Gambian Holiday 2

This is the first time that I have told what I got my wife to do on our last holiday. My wife Carol is 32yrs old, she is a petite 5’2 and is only 115lbs with shoulder length auburn hair and deep blue eyes. I am your average guy 5’9 and around 160lbs and I have just turned 38. We had booked a 3 week holiday in The Gambia leaving our 2 girls with their grandparents.

My sex desire – 01

Hey friends I have come up with a story today which happened in real. Coming to the story, this happened nearly 10 years back and it is still fresh in my head so I hope you all get wet by the end of this story. I am a simple guy in a middle class family and the girl I had a passionate sex is next to my house. Her name is Priya. Initially I never had any bad indentations towards her but after many days once I went to her home and I saw her in a red dress on top of it she is doing some work while bending. I immediately I  got hard by looking at her beautiful boobs. They are really white and look very tender. Except the nipple part I had a wonderful view of them which made me masturbate after going home.

चचेरी बहन ने बदला जीवन भाग 3

बबिता बाहर बैठी सब्जियां काट रही थी मुझे देखते ही चहक कर मुस्कुराते हुए बोली गुड मॉर्निंग भैया उठ गए मैंने उलझन में उसे देखते हुए कहा गुड मॉर्निंग और बाथरूम की तरफ जाने लगा तो बबिता तेजी से उठ कर मेरे पास आई और मेरा हाथ पकड़ कर मेरे कान में फुसफुसा कर बोली एक मिनट मेरे कमरे में आइये और मेरा हाथ पकड़े हुए मुझे लगभग खींचते हुए अपने कमरे में ले आयी और मेरी आँखों मे देखते हुए शरारत से बोली भैया वो फ़ोन के बारे में अम्मा या बाबूजी को मत बोलना प्लीज मैंने बड़ी मुश्किल से खरीदा है पैसे जोड़ जोड़ के अम्मा पहले मेरा एक फ़ोन तोड़ कर फेंक चुकी हैं….., अब मेरी जान में जान आयी कि मामला गंभीर नही है सब कुछ नार्मल ही है मैंने कहा एकदम निश्चिंत रहो मैं किसी से कुछ नही बताने वाला ना फ़ोन के बारे में ना ही उन वीडियोस के बारे में और हां थोड़े पैसे आते ही मैं एक अच्छा सा फ़ोन ले लूंगा जो कि तुम्हारा ही होगा पर बबिता तुम भी किसी से कुछ मत बताना कल रात जो मैंने तुम्हारी पैंटी के साथ किया ये सुन कर उसकी नजरें झुक गयी और वो धीरे से बोली मैंने वो धो कर सुखाने डाल दी है और आप न कहते तो भी मैं किसी को कुछ न बताती अब आप जाओ और जल्दी से तैयार हो जाओ वैसे ही आप देर से उठे हो आज फिर मैं फटाफट नहा धो कर नाश्ता कर के चाचा के साथ काम पर आ गया और आज फिर सारा दिन दिल लगा कर मैंने काम सीखा दोपहर में लंच टाइम में सुपरवाइजर सक्सेना मेरे पास आया और बोला संजय मेरे एक दोस्त की भी दो साइट में काम शुरू होने वाला है अगर कुछ और लड़कों का प्रबंध हो जाये तो कर लो पर लड़के अपने जैसे ही होशियार और मेहनती लाना फिर वो बोला नए लड़को को लाने वाले को हम 10% कमीशन देते हैं देख लो अगर दो तीन लड़के लगा दोगे तो महीने के 15000 तक ऐसे ही कमा लोगे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर गांव में 10-12 लड़के हैं जो काम की तलाश में हैं मैं एक दो दिन में बात कर के बुलवाता हूँ उन्हें सक्सेना ने कहा ठीक है 600 रुपये रोज के और खाने का इंतजाम मेरी तरफ से होता है वैसे तो 700 मिलते हैं लेबर को पर 100 मेरा कमीशन होता है बाकी तुम जितने में उन्हें सेट कर लो वो तुम देख लो अब हमारे गांव की तरफ तो लेबर को 300-350 ही मिलता है वो भी काम मिले ना मिले कोई ठिकाना नही यहां तो अच्छे खासे पैसे मिल रहे थे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर मैं कल ही लड़के बुलवा देता हूँ पर आप उन्हें 500 ही पेमेंट बताना लेकिन उनके रहने का इंतजाम करना होगा ये सुन कर सक्सेना बोला यार यही इसी साइट पर रह लेंगे अभी तो 3-4 महीने काम चल ही रहा है यहां इतने कमरे बने हैं जैसे बाकी लेबर रहते हैं वो भी रह लेंगे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर मेरी बात सुन कर सक्सेना बोला संजय तुम्हारे चाचा से अब ज्यादा काम होता नही वो तो मेरे पुराने जानने वाले हैं और मेरी सभी साइट्स पर उन्होंने ही काम किया है इस वजह से मैं उन्हें मना नही कर पाता पर अब मैं उनके काम से ज्यादा खुश नही हूँ पर कल तुम्हारा काम देख कर मुझे लगा कि उनकी कमी तुम पूरी कर सकते हो मेरी बात गौर से सुनो मैं जिस कंपनी में काम करता हूँ इसके दो चार प्रोजेक्ट हर टाइम चलते रहते हैं काम की कमी नही है और न ही पैसे की बस मेरी बातें मानते रहो समझते रहो और पैसा छापते रहो…. मैंने कहा श्योर सर मैं अपनी तरफ से आपको कभी शिकायत का मौका नही दूंगा और काम के लिए मैं हमेशा हाजिर हूँ पर मुझे यहां चाचा ही ले कर आये हैं सो आप उन्हें काम से मत हटाना उनके काम की कमी मैं पूरी कर दूंगा आप निश्चिंत रहिये उसने खुश हो कर मेरी पीठ थपथपाई और बोला मैं पहली नजर में जान गया था तुम कामके आदमी हो और अच्छे इंसान भी अपने चाचा के प्रति तुम्हारी सोच बहोत अच्छी है देखना एक दिन तुम बहोत तरक्की करोगे….. मैंने बस हाथ जोड़ कर कहा सर आपका आशीर्वाद बना रहे बस उसने कहा अपना फ़ोन नंबर दे दो मुझे मैंने ना जाने क्यों झूठ बोल दिया कि मेरे पास फोन नही है वो अज
ीब से नजरो से मुझे देखते हुए बोला आज एक जमाने मे बिना फ़ोन के कौन रहता है यार मैंने कहा सर मैं गांव से हूं गरीब परिवार से अभी कल से ही काम शुरू किया है पैसे आते ही फ़ोन लेना है सक्सेना ने कहा शाम को काम खत्म कर के मुझसे मिल कर जाना मैंने कहा ok सर और फिर वो चला गया और मैं चाचा के साथ काम पर जुट गया उस दिन हमने साढ़े छह तक काम किया और दो बाथरूम और एक किचेन की फिटिंग कम्पलीट कर दी और फिर हाथ मुह धो कर कपड़े बदल कर हम नीचे आ गए सक्सेना अपने केबिन के बाहर खड़ा लेबर को पैसे बांट रहा था मैं जा कर पास में खड़ा हो गया उसने मुझे देखा और अपने काम से फुर्सत हो कर कहा एक काम और कर पाओगे मैंने कहा जी सर बताइए वो बोले कल से दिन भर अपना काम करने कर बाद शाम को ठीक 6 बजे यही आ कर सारे लेबर को पैसे देने होंगे….. कल से एक और साइट का नया काम शुरू हो रहा है तो कुछ दिन मैं उधर व्यस्त रहूंगा और ये जिम्मेवारी का काम है हर किसी को नही कह सकता मैंने कहा लेकिन सर मैं तो नया हूँ अभी आप मुझे ठीक से जानते भी नही उसने कहा जानने के लिए 10 मिनट बहोत होते हैं बेटे और ना जानने के लिए पूरी जिंदगी भी कम फिर उसने एक सिगरेट सुलगाई और धुंवा उगलते हुए बोला संजय मैंने भी ऐसे ही एक साइट पर मजदूरी करने से अपना जीवन शुरू किया था पर मेहनत और ईमानदारी ने मुझे आज सब कुछ दिया है इस साइट की वैल्यू 750 करोड़ है और ऐसी 4 साइट मेरे अंडर हैं एक लाख मेरी सैलेरी है बंगला गाड़ी सब मुझे कंपनी ने दे रखा है ईमानदारी से बेईमानी कर के तीन चार लाख और कमा लेता हूँ और क्या चाहिए मैंने कहा ठीक है सर आप एक बार काम समझा दीजिये बस उन्होंने कहा अंदर आओ और केबिन में चले गए पीछे पीछे मैं भी आ गया ये एक एयरकंडीशनर कमरा था जिसमे एक टेबल और एक लेदर कुर्सी लगी हुई थी सामने एक सोफा पड़ा था ac की ठंडक मुझे बड़ी अच्छी लगी और दिन भर की थकान मिटने लगी पीछे की दीवार के साथ एक बड़ी अलमारी खड़ी थी उसे सक्सेना ने खोला और अंदर से एक और चाभी निकाल कर लाकर खोला अंदर दो हजार और 5 सौ के नोटो की गड्डियां भरी पड़ी थी सक्सेना ने कहा ये पैसा पड़ा है और ये रहा रजिस्टर इस पर हर एक लेबर का नाम दर्ज है और उसका कोड नंबर उसके साथ ही सामने इस कॉलम में उसे दी जाने वाली मजदूरी की रकम दर्ज की जाती है और इस आखिरी कॉलम में उनके दस्तखत या अंगूठे के निशान कल से तुम्हे इसी केबिन के बाहर उन सब को पेमेंट करनी है और उनके साइन ले कर बचा हुआ कैश और रजिस्टर वापस यही रख देना है और इस काम के लिए तुम्हे 8000 सैलेरी मिलेगी अलग से मैंने कहा जरूर सर ये तो आसान काम है और मुझे पैसों की जरूरत भी है इस टाइम फिर सक्सेना ने उस अलमारी में से ढूंढ कर एक मोबाइल फ़ोन निकाला ये एक एक रेडमी का 18000 रेंज का इस्तेमाल किया हुआ मोबाइल था उसने उसे ऑन किया तो वो ऑन हो गया और उसने वो मोबाइल मुझे पकड़ाते हुए कहा ये लो संजय बेटा स्मार्टफोन और कल से एकदम स्मार्ट बन जाओ ये मेरा ही फ़ोन है मैंने पिछले महीने नया ले लिया तो ये फालतू पड़ा हुआ है मैंने कहा सर कल से क्यों आज से ही और फिर सक्सेना ने अपने जेब से हजार रुपये निकाल कर मुझे दिए और बोला इसका चार्जर नही है मेरे पास ले लेना और सिम डाल कर रिचार्ज करवा लेना कल से इस साइट की काफी हद तक जिम्मेवारी तुम पर रहेगी कोई समस्या हो तो मेरे नंबर पर कांटेक्ट कर लेना मैं अब अगले हफ्ते ही यहां आऊंगा मैंने कहा ok सर फ़ोन के लिए thanks……

دوست کی بہن کو گاڑی میں چودا

ہیلو دوستو کیسے ہیں. میرا نام یاسر ہے اور میں راولپنڈی سیٹیلائٹ ٹاؤن میں رہتا ہوں امید کرتا ہوں آپکو میری سچی کہانیاں پسند آرہی ہوں گی. اور میرے بھائیوں کے لن میری کہانی پڑھ کر کھڑے ہو جاتے ہوں گئے اور میری بہنوں کی پھدی میں آگ لگ جاتی ہو گی.

Spaced Out 2

Mia was walking to her uncles shop at six in the morning, it was her turn to deliver the early morning papers, as she walked along the street Mia was still thinking about the strange flashing lights she had seen in the sky during the night wondering where they had come from she was also wondering where the dull humming noise she had heard had come from, as she got to the shop Mia saw that the door was still locked and thought that her cousin Asif had over slept again and went up the ally to the back of the shop, when she got to the rear of the shop she looked through the window and saw Asif who at sixteen was two years older than what she was stood in the back room of the shop naked, Mia thought cool nice bum, Asif turned round, Mia thought oh very nice as she saw that Asif had an eight inch erection, when Asif started to stroke his dick Mia stood watching thinking this is super cool, after five minutes Asif squirted his cum in four spurts. Mia went into the shop looked at Asif and said to him ” I just watched you wank off when I tell your dad you will get a real good hiding ” then went into the main part of the shop as she did she saw Asif’s best friend Abdul who was also stood naked jerking his seven inch dick, Mia thought two boys wanking off how cool when Abdul squirted his cum Mia said ” nice spunk ” and walked past him slapping his bum as she did, when Abdul said nothing Mia slapped his bum again, she then got he papers as she went back into the back of the shop Mia saw both boys stood still naked still with erections, she could see that the boys had glazed looks in their eyes and thought drugs she went and stood between the boys took hold of their dicks and started to jerk them, the boys just stood still then after five minutes Asif squirted cum with Abdul squirting cum soon after, after wiping her hands Mia left the shop. As she walked up the street Mia saw army trucks going up the street then got told a police officer that a space craft was in the field and to stay away. Mia thought it was a joke and carried on delivering her papers at the first house, Mia saw sixteen year old Mandy a school bully though the window stood naked in her kitchen, Mia is bi sexual and thought nice as she looked at Mandy’s large boobs when she got closer she saw that Mandy was fingering herself and stood watching her, after awhile Mia saw Mandy gush and thought nice, after putting the paper though the door Mia went to the next house where through the window she saw Steve stood naked his nine inch erection being stroked by his ten year old sisters best mate Carol, Mia watched till Steve squirted his cum in three spurts then walked on, all over the estate Mia saw boys and girls naked masturbating and wondered what was going on and wondered why there were no adults about, as Mia approached the tower block she saw sixteen year old Sharon a racist school standing naked by the door her nipples fully erect, Mia saw that she had the same spaced out look in her eyes as Abdul and Asif had, Mia stretched her hand out and rubbed one of Mandy’s boobs after Mandy made no response Mia started to rub her love tube while sucking her nipples, Mia then slid her fingers into Mandy’s love tube and started to finger her feeling her gush after five minutes, Mia walked into the block and smiled when she saw Mandy’s boyfriend Mark naked bending over the stair bannister with Colin a gay boy thrusting in and out of Mark’s bum, when Colin looked at Mia she said ” keep going there are lots more boys outside ” Colin smiled and said ” on the roof everybody is naked it is like an orgy ” Mia realised that the space craft had some thing to do with what was happening but did not care as she headed to the roof thinking this is well cool I hope that the space craft stays forever.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Mommys Little PeePee – Part 2 Got Pee

I’m sorry my writing isn’t professional and my text has a southern accent to it. I’m not really trying to write or tell a story, more just reliving my sexual experiences with my mom. This accounting of what we shared is true. My mom was obsessed with making sure I had every sex experience possible. Many were repeated over and over but the one we did the most was just the two of us making love. It was almost daily and most nights.

Best head ever

He stood there looking down at me. On my knees in front of him. I looked up, the smile of anticipation as I slowly undid his trousers. The belt, the button, the zip coming down seeing his black men’s underwear. The bulge of his package greeting me. I reach in feeling the skin of his penis his hard shaft wanting to get out. As I pull his pants come down, his cock springs out in front of me.

Strange Light

All day long there had been fighter jets flying over the small English town, the army had appeared in town midway through the day, the police had been touring round the town warning people to stay inside off the streets, message had been broadcast on both the radio and telly news channels telling people to stay off the streets, none of the town’s residence had any idea why they had to stay inside, multi coloured lights had been seen in the sky during the night, rumours were soon going around that aliens were invading the country and that they were going to take over the world, other rumours included that world war three had broken out and the end was fast approaching. Most of the residents of the town listened to the warning given out on the radio and the telly and stayed inside but some said they are scare mongering and went out as they normally would have done, sixteen year old Sharon was one who went out as she walked through the wood she saw Tony who was two years younger than what she was and well hated because he was a peeping tom and flasher, not long after leaving home Sharon had started to feel light headed and strange then started to feel horny the more she walked the horny she got, Tony saw Sharon walking towards him and noticed the large pokies in her tee shirt, as Sharon got near him to Tony’s total surprise she said ” I want cock I need a good fuck ” Tony made no reply, when Sharon took her tee shirt off revealing her naked boobs with very erect nipples and said ” come on fuck me ” Tony thought he was dreaming but watched in awe as Sharon stripped out of her jeans and panties, as he stared at her love tube Sharon said ” come on fuck me ” then moved to Tony and pulled his joggers down letting his seven inch solid dick spring out as it did Sharon said ” at last a cock ” Sharon pulled Tony down on to the ground saying ” get your cock up my cunt ” Tony did not hesitate and was soon sliding his dick into Sharon’s very wet love tube and while rubbing Sharon’s boobs he started to thrust in and out of her love tube hearing her groan as he did and after a few minutes Tony felt Sharon climax but carried on thrusting in and out of her love tube. Sixteen year old Martin was laying in bed when his door burst open and his twin sister Jane walked in, Martin smiled when he saw that she was naked and rubbing her love tube and when she said ” fuck me ” Martin smiled even more and after a few minutes was thrusting in and out of his sisters love tube. Fourteen year old Mia was stood in her dad’s corner shop listening to seventeen year old local thug boy talking on his phone and heard him say ” come on babe my fucking is solid I got a raging hard on ” and after a pause say ” I am going to have a wank ” and watched Steve put his phone away and watched him strip naked, when his nine inch erection sprung out Mia gasped and watched in awe as Steve started to jerk his dick and when he squirted his cum in four spurts Mia gasped, all over town teens were taking part in sex acts with the nearest person to them not caring who it was, nobody knew where the unexplained urge came from nor did they care.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Welcome 5

John was a homeless man living in a derelict factory in the small town, he was fifty years old and had been homeless for the last ten years and for the last year had lived in the derelict factory where he got a lot of abuse from local kids who had set fire to the boxes he slept in, for the last two months he had seen the flashing lights in the sky above the factory and had watched them in awe, it was an early evening and the three sixteen year old girls who gave John the most trouble appeared, John had got to know their names and watched as Sharon Cindy and Helen walked across the room and braced himself ready for the normal onslaught of abuse and spitting that the girls gave him, as the girls approached him John saw the lights appear through the broken roof he saw the lights stop directly above the girls and grow stronger, then Sharon said ” he is a poor man cant have much fun and leads a boring life, Cindy agreed and when Helen said ” lets give him a bit of fun” then looked at John and said to him ” do you want us to get our tits out so you can see them” John thought they are lulling me into a trap Cindy said ” that is not much fun” looked at John and asked him if he wanted to see them naked” and when Sharon pulled the zip on her hoody down and took it off revealing her naked ample boobs and started to undo her jeans, John could not believe his eyes and when both Sharon and Helen took their jumpers off revealing their naked boobs and started to undo their jeans John watched in awe and after a couple of minutes was looking at three naked sixteen year old girls admiring their love tubes and ample boobs, Sharon said ” this has probably wound him up then said to John would you like to fuck us and rubbed her love tube, and when Sharon walked over to him and lay down on his mattress parted her legs and said come on fuck me, John started by rubbing her boobs then undid his trousers releasing his eight inch erection which he was soon pushing into Sharon’s love tube as he did so the other two girls walked over and knelt down, John rubbed their boobs then started to thrust in and out of Sharon’s love tube and after ten minutes felt her cum then after a few minutes was thrusting in and out of Helen’s love tube and once she had cum he started on Cindy and once she had cum he watched as the three girls dressed and left surprised that he still had an erection, sixteen year old Ali was a Bengali youth who got a lot of racial abuse from Karen who was four years younger than what he was, Ali was totally surprised when Karen lifted her tee shirt showing him her just developing boobs and when she said ” get your cock out and I will suck you off” Ali got his dick out and when Karen knelt and started to suck it he thought nice, and when Karen swallowed his cum he thought I am dreaming. Mark the local peeping tom was looking through Kim’s bedroom window hoping he might get a view and when Kim who at sixteen years of age was two years older than him walked into her room wearing just a towel and waved at him he was about to run when Kim removed her towel revealing her naked body, Mark could hardly believe his eyes and watched in disbelieve as Kim started to masturbate and after ten minutes when she gushed Mark thought super cool, July and three of her classmates were having a sleepover and suddenly the four girls stripped naked and walked out of the house, the ten year old boy who lived next door stared as the four girls who were all four years older than him walked down the street naked, sixteen year old Steve was watching telly when his sister and her best mate who were four years younger than him stood and stripped naked, Steve stood and stripped naked the two girls looked at Steve’s nine inch erection and after a minute Steve’s sister was groaning as he thrust in and out of her love tube while her mate was saying hurry up I need fucking, John looked in disbelieve at July and her friends as they lay naked on the floor saying fuck us, all over town people of all ages were stripping naked and having sex with anybody, sixteen year old Gary and Dean would stood jerking their dicks while Mike who was two years younger than them and gay watched and after both boys had squirted their cum and bent over the park bench and said ” fuck us” Mike thought must oblige and twenty minutes later after servicing both of the straight homophobic boys bums watched as the two boys started to thrust in to their girlfriends love tubes, the last of the four girls were just leaving John who looked up at the flashing lights in the sky and said your welcome here any time that you want to come and pay us a visit or just stay here.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

Clean Up 2

Steve lived in a small quiet town in England with his dad who owned and ran a building business, Steve often did clean up for his dad, when a job had been finished Steve often went to the site and cleaned any mess that was left and today was on his way to a farm a couple of miles out side of town where his dad had fitted new doors in the farm house, Steve knew that the farmer and his wife were away leaving their daughter July to run the farm, July was in the same class at school as what Steve was, her sister Sara who was two years younger than what Steve was had a reputation for being a trouble maker and was often involved in fights. Steve arrived at the farm as he did he saw Sara stood by the barn door and was totally surprised to see that she was naked, she was stood back to him looking into the barn, Steve thought what a cute bum she has got on her, Steve saw Sara go into the barn closing the door behind her, Steve wondered why she was walking around naked and walked over to the barn to find out, when he got to the door he heard Sara say ” bitch I wanted that one ” Steve saw a crack in the panels of the door and looked through it and smiled when he saw Sara stood rubbing her love tube her nipples fully erect, Steve looked through another crack and could hardly believe his eyes when he saw July was also naked on her hands and knees with a pig humping her from behind, Steve watched his mouth open wide, he saw July’s large boobs swinging around as the pig humped away he then saw Sara on her hands and knees move into view as she did he saw a pig start to sniff around her, as it did Steve saw Sara stop, he could see the nipples on her ample boobs were very erect and when the pig mounted her she pushed backwards, Steve stood watching as the two girls were humped by the pigs, he could hear them both groaning, he saw that another pig was near Sara and watched as Sara started to suck the pigs dick, when he looked at July he saw that she was also sucking the dick of a pig, Steve could hardly believe what he was seeing but stood watching feeling his dick throbbing inside his trousers, after a few minutes Steve saw the pigs round Sara back away from her then saw July was standing so he quickly went over to the farm house where after a few minutes he saw both the sisters leave the barn fully dressed, the girls walked over to Steve and let him in the house, after a couple of hours Steve had finished the clean up without telling what he had seen knowing he would return to watch more.This content appeared first on new sex story .com

The Taking of Teilor Grubbs Virginity

I had gotten myself a job working on the set of Hawaii 50 as a set lacky just for the summer till I started college being only 18 it was a dream for me to be working with actors and actresses of a good caliber. After a couple of weeks in they had a scene with a character called Grace aka Teilor Grubbs I had always thought she was hot just from watching the show so having to work a long side her made me so excited.

Coed Sports Event

Seychelles summers are really hot, they are extremely sweaty due to high humidex, really, damn sweaty. It was a Wednesday afternoon in the first week of June, and it was about a hundred and eighteen degrees out. All annual examinations in the school were over and schools were to open in late August. So the sports teacher was preparing the senior school teams for upcoming sports events. Every afternoon at two-thirty all the school sports teams practice under the hot sun. I was a starter on the girl’s team, and my school was the best from Mahe, mainly because the teachers and we students worked so very hard every day in practice. The coach always made us work and exert. For the preparation of the best team, all the girls and boys practiced together. I must say though, I was in great shape. My stomach was as tight as ever, and my legs were lean and smooth. I was lightly tanned all over without any tan lines. I always liked to see and admire my naked body in the mirror. Usually, we were supposed to start with a t-shirt or a jersey on top too but mostly the coach was not concerned about girls showing off their tight bodies and midriffs. The Coach mostly would concentrate on the practice part only.

My Sexy Sister

I am a normal male, 22 years old and without a girlfriend at the moment. Although, to be honest I have never actually had a girlfriend as I am sports mad and spend a lot of time actively taking part in physical activity.

How I became a whore for animal cock

I was working the nightshift at the social care farm where I’d been working for the past year. I am a 20 year old well shaped girl, long blond hair and people tell me I’m real pretty. I was quietly reading a magazine in the living room, when suddenly Pete, one of our clients rushed in shouting that something was wrong with one of the horses. Of course I immediately got up and followed him to the stables. As soon as we entered the stables I heard the door slam shut behind me and Pete turned around with that smirk on his face that I’d seen so often before and that said that what he’d really like to do is rip my clothes off and fuck me. I looked behind me and saw that Hank and Billy were standing there in front of the closed door. “Shit, now what”, was what went through my head. The answer came immediately as Pete grabbed me, and Hank and Billy started ripping off my dress. I screamed at them to stop, but they just laughed and threw my ripped dress behind them. Then they tore off my bra and panties and I was completely naked and at the mercy of three lightly mentally handicapped males of about 25 years old.

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