যারা বৃষ্টিতে ভিজেছিল – ৭

স্বপ্নার মাই দুটো চটকাতে চটকাতে, চাটতে চাটতে, কামড়াতে কামড়াতে হাত দুটো ওর পেছনে নিয়ে গিয়ে ব্রায়ের হুকটা খুলে দিলাম। ব্রাটা লুজ হতেই স্বপ্নার মাই দুটো যেন একটু হাঁফ বাঁচল। ব্রাটা নামিয়ে দিতেই বাজখাই মাই দুটো চোখের সামনে নেচে উঠল। মাই দুটো দেখে মনে হচ্ছে রবারের ব্যাগে বাতাবি ভরে যেন ঝুলিয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছে। একটু ঝুলেই স্তূপের মত ফুলে আছে। মাঝের বলয়টা ঠিক গোল নয়, একটু ছড়ানো এলোমেলো। কালচে শরীরে গাঢ় বাদামী রঙের বলয়ের মাঝে টসটসে বোঁটা দুটো বসানো। খুব উঁচু না হলেও চুষে নিশ্চয়ই মস্তি হবে খুব। মাই দুটোর একটু নীচে গভীর নাভিটা। ঢাল বেয়ে নামলেই গুদ, এখন যদিও প্যান্টিতে ঢাকা। প্যান্টি রসে জবজবে হয়ে গেছে। টেনে নামিয়ে দিতেই পা গলিয়ে প্যান্টিটা খুলে ছুঁড়ে ফেলল স্বপ্না।

My Sexy Sister

I am a normal male, 22 years old and without a girlfriend at the moment. Although, to be honest I have never actually had a girlfriend as I am sports mad and spend a lot of time actively taking part in physical activity.

Zoo Break In

The zoo was situated on the outskirts of the town and brought thousands of visitors each week all being charged five pound to get in, sixteen year old Emma had guessed that the zoo must be raking in tens of thousands of pounds each week and that due to a country wide strike by all security guards the weeks takings must be in the safe in the office, and as there were no security guards to patrol the zoo the money would be easy to nick, Emma worked out a plan on how to get into the zoo which included climbing over the wall at the rear of the zoo, once inside Emma would then make her way to the office and after silencing the alarms would easily be able to open the safe and get the money then make a clean get away much richer than she had been when she had first went in. It was late at night as Emma lay on the ground at the rear of the zoo where it was all waste ground, after being sure that nobody was about Emma made her way to the wall and climbed the tree next to the wall then swung over onto the wall where she cursed herself for having forgot about the spikes on top the wall but tried to lower herself down as she did Emma felt a spike go under the leg of the overalls she had worn and tried to shake it free but could not as she struggled she lot her grip and fell to the ground as she did the spike ripped her overalls from top to bottom, after regaining her senses Emma stood as she did the ripped overalls fell from her body leaving her naked, Emma thought I will find clothes in the office and will be able to buy tons of clothes with what I am getting. Then to her horror Emma realised that she had got her bearings wrong and had landed in the gorilla pen and could see three gorillas moving to wards her, Emma backed up to the bars but the gorillas advanced on her and started rubbing her with their paws, Emma was to scared to scream, a gorilla picked her up under its arms and carried her to an area where there were logs as it did Emma saw a sign saying breeding station and thought oh shit, after rolling her around between themselves one gorilla pulled Emma up and before she really knew what was happening she felt a gorilla’s dick enter her love tube and start humping away, after five minutes Emma was starting to enjoy it and after another ten minutes climaxed after ten more minutes another gorilla was humping her she then felt a dick enter her mouth and start humping, After ten minutes Emma felt gorilla cum in her mouth and another dick slide into her love tube, after a hour Emma had lost count of the amount of times she had climaxed and how many times a gorilla had cum in her mouth and was laying on the ground with no gorillas around then spotted an escape hatch as she crawled through it she she did she thought I know how to visit the gorillas in future, In the morning Emma woke up in bed and after having breakfast sat counting the money from the zoo office wondering how to get rid of the taste of the gorilla cum but was looking forward to getting a lot more of the stuff fresh from the gorillas dicks.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

My First Time Cyber ;-)

I always thought bad about net sex. You know without web cams and you are just chatting? That kind of sex. Actually, you see I’m a virgin (girl) and my only encounter with anything sexual is only via web. It’s not that I’m ugly- please. It’s quite opposite of that. I just haven’t found anyone like that. Anyways, I’ll start telling you about my very memorable first chatroom sex.

Welcome 5

John was a homeless man living in a derelict factory in the small town, he was fifty years old and had been homeless for the last ten years and for the last year had lived in the derelict factory where he got a lot of abuse from local kids who had set fire to the boxes he slept in, for the last two months he had seen the flashing lights in the sky above the factory and had watched them in awe, it was an early evening and the three sixteen year old girls who gave John the most trouble appeared, John had got to know their names and watched as Sharon Cindy and Helen walked across the room and braced himself ready for the normal onslaught of abuse and spitting that the girls gave him, as the girls approached him John saw the lights appear through the broken roof he saw the lights stop directly above the girls and grow stronger, then Sharon said ” he is a poor man cant have much fun and leads a boring life, Cindy agreed and when Helen said ” lets give him a bit of fun” then looked at John and said to him ” do you want us to get our tits out so you can see them” John thought they are lulling me into a trap Cindy said ” that is not much fun” looked at John and asked him if he wanted to see them naked” and when Sharon pulled the zip on her hoody down and took it off revealing her naked ample boobs and started to undo her jeans, John could not believe his eyes and when both Sharon and Helen took their jumpers off revealing their naked boobs and started to undo their jeans John watched in awe and after a couple of minutes was looking at three naked sixteen year old girls admiring their love tubes and ample boobs, Sharon said ” this has probably wound him up then said to John would you like to fuck us and rubbed her love tube, and when Sharon walked over to him and lay down on his mattress parted her legs and said come on fuck me, John started by rubbing her boobs then undid his trousers releasing his eight inch erection which he was soon pushing into Sharon’s love tube as he did so the other two girls walked over and knelt down, John rubbed their boobs then started to thrust in and out of Sharon’s love tube and after ten minutes felt her cum then after a few minutes was thrusting in and out of Helen’s love tube and once she had cum he started on Cindy and once she had cum he watched as the three girls dressed and left surprised that he still had an erection, sixteen year old Ali was a Bengali youth who got a lot of racial abuse from Karen who was four years younger than what he was, Ali was totally surprised when Karen lifted her tee shirt showing him her just developing boobs and when she said ” get your cock out and I will suck you off” Ali got his dick out and when Karen knelt and started to suck it he thought nice, and when Karen swallowed his cum he thought I am dreaming. Mark the local peeping tom was looking through Kim’s bedroom window hoping he might get a view and when Kim who at sixteen years of age was two years older than him walked into her room wearing just a towel and waved at him he was about to run when Kim removed her towel revealing her naked body, Mark could hardly believe his eyes and watched in disbelieve as Kim started to masturbate and after ten minutes when she gushed Mark thought super cool, July and three of her classmates were having a sleepover and suddenly the four girls stripped naked and walked out of the house, the ten year old boy who lived next door stared as the four girls who were all four years older than him walked down the street naked, sixteen year old Steve was watching telly when his sister and her best mate who were four years younger than him stood and stripped naked, Steve stood and stripped naked the two girls looked at Steve’s nine inch erection and after a minute Steve’s sister was groaning as he thrust in and out of her love tube while her mate was saying hurry up I need fucking, John looked in disbelieve at July and her friends as they lay naked on the floor saying fuck us, all over town people of all ages were stripping naked and having sex with anybody, sixteen year old Gary and Dean would stood jerking their dicks while Mike who was two years younger than them and gay watched and after both boys had squirted their cum and bent over the park bench and said ” fuck us” Mike thought must oblige and twenty minutes later after servicing both of the straight homophobic boys bums watched as the two boys started to thrust in to their girlfriends love tubes, the last of the four girls were just leaving John who looked up at the flashing lights in the sky and said your welcome here any time that you want to come and pay us a visit or just stay here.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

चचेरी बहन ने बदला जीवन भाग 3

बबिता बाहर बैठी सब्जियां काट रही थी मुझे देखते ही चहक कर मुस्कुराते हुए बोली गुड मॉर्निंग भैया उठ गए मैंने उलझन में उसे देखते हुए कहा गुड मॉर्निंग और बाथरूम की तरफ जाने लगा तो बबिता तेजी से उठ कर मेरे पास आई और मेरा हाथ पकड़ कर मेरे कान में फुसफुसा कर बोली एक मिनट मेरे कमरे में आइये और मेरा हाथ पकड़े हुए मुझे लगभग खींचते हुए अपने कमरे में ले आयी और मेरी आँखों मे देखते हुए शरारत से बोली भैया वो फ़ोन के बारे में अम्मा या बाबूजी को मत बोलना प्लीज मैंने बड़ी मुश्किल से खरीदा है पैसे जोड़ जोड़ के अम्मा पहले मेरा एक फ़ोन तोड़ कर फेंक चुकी हैं….., अब मेरी जान में जान आयी कि मामला गंभीर नही है सब कुछ नार्मल ही है मैंने कहा एकदम निश्चिंत रहो मैं किसी से कुछ नही बताने वाला ना फ़ोन के बारे में ना ही उन वीडियोस के बारे में और हां थोड़े पैसे आते ही मैं एक अच्छा सा फ़ोन ले लूंगा जो कि तुम्हारा ही होगा पर बबिता तुम भी किसी से कुछ मत बताना कल रात जो मैंने तुम्हारी पैंटी के साथ किया ये सुन कर उसकी नजरें झुक गयी और वो धीरे से बोली मैंने वो धो कर सुखाने डाल दी है और आप न कहते तो भी मैं किसी को कुछ न बताती अब आप जाओ और जल्दी से तैयार हो जाओ वैसे ही आप देर से उठे हो आज फिर मैं फटाफट नहा धो कर नाश्ता कर के चाचा के साथ काम पर आ गया और आज फिर सारा दिन दिल लगा कर मैंने काम सीखा दोपहर में लंच टाइम में सुपरवाइजर सक्सेना मेरे पास आया और बोला संजय मेरे एक दोस्त की भी दो साइट में काम शुरू होने वाला है अगर कुछ और लड़कों का प्रबंध हो जाये तो कर लो पर लड़के अपने जैसे ही होशियार और मेहनती लाना फिर वो बोला नए लड़को को लाने वाले को हम 10% कमीशन देते हैं देख लो अगर दो तीन लड़के लगा दोगे तो महीने के 15000 तक ऐसे ही कमा लोगे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर गांव में 10-12 लड़के हैं जो काम की तलाश में हैं मैं एक दो दिन में बात कर के बुलवाता हूँ उन्हें सक्सेना ने कहा ठीक है 600 रुपये रोज के और खाने का इंतजाम मेरी तरफ से होता है वैसे तो 700 मिलते हैं लेबर को पर 100 मेरा कमीशन होता है बाकी तुम जितने में उन्हें सेट कर लो वो तुम देख लो अब हमारे गांव की तरफ तो लेबर को 300-350 ही मिलता है वो भी काम मिले ना मिले कोई ठिकाना नही यहां तो अच्छे खासे पैसे मिल रहे थे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर मैं कल ही लड़के बुलवा देता हूँ पर आप उन्हें 500 ही पेमेंट बताना लेकिन उनके रहने का इंतजाम करना होगा ये सुन कर सक्सेना बोला यार यही इसी साइट पर रह लेंगे अभी तो 3-4 महीने काम चल ही रहा है यहां इतने कमरे बने हैं जैसे बाकी लेबर रहते हैं वो भी रह लेंगे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर मेरी बात सुन कर सक्सेना बोला संजय तुम्हारे चाचा से अब ज्यादा काम होता नही वो तो मेरे पुराने जानने वाले हैं और मेरी सभी साइट्स पर उन्होंने ही काम किया है इस वजह से मैं उन्हें मना नही कर पाता पर अब मैं उनके काम से ज्यादा खुश नही हूँ पर कल तुम्हारा काम देख कर मुझे लगा कि उनकी कमी तुम पूरी कर सकते हो मेरी बात गौर से सुनो मैं जिस कंपनी में काम करता हूँ इसके दो चार प्रोजेक्ट हर टाइम चलते रहते हैं काम की कमी नही है और न ही पैसे की बस मेरी बातें मानते रहो समझते रहो और पैसा छापते रहो…. मैंने कहा श्योर सर मैं अपनी तरफ से आपको कभी शिकायत का मौका नही दूंगा और काम के लिए मैं हमेशा हाजिर हूँ पर मुझे यहां चाचा ही ले कर आये हैं सो आप उन्हें काम से मत हटाना उनके काम की कमी मैं पूरी कर दूंगा आप निश्चिंत रहिये उसने खुश हो कर मेरी पीठ थपथपाई और बोला मैं पहली नजर में जान गया था तुम कामके आदमी हो और अच्छे इंसान भी अपने चाचा के प्रति तुम्हारी सोच बहोत अच्छी है देखना एक दिन तुम बहोत तरक्की करोगे….. मैंने बस हाथ जोड़ कर कहा सर आपका आशीर्वाद बना रहे बस उसने कहा अपना फ़ोन नंबर दे दो मुझे मैंने ना जाने क्यों झूठ बोल दिया कि मेरे पास फोन नही है वो अज
ीब से नजरो से मुझे देखते हुए बोला आज एक जमाने मे बिना फ़ोन के कौन रहता है यार मैंने कहा सर मैं गांव से हूं गरीब परिवार से अभी कल से ही काम शुरू किया है पैसे आते ही फ़ोन लेना है सक्सेना ने कहा शाम को काम खत्म कर के मुझसे मिल कर जाना मैंने कहा ok सर और फिर वो चला गया और मैं चाचा के साथ काम पर जुट गया उस दिन हमने साढ़े छह तक काम किया और दो बाथरूम और एक किचेन की फिटिंग कम्पलीट कर दी और फिर हाथ मुह धो कर कपड़े बदल कर हम नीचे आ गए सक्सेना अपने केबिन के बाहर खड़ा लेबर को पैसे बांट रहा था मैं जा कर पास में खड़ा हो गया उसने मुझे देखा और अपने काम से फुर्सत हो कर कहा एक काम और कर पाओगे मैंने कहा जी सर बताइए वो बोले कल से दिन भर अपना काम करने कर बाद शाम को ठीक 6 बजे यही आ कर सारे लेबर को पैसे देने होंगे….. कल से एक और साइट का नया काम शुरू हो रहा है तो कुछ दिन मैं उधर व्यस्त रहूंगा और ये जिम्मेवारी का काम है हर किसी को नही कह सकता मैंने कहा लेकिन सर मैं तो नया हूँ अभी आप मुझे ठीक से जानते भी नही उसने कहा जानने के लिए 10 मिनट बहोत होते हैं बेटे और ना जानने के लिए पूरी जिंदगी भी कम फिर उसने एक सिगरेट सुलगाई और धुंवा उगलते हुए बोला संजय मैंने भी ऐसे ही एक साइट पर मजदूरी करने से अपना जीवन शुरू किया था पर मेहनत और ईमानदारी ने मुझे आज सब कुछ दिया है इस साइट की वैल्यू 750 करोड़ है और ऐसी 4 साइट मेरे अंडर हैं एक लाख मेरी सैलेरी है बंगला गाड़ी सब मुझे कंपनी ने दे रखा है ईमानदारी से बेईमानी कर के तीन चार लाख और कमा लेता हूँ और क्या चाहिए मैंने कहा ठीक है सर आप एक बार काम समझा दीजिये बस उन्होंने कहा अंदर आओ और केबिन में चले गए पीछे पीछे मैं भी आ गया ये एक एयरकंडीशनर कमरा था जिसमे एक टेबल और एक लेदर कुर्सी लगी हुई थी सामने एक सोफा पड़ा था ac की ठंडक मुझे बड़ी अच्छी लगी और दिन भर की थकान मिटने लगी पीछे की दीवार के साथ एक बड़ी अलमारी खड़ी थी उसे सक्सेना ने खोला और अंदर से एक और चाभी निकाल कर लाकर खोला अंदर दो हजार और 5 सौ के नोटो की गड्डियां भरी पड़ी थी सक्सेना ने कहा ये पैसा पड़ा है और ये रहा रजिस्टर इस पर हर एक लेबर का नाम दर्ज है और उसका कोड नंबर उसके साथ ही सामने इस कॉलम में उसे दी जाने वाली मजदूरी की रकम दर्ज की जाती है और इस आखिरी कॉलम में उनके दस्तखत या अंगूठे के निशान कल से तुम्हे इसी केबिन के बाहर उन सब को पेमेंट करनी है और उनके साइन ले कर बचा हुआ कैश और रजिस्टर वापस यही रख देना है और इस काम के लिए तुम्हे 8000 सैलेरी मिलेगी अलग से मैंने कहा जरूर सर ये तो आसान काम है और मुझे पैसों की जरूरत भी है इस टाइम फिर सक्सेना ने उस अलमारी में से ढूंढ कर एक मोबाइल फ़ोन निकाला ये एक एक रेडमी का 18000 रेंज का इस्तेमाल किया हुआ मोबाइल था उसने उसे ऑन किया तो वो ऑन हो गया और उसने वो मोबाइल मुझे पकड़ाते हुए कहा ये लो संजय बेटा स्मार्टफोन और कल से एकदम स्मार्ट बन जाओ ये मेरा ही फ़ोन है मैंने पिछले महीने नया ले लिया तो ये फालतू पड़ा हुआ है मैंने कहा सर कल से क्यों आज से ही और फिर सक्सेना ने अपने जेब से हजार रुपये निकाल कर मुझे दिए और बोला इसका चार्जर नही है मेरे पास ले लेना और सिम डाल कर रिचार्ज करवा लेना कल से इस साइट की काफी हद तक जिम्मेवारी तुम पर रहेगी कोई समस्या हो तो मेरे नंबर पर कांटेक्ट कर लेना मैं अब अगले हफ्ते ही यहां आऊंगा मैंने कहा ok सर फ़ोन के लिए thanks……

How I began to be a Cuckold – Part 1

Funny how things start. My wife, Donna, and I have been married for 26 years. We met in college and dated on and off, sometimes serious, then we would move away, date others, then we got back together in our later 20’s and married. We’ve been happy and raised two great kids. Our kids are both out of the house now. One graduated and is employed and the other finishing up her 4th year of college.

Mummy sobat maitri

Mitrano mazi mummy eka banket manejar aahe. Ti ekdum tap tip rahte. Tich vay ata 40 aahe pan ti porina pan lajvel ashi rahte. Ti heels, tight feeting kutri, deep neck blouse, bembi chya khali sadi aavdine ghalte. Ti ghari aali ki bathroom madhye bra ani chaddi kadhun thevte. Gharat maxi var aste. Kes mokle sodlele, mast sungadhit sabnacha vaas angatun yet asto.

Forced Bi my first threesome

My girlfriend and I were partying with my best friend at my house when my best friend got up to grab another beer and When he was walking by my girlfriend sitting on the couch she leaned forward and ripped down his sweat pants. He jumped forward and she pulled him backwards, which wasn’t very hard considering he only weighs about 150 lbs and is 5’6″. He spun around and lost his balance, almost landing on top of her. We were all laughing until we seen his HUGE COCK flopping right in front of her face and just stared in shock and disbelief. My girlfriend said “Holy shit! That’s the biggest dick I’ve ever seen!” He pushed off the couch and ended up right next to her with his sweat pants down around his ankles and his huge cock hanging out and laughing. My girlfriend asked him how big was it when he completely hard and he told her “Grab it and find out.” She looked at me and asked me if she could? I was still in shock and told her “Go for it.” She reached over and started stroking it and smiling at me, asking me if “Do I look hot with his huge cock in my tiny little hands?” All I could do is nod my head yes and stare in disbelief. She told him to stand up in front of her and started stroking it with both hands. His cock started getting longer and bigger as he’s looking down at her and smiling with his massive head starting to swell up inches from her face. She asked him how many inches it was and he said “11” when I’m rock hard, but I’m not there yet..” My girlfriend looked at me and asked me if she could get it rock hard and I said “sure”. Before either of us knew what she was about to do she leaned forward and stuffed the head of it in her mouth and started sucking on it while stroking it with both hands. She looked at me and pulled her mouth off of it and with a huge smile asked me if she looked hot with her lips around the head of it? I couldn’t believe she was practically cheating on me with my best friend RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I was hurt, confused, jealous and really confused as I started getting rock hard watching her. She started sucking on it really hard and fast grabbing his ass and pulling his massive hard on into her mouth as far as she could. Next thing I know I’m watching my girlfriend sitting on the edge of the couch and deep throating the whole thing all the way to his balls! His eyes rolled back in his head and he said “No one has ever been able to do that with the whole thing before!” My girlfriend looked up at him and asked him “Does your girlfriend suck on it this good?” He couldn’t even say anything as she started slamming the whole thing in her mouth over and over. She pulled her mouth off of it and looked at me and asked me if “Do I look hot sucking on your friends huge dick?” I just nodded yes and couldn’t stop watching her. She stood up and grabbed him by his dick and told us to come into the bedroom. She pushed him down on his back and told me to lay on the other side of him and start jacking off watching her. I was rock hard when I pulled my dick out and started stroking myself. She kept watching me and smiling as she was stroking it with both hands and sucking on his balls. Sliding her mouth up and down his shaft from his massive head to really tight balls. She told me to kiss her and When I leaned over she grabbed his cock with one hand and then pushed my head down on his raging hard on with her other hand, laughing and telling me to suck on his head! I tried pushing up but I was at an awkward position with no leverage. She kept rubbing his head across my lips and telling me to suck on it. I kept turning my head away and telling her NO but she said she wasn’t going to stop until I at least put the head of it in my mouth for just TWO Seconds. She told me that I may as well do it because she’s rubbing it across my lips anyhow and kept trying to shove it in my mouth. I noticed that he was just laying there laughing and smiling  with my girlfriend rubbing his head across my lips and totally letting her do it. I finally agreed to do it only if she let me up after I did it and she agreed. I opened my mouth and she pushed my head down on his raging hard and shoved as much of it in my mouth as she could. Then she let my head up and I thought she was going to let me up when she’d push my mouth back down on it and forced me to keep sucking on it. She kept saying how horny it’s making her and how hot it looks and to keep sucking on it while she started touching herself and told me to keep doing it until she came! The I noticed his hands grabbed my head and he started fucking my mouth. The head of his cock swelled up rock hard and his cock was raging hard. My girlfriend started touching herself and telling him to fuck my mouth harder! She leaned over and started sucking on my dick and making me hard as my best friend and her are totally getting off on forcing me to suck my best friends cock that is so hard it looks like it’s at least 12″. My girlfriend started to cum and telling him how it’s making her cum until I feel his massive head get even bigger, his balls got really hard and he told her that he was going to cum too! She told me to suck on his cock harder and deeper! He started to cum and shoving it down my throat as far possible when she started to deep throat me and begging me to keep sucking on his dick! She started begging me to keep his cock hard and DON’T LET HIM GO SOFT! I didn’t know what else to do so I started sucking on him how she told me to and he stayed rock hard. She Told me to lay on my back and started to 69 with me. As I’m sucking on her pussy and looking up I see his huge cock start rubbing her pussy lips and his massive head starting to stretch her tiny little pussy lips. She asks me if I can see her pussy lips wrapped around the head of his cock? I told her that I could and she asked me if it looked hot with his huge cock in her tiny little pussy? She knows her tight little pussy lips getting stretched by his massive cock looks super hot and then she asks him “Do you like fucking my tight pussy with your huge cock inches from my boyfreiend’s face?” He must have because he started to cum again and she started deep throating me until I came. She started screaming for me to suck on her clit harder so I  could make her cum on his cock.. She would make me do things after that and totally get off on being a dirty little whore. Especially when I would walk in on her being naughty. She’d love getting caught on her knees sucking on a hard cock, the other guy thinking that they just got busted cheating by her boyfriend. Id walk in and the other guy freaking out, and she’d keep sucking on his raging hard on. Getting off on her boyfriend seeing her and just keep going.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

They Are Here

Jet fighters were flying over the small town in the early hours of the morning, police and military personal were out on the streets residents of the town were woken from their sleep by all the noise, residents were told to stay inside their homes and to keep all windows and doors locked, then the news channels broadcast reports that unidentified aircraft had been picked up on radar then suddenly disappeared a police patrol reported seeing a bright green light in the sky that descended to the ground when the football pitch where the light had descended to was examined a high level of radiation as well as strange shapes in the soil was found, stories of Aliens having landed were soon going around but after a couple of months nothing was found and people forgot all about the incident, sixteen year old Steve a local racist thug was waiting at the derelict factory he had not long finished playing football and was still in his shorts and football jumper as he waited Steve saw Pao who was four years younger than what he was and originally from Bangladesh throwing fish onto the floor then for some unknown reason the fish vanished Steve approached Pao and said” what you doing bitch” Pao replied saying ” feeding my friends” and threw more fish, Steve slapped Pao and told her to fuck off, Pao glared at Steve and said ” take all your clothes of I want to see you naked” Steve pushed Pao and again told her to fuck off, Pao pointed and said ” help him” Steve felt a heavy thud in his chest and he fell to the floor, then his shoes and socks came off followed by his jumper then his shorts, Pao looked at the now naked Steve and said ” nice cock” Steve covered his seven inch dick and when Pao said ” stand and put your hands on your head” Steve felt him self being lifted and his hands go to his head he found he could not move, Pao said up and Steve felt a strange sensation in his dick and he got a nine inch erection, Pao walked over to him took hold of Steve’s dick and started to stroke it, Steve could do nothing to stop her and after a few minutes squirted his cum in four spurts much to the great delight of Pao, Steve’s girlfriend Tina who was also sixteen was just approaching the building when she saw Tony a local pervert who was a peeping tom and flasher, Tony was laughing and to Tina it looked like it he was playing tag with somebody but she could see nobody, Tony smiled at Tina and said ” let me fuck you” Tina looked at the Tony who was two years younger than she was and told him to piss off, Tony said ” help her strip” Tina then felt tee shirt going up and could not stop it and was soon topless with Tony saying nice tits Tina then fell onto the ground and her jeans panties and shoes came off in one go, Tina could not move and saw that Tony had his seven inch erection out he said position her and Tina felt herself being laid back on the ground and her legs parted Tony moved forward knelt between Tina’s legs and pushed his dick up her love tube and started to thrust in and out pushing in as deep and hard as he could and after five minutes felt Tina cum but carried on thrusting in and out of her love tube and after half a hour had felt Tina cum four more times before he pulled his dick out and stand back, Tina lay where she was, In town eighteen year old Jane was working on her dads fresh fish stall when her step brother Mark who was six years younger than her walked up with two of his classmates,  Mark looked at the ground and said dinner, Jane stood looking at the fish as they slowly vanished with out anybody being near them, Jane could not understand what was happening and when Mark said ” strip her” Jane froze and all the buttons on her overalls popped open and her overalls fell to the ground leaving her naked, the three sixteen year old girls at the bus stop who were waiting for the bus saw Tony looking at them then point and the girls froze then their clothes were stripped off them leaving them naked, in the local Bengali shop where Pao lived sixteen year old Martin was standing naked with a eight inch erection while Pao’s sister who was seven years younger than Martin was jerking his dick all over the town the adults were in a very deep trance while all the teens were walking around naked the boys all had solid erections the girls all had solid nipples all the younger boys and girls were enjoying having fun with them, at the bus stop Tony was humping the bum of the third girl while his brother who was four years younger was sucking the nipples of each girl in town, the military were outside the town trying to get in but there was some sort of invisible shield stopping them and no matter what they tried it would not budge.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

دوست کی بہن کو گاڑی میں چودا

ہیلو دوستو کیسے ہیں. میرا نام یاسر ہے اور میں راولپنڈی سیٹیلائٹ ٹاؤن میں رہتا ہوں امید کرتا ہوں آپکو میری سچی کہانیاں پسند آرہی ہوں گی. اور میرے بھائیوں کے لن میری کہانی پڑھ کر کھڑے ہو جاتے ہوں گئے اور میری بہنوں کی پھدی میں آگ لگ جاتی ہو گی.

Spaced Out 2

Mia was walking to her uncles shop at six in the morning, it was her turn to deliver the early morning papers, as she walked along the street Mia was still thinking about the strange flashing lights she had seen in the sky during the night wondering where they had come from she was also wondering where the dull humming noise she had heard had come from, as she got to the shop Mia saw that the door was still locked and thought that her cousin Asif had over slept again and went up the ally to the back of the shop, when she got to the rear of the shop she looked through the window and saw Asif who at sixteen was two years older than what she was stood in the back room of the shop naked, Mia thought cool nice bum, Asif turned round, Mia thought oh very nice as she saw that Asif had an eight inch erection, when Asif started to stroke his dick Mia stood watching thinking this is super cool, after five minutes Asif squirted his cum in four spurts. Mia went into the shop looked at Asif and said to him ” I just watched you wank off when I tell your dad you will get a real good hiding ” then went into the main part of the shop as she did she saw Asif’s best friend Abdul who was also stood naked jerking his seven inch dick, Mia thought two boys wanking off how cool when Abdul squirted his cum Mia said ” nice spunk ” and walked past him slapping his bum as she did, when Abdul said nothing Mia slapped his bum again, she then got he papers as she went back into the back of the shop Mia saw both boys stood still naked still with erections, she could see that the boys had glazed looks in their eyes and thought drugs she went and stood between the boys took hold of their dicks and started to jerk them, the boys just stood still then after five minutes Asif squirted cum with Abdul squirting cum soon after, after wiping her hands Mia left the shop. As she walked up the street Mia saw army trucks going up the street then got told a police officer that a space craft was in the field and to stay away. Mia thought it was a joke and carried on delivering her papers at the first house, Mia saw sixteen year old Mandy a school bully though the window stood naked in her kitchen, Mia is bi sexual and thought nice as she looked at Mandy’s large boobs when she got closer she saw that Mandy was fingering herself and stood watching her, after awhile Mia saw Mandy gush and thought nice, after putting the paper though the door Mia went to the next house where through the window she saw Steve stood naked his nine inch erection being stroked by his ten year old sisters best mate Carol, Mia watched till Steve squirted his cum in three spurts then walked on, all over the estate Mia saw boys and girls naked masturbating and wondered what was going on and wondered why there were no adults about, as Mia approached the tower block she saw sixteen year old Sharon a racist school standing naked by the door her nipples fully erect, Mia saw that she had the same spaced out look in her eyes as Abdul and Asif had, Mia stretched her hand out and rubbed one of Mandy’s boobs after Mandy made no response Mia started to rub her love tube while sucking her nipples, Mia then slid her fingers into Mandy’s love tube and started to finger her feeling her gush after five minutes, Mia walked into the block and smiled when she saw Mandy’s boyfriend Mark naked bending over the stair bannister with Colin a gay boy thrusting in and out of Mark’s bum, when Colin looked at Mia she said ” keep going there are lots more boys outside ” Colin smiled and said ” on the roof everybody is naked it is like an orgy ” Mia realised that the space craft had some thing to do with what was happening but did not care as she headed to the roof thinking this is well cool I hope that the space craft stays forever.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

The Treble

Simon was walking home school happy that it was Friday which meant that there was no more school for two days, Simon decided to take a short cut through the derelict factory, not long after going into the factory Simon saw Steve who at sixteen years of age was two years older than what he was, Steve was standing smiling, when Simon got closer he saw that Steve had his trousers down round his ankles and Cindy who was the girlfriend of Simon’s older brother Mark was knelt sucking Steve’s dick Steve saw Simon and quickly pulled his dick out of Cindy’s mouth and after pulling his trousers up ran off, Simon knew that Steve and Mark hated each other and if Mark found out Steve would have major problems as would Cindy because Steve was a violent well feared thug. Simon looked at Cindy and after calling her a cock sucking slag told her that if Mark found out she would be badly hurt, Cindy begged Simon not to tell his brother, Simon smiled at Cindy and said to her ” you can suck my cock dry for starters and I will not tell Steve ” Cindy knew that Steve would hurt her if he found out and agreed, Simon undid his trousers letting his seven inch erection spring out, Cindy was surprised at the size of Simon’s dick but soon took it in her mouth and started to suck it, Simon held the back of Cindy’s head enjoying the attention his dick was getting then after ten minutes he squirted his cum into Cindy’s mouth which she swallowed, after five minutes Simon was walking away from Cindy who was wiping her mouth with the back of her hand after which she started to walk out of the building as she did she thought Simon’s cock is quite big for a boy his age nearly as big as Mark’s, Cindy then saw Abdul one of her classmates stood with his brother Asif who was four years younger than what she was, Abdul smiled at Cindy and said to her ” it is our turn to get our cocks sucked ” and undid his trousers letting his eight inch erection spring out, Cindy smiled knelt down and soon had Abdul’s dick in her mouth sucking it as she did she felt Asif cup her boobs then after a few minutes swallowed as Abdul squirted his cum into her mouth, after a couple of minutes Abdul moved back putting his dick back into his trousers, when Asif moved in front of her with his four inch erection out Cindy took it in her mouth and started sucking it feeling him dry cum after a few minutes, as the two boys walked away Cindy thought Simon is right I am a cock sucking slag I love sucking cock and swallowing the spunk Abdul always has loads of it one day his brother will have as well then smiled when she saw Steve stood waiting for her.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Old School

The school was five years old, it was built after an accident in the science lab of the old school had released very toxic gas into the ventilation system of the school this resulted in the death of quite a few staff and students. After an investigation that lasted quite a few months the old school had been boarded up and the new one built. Stories started to go around about ghosts of the dead roaming round the school not many people believed the stories saying they were rubbish and fake, The old school was put out of bounds but some students at the new school wanted to go inside and have a look around. One Friday after school had closed sixteen year old Sara lead a group of students into the old school after forcing boards off one of the windows, Sixteen year old Steve the school bully went along on the trip hoping to be able to pull Sara, after the group had been in the building a short while one of the younger girls commented on how cold it was and that it felt spooky, the group arrived outside the science lab where the accident had taken place, Steve was in the lead when he felt something tugging at his jacket be could not see anything but the other students suddenly felt themselves being held tight by the arms and unable to move, and when Steve’s jacket suddenly lifted off his body someone in the group shouted ” ghosts” the group started to scream but fell silent when Steve’s trousers fell to the floor and his shirt appear to undo on it’s own and lift off his body, Steve’s underwear suddenly slid down his legs to his ankles the remaining group members gasped as Steve’s seven inch hairy dick came into view, and when Sue’s clothes started to be undone and removed the group watched and when she was naked there were smiles from the younger boys, Steve looked at Sara admiring her naked boobs and love tube and quickly got a nine inch erection, then slowly the remaining four boys who were all two years younger that Steve and Sara lost all their clothes and stood naked with full erections, the two remaining girls who were four years younger than Steve were also soon naked, the group saw their clothes suddenly float into the air and float away, Steve felt something wrap round his dick and start jerking it the other boys then felt the same happen to them while the girls felt something slide into their moist love tubes and start to thrust in and out, it was not long before each of the boys had squirted their cum and the girls climaxed. When old Tom the caretaker did his rounds he saw the board had been pulled off the window and after his tools put it back on thinking bloody vandals, Despite a massive search and investigation by the police the missing students were never found, Tom never thought of reporting the board off the window so the old school was never searched, Tom did his nightly checks and on more than one occassion thought he heard groans of pleasure from the old school for a week till they got quieter then stopped completely. Four boys from the school were out side the old school trying to find a way in and later that night Tom was putting the board back on the window and was sure that he could groans and someone say I am going to spunk up coming from inside the building.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Maaya The Dog Lover Girl

This is the story of one of my childhood friend who loves dog and she owned 3 dogs of different families. She always keep posting pictures with her dogs and this made me interest to buy a pet dog for me as she was so much into pet I asked her to come with me while I go to market to purchase. She took me to the best pet shop and we were checking on dogs. I was prefering small fury dogs but Maaya will check and will say no this a female dog do take a male. After a check I stoped her as I feeling unsure about having a pet after seeing the untidy floor and the foul smell from the shop. Maaya tried to motivate me but I asked her little more time to think then what she said shocked me. She said “baby you even don’t need a boyfriend when you have a dog he’ll satisfy you”. I was shocked and confused listening her she asked me then to go to her flat where she lives alone as her parents work abroad. I said ok lets go as I want to spend some time with pets and fix my mind.

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