Swere jado naha ki aundi baal gile gile gore badan te chipke hone haye katil lagdi aa mumi puri… chalo kahani wal hune aa hun…..

Double Take

Steve and Martin were both sixteen years of age they had lived next door to each other all of their lives and were very good friends, they stuck together and supported each other, Marin had been going out Debbie for just over a year, the pair were in the same class at school and were close, One evening the three friends had been out to a party and were heading back home, they decided to take a short cut through through the woods as they were nearing the road on the other side of the woods Steve said ” I need a piss and walked behind some bushes, Martin walked went behind another set of bushes while Debbie waited for them, Debbie suddenly realised that she could see Steve through a gap in the bushes and could see his seven inch dick, Debbie had never seen it before and was amazed at the size and thought that is bigger than what Martin has got when he has a hard on, when the two boys had rejoined Debbie she did not say anything about having seen Steve’s dick , the three walked home where Steve left Debbie and Martin in the garden of Martin’s house, the following day Martin played football for the school team so Steve walked home with Debbie at her house her sister Mandy who was two years younger than what they were was just going out, Steve went into the house with Debbie where he called her a peeping tom, when Debbie asked him what he was on about Steve told her that he had seen her watching him when he had a pee the previous night, Debbie smiled and said you should have been more careful and if it had not been out she would have not looked at it, Steve started to undo his trousers and when he let his dick out Debbie said you dirty sod as she looked at his dick, Debbie then saw it twitch, Steve said ” you want it ” Debbie just looked and saw Steve’s dick grow to a nine inch erection, Steve saw pokies appear in Debbie’s blouse he walked to her and cupped her boobs, Debbie said what about Martin ” Steve said ” I do not want to fuck him ” and started to unbutton Debbie’s blouse after a minute Steve had Debbie’s blouse wide open and her bra unclipped and rubbing her naked ample boobs as he did Debbie took hold of Steve’s dick and started to jerk it, Steve lay Debbie on the table reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down and off then after parting Debbie’s legs pushed his dick up her love tube as he did Debbie let out a loud groan, Steve started to thrust in and out of Debbie’s love tube hearing her groaning as he did then after five minutes felt her cum but carried on thrusting in and out of her love tube feeling her cum a second time before he pulled his dick from her love tube and squirted his cum over the floor as he did he saw Mandy looking through the kitchen window, not long after Debbie and Steve had adjusted their clothes Debbie went up stairs to her room then Mandy walked in and sat at the table, Steve moved behind her and slid his hands up the inside of her tee shirt and was soon rubbing her naked boobs saying to her ” I am going to be fucking you next ” then left, Mandy thought getting fucked by Steve as well as Martin that is going to be cool.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Crossdressers first real big d man

Hi you can call me Julissa.. I’m a crossdresser from Los Angeles CA. And here’s my story I first started crossdressing as far back as I could remember I do know I was young. Wearing my sisters clothes were Like a year apart so I would slip in her clothes fine.. I don’t know why but it gave me a rush. My heart will start beating fast I would enjoy the excitement of it.. So it escalated to me finding random things and putting them in my ass.. I guess training or just curious.. So now that I’m older I wear my wife’s clothes… I also bought her a 9 inch dildo.. Well its really mines.. Now. Lol well when she’s not home. Anyhow I found this website well app called grindr. I took sum sexy pics of me made a profile.. And posted it, it started going crazy I was surprised of how many guys wanted to fuck.. I’m not that fem but I do have an amazing ass so I hear lol its big.. Invade tour wondering.. So I started looking and found a sexy white boy with a huge cock.. I can tell from his pics… I answered him.. He would reply fast… Told me he wanted me I told him ok.. Finally.. Lost my fear and when I was alone at home I got dressed in some nice panties a bra short skirt and heels.. I was kind of scared so.. But here we go.. I told him come over I left door open as I wanted in my room feeling sexy lights off… He finally came walked in came in room I was shy at first but the dark room made it better.. He grabbed me started kissing me grabbing my ass gently pulling me closer I was so excited I went for it I grabbed his cock it felt huge and already hard.. I was shy no more I pulled it out quickly putting it in my mouth it felt so warm and good I sucked him Like 5 min he put me on the bed and ate my ass and kissed my ass cheeks and me till finally he started to go in me. I first felt alot of pressure when the head was going in he was huge….. To be continued.. Let me know if you want to hear part 2… I promise I wont let you down.. And I still have my grindr account till this day so let me know if you would Like to know more about me.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

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