I was a 20 years old, fairly short 5 feet 1 inch shy girl from Chennai with good structure when I met my master. I was doing my final year Under Graduation where I was staying with my junior friend in the city. I met my husband and master as my friend introduced him as her boyfriend who was 5 years her senior ( 4 for me from here on referred as it).
3way sex stories
The Tribe
Sara was a sixteen year old girl who lived in England with her sister Amy who was four years younger than what she was, her parents were both missionaries who did a lot of work with the tribes in the jungles of Africa, when her parents were in Africa Sara wold go and stay with her Aunt so that she could keep up with her studies. Sara was now sat with her best friend July in Africa after going with her parents on one of their trips, Sara’s parents were visiting a tribe, Amy appeared and told the girls that a report had come through that a local tribe who worshiped animals had been attacked by poachers and were very angry which meant the girls needed to take extra care, the girls decided to go find Sara’s parents and set off on the walk to the village where they were as they went through the jungle Sara thought it was very quiet when suddenly a large group of tribes men came out of the dense over growth before the girls could react the tribes men had tied them up and were leading them deeper into the jungle, after a hour the group entered a village where the girls were tied to poles and left. After what seemed like hours to the girls a small group of tribes men appears girls stood backed with some girls who Sara judged to be their age the men started to chant while doing a dance then slowly more and more tribes people appeared forming circle, after ten minutes the tribes girls went to the three girls and ripped their clothes off them leaving them totally naked, the tribe girls then started to rub a liquid from stone pots on the girls body, Sara found the liquid made her body warm then after a short time she started to feel aroused she noticed that both Amy and July had erect nipples and the girl rubbing the liquid into her body pushed her fingers inside her love tube Sara found it felt good it was the first time a girl had done this to her, after ten minutes the tribe, Sara was now feeling extremely horny she had never felt as horny as she was feeling before, the three girls were then taken into the centre of the circle and tied spread eagle to stakes, the tribes men and women were now all dancing and chanting then after ten minutes stopped and all fell to their knees Sara saw that they were worshiping some boars, one boar was brought forward and placed in front of Amy then released as soon it had been released it started to lick Amy’s body, Sara watched as the boar licked her sisters love tube then after a few minutes saw the boar’s dick slide into Amy’s love tube and it started to hump her, the other boars were released and soon both Sara and July were having their bodies licked by the boars, Sara felt a boar dick slide into her love tube and start to hump her but she was feeling so horny that she did not care it was a boar humping her it felt good and she was enjoying it then she felt a dick push into her mouth and start to hump it after few minutes Sara climaxed then felt the dick in her mouth twitch and her mouth filled with a warm sticky mess which Sara realised was boar sperm, the tribe people danced and chanted as the boars humped the love tubes and mouths of the three white girls who had lost count of how many times they had climaxed, after a hour the boars were taken away the girls were then bent over a long pole then after a few minutes each of the girls had a boar humping their backsides and their mouths, after three days with little rest the girls had been humped by boars countless times and were laying in a hut when they heard a lot of shouting and gunfire, Sara heard a voice say in here then felt herself being lifted after a week the three girls were in a English hospital recovering they were then taken to a home to receive further treatment then after a month the girls were all back home in the small village where they lived, After a few days just after the farmer had gone home for the evening the three girls were walking naked into the pig style smiling as they did.This content appeared first on new sex story .com
Bayley Loses Everything – Part I
The WWE Women’s revolution has been in full swing and the women of the WWE couldn’t be more proud and excited to be a part of the movement.
Step-son loves to be knotted
My wife and I have been married for almost 4yrs and I have a step-son. I always had dogs and at the time this happened we had 3 black labs. My step-son would always called in one of our dogs named Blue to sleep in his bedroom with him at night. One night I woke up cause I had to piss, on the way to the bathroom I heard what sounded like my step-son, and Blue was playing because I could hear Blue panting heavy. So I was going to open the door to tell my step-son go to sleep it was late, when I opened the door I seen my step-son completely naked on his hands and knees with Blue was just drilling his asshole. My step-son seen he trying to get Blue off him and he couldn’t because Blue’s knot was stuck in my step-son’s asshole.
चचेरी बहन ने बदला जीवन भाग 3
बबिता बाहर बैठी सब्जियां काट रही थी मुझे देखते ही चहक कर मुस्कुराते हुए बोली गुड मॉर्निंग भैया उठ गए मैंने उलझन में उसे देखते हुए कहा गुड मॉर्निंग और बाथरूम की तरफ जाने लगा तो बबिता तेजी से उठ कर मेरे पास आई और मेरा हाथ पकड़ कर मेरे कान में फुसफुसा कर बोली एक मिनट मेरे कमरे में आइये और मेरा हाथ पकड़े हुए मुझे लगभग खींचते हुए अपने कमरे में ले आयी और मेरी आँखों मे देखते हुए शरारत से बोली भैया वो फ़ोन के बारे में अम्मा या बाबूजी को मत बोलना प्लीज मैंने बड़ी मुश्किल से खरीदा है पैसे जोड़ जोड़ के अम्मा पहले मेरा एक फ़ोन तोड़ कर फेंक चुकी हैं….., अब मेरी जान में जान आयी कि मामला गंभीर नही है सब कुछ नार्मल ही है मैंने कहा एकदम निश्चिंत रहो मैं किसी से कुछ नही बताने वाला ना फ़ोन के बारे में ना ही उन वीडियोस के बारे में और हां थोड़े पैसे आते ही मैं एक अच्छा सा फ़ोन ले लूंगा जो कि तुम्हारा ही होगा पर बबिता तुम भी किसी से कुछ मत बताना कल रात जो मैंने तुम्हारी पैंटी के साथ किया ये सुन कर उसकी नजरें झुक गयी और वो धीरे से बोली मैंने वो धो कर सुखाने डाल दी है और आप न कहते तो भी मैं किसी को कुछ न बताती अब आप जाओ और जल्दी से तैयार हो जाओ वैसे ही आप देर से उठे हो आज फिर मैं फटाफट नहा धो कर नाश्ता कर के चाचा के साथ काम पर आ गया और आज फिर सारा दिन दिल लगा कर मैंने काम सीखा दोपहर में लंच टाइम में सुपरवाइजर सक्सेना मेरे पास आया और बोला संजय मेरे एक दोस्त की भी दो साइट में काम शुरू होने वाला है अगर कुछ और लड़कों का प्रबंध हो जाये तो कर लो पर लड़के अपने जैसे ही होशियार और मेहनती लाना फिर वो बोला नए लड़को को लाने वाले को हम 10% कमीशन देते हैं देख लो अगर दो तीन लड़के लगा दोगे तो महीने के 15000 तक ऐसे ही कमा लोगे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर गांव में 10-12 लड़के हैं जो काम की तलाश में हैं मैं एक दो दिन में बात कर के बुलवाता हूँ उन्हें सक्सेना ने कहा ठीक है 600 रुपये रोज के और खाने का इंतजाम मेरी तरफ से होता है वैसे तो 700 मिलते हैं लेबर को पर 100 मेरा कमीशन होता है बाकी तुम जितने में उन्हें सेट कर लो वो तुम देख लो अब हमारे गांव की तरफ तो लेबर को 300-350 ही मिलता है वो भी काम मिले ना मिले कोई ठिकाना नही यहां तो अच्छे खासे पैसे मिल रहे थे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर मैं कल ही लड़के बुलवा देता हूँ पर आप उन्हें 500 ही पेमेंट बताना लेकिन उनके रहने का इंतजाम करना होगा ये सुन कर सक्सेना बोला यार यही इसी साइट पर रह लेंगे अभी तो 3-4 महीने काम चल ही रहा है यहां इतने कमरे बने हैं जैसे बाकी लेबर रहते हैं वो भी रह लेंगे मैंने कहा ठीक है सर मेरी बात सुन कर सक्सेना बोला संजय तुम्हारे चाचा से अब ज्यादा काम होता नही वो तो मेरे पुराने जानने वाले हैं और मेरी सभी साइट्स पर उन्होंने ही काम किया है इस वजह से मैं उन्हें मना नही कर पाता पर अब मैं उनके काम से ज्यादा खुश नही हूँ पर कल तुम्हारा काम देख कर मुझे लगा कि उनकी कमी तुम पूरी कर सकते हो मेरी बात गौर से सुनो मैं जिस कंपनी में काम करता हूँ इसके दो चार प्रोजेक्ट हर टाइम चलते रहते हैं काम की कमी नही है और न ही पैसे की बस मेरी बातें मानते रहो समझते रहो और पैसा छापते रहो…. मैंने कहा श्योर सर मैं अपनी तरफ से आपको कभी शिकायत का मौका नही दूंगा और काम के लिए मैं हमेशा हाजिर हूँ पर मुझे यहां चाचा ही ले कर आये हैं सो आप उन्हें काम से मत हटाना उनके काम की कमी मैं पूरी कर दूंगा आप निश्चिंत रहिये उसने खुश हो कर मेरी पीठ थपथपाई और बोला मैं पहली नजर में जान गया था तुम कामके आदमी हो और अच्छे इंसान भी अपने चाचा के प्रति तुम्हारी सोच बहोत अच्छी है देखना एक दिन तुम बहोत तरक्की करोगे….. मैंने बस हाथ जोड़ कर कहा सर आपका आशीर्वाद बना रहे बस उसने कहा अपना फ़ोन नंबर दे दो मुझे मैंने ना जाने क्यों झूठ बोल दिया कि मेरे पास फोन नही है वो अज
ीब से नजरो से मुझे देखते हुए बोला आज एक जमाने मे बिना फ़ोन के कौन रहता है यार मैंने कहा सर मैं गांव से हूं गरीब परिवार से अभी कल से ही काम शुरू किया है पैसे आते ही फ़ोन लेना है सक्सेना ने कहा शाम को काम खत्म कर के मुझसे मिल कर जाना मैंने कहा ok सर और फिर वो चला गया और मैं चाचा के साथ काम पर जुट गया उस दिन हमने साढ़े छह तक काम किया और दो बाथरूम और एक किचेन की फिटिंग कम्पलीट कर दी और फिर हाथ मुह धो कर कपड़े बदल कर हम नीचे आ गए सक्सेना अपने केबिन के बाहर खड़ा लेबर को पैसे बांट रहा था मैं जा कर पास में खड़ा हो गया उसने मुझे देखा और अपने काम से फुर्सत हो कर कहा एक काम और कर पाओगे मैंने कहा जी सर बताइए वो बोले कल से दिन भर अपना काम करने कर बाद शाम को ठीक 6 बजे यही आ कर सारे लेबर को पैसे देने होंगे….. कल से एक और साइट का नया काम शुरू हो रहा है तो कुछ दिन मैं उधर व्यस्त रहूंगा और ये जिम्मेवारी का काम है हर किसी को नही कह सकता मैंने कहा लेकिन सर मैं तो नया हूँ अभी आप मुझे ठीक से जानते भी नही उसने कहा जानने के लिए 10 मिनट बहोत होते हैं बेटे और ना जानने के लिए पूरी जिंदगी भी कम फिर उसने एक सिगरेट सुलगाई और धुंवा उगलते हुए बोला संजय मैंने भी ऐसे ही एक साइट पर मजदूरी करने से अपना जीवन शुरू किया था पर मेहनत और ईमानदारी ने मुझे आज सब कुछ दिया है इस साइट की वैल्यू 750 करोड़ है और ऐसी 4 साइट मेरे अंडर हैं एक लाख मेरी सैलेरी है बंगला गाड़ी सब मुझे कंपनी ने दे रखा है ईमानदारी से बेईमानी कर के तीन चार लाख और कमा लेता हूँ और क्या चाहिए मैंने कहा ठीक है सर आप एक बार काम समझा दीजिये बस उन्होंने कहा अंदर आओ और केबिन में चले गए पीछे पीछे मैं भी आ गया ये एक एयरकंडीशनर कमरा था जिसमे एक टेबल और एक लेदर कुर्सी लगी हुई थी सामने एक सोफा पड़ा था ac की ठंडक मुझे बड़ी अच्छी लगी और दिन भर की थकान मिटने लगी पीछे की दीवार के साथ एक बड़ी अलमारी खड़ी थी उसे सक्सेना ने खोला और अंदर से एक और चाभी निकाल कर लाकर खोला अंदर दो हजार और 5 सौ के नोटो की गड्डियां भरी पड़ी थी सक्सेना ने कहा ये पैसा पड़ा है और ये रहा रजिस्टर इस पर हर एक लेबर का नाम दर्ज है और उसका कोड नंबर उसके साथ ही सामने इस कॉलम में उसे दी जाने वाली मजदूरी की रकम दर्ज की जाती है और इस आखिरी कॉलम में उनके दस्तखत या अंगूठे के निशान कल से तुम्हे इसी केबिन के बाहर उन सब को पेमेंट करनी है और उनके साइन ले कर बचा हुआ कैश और रजिस्टर वापस यही रख देना है और इस काम के लिए तुम्हे 8000 सैलेरी मिलेगी अलग से मैंने कहा जरूर सर ये तो आसान काम है और मुझे पैसों की जरूरत भी है इस टाइम फिर सक्सेना ने उस अलमारी में से ढूंढ कर एक मोबाइल फ़ोन निकाला ये एक एक रेडमी का 18000 रेंज का इस्तेमाल किया हुआ मोबाइल था उसने उसे ऑन किया तो वो ऑन हो गया और उसने वो मोबाइल मुझे पकड़ाते हुए कहा ये लो संजय बेटा स्मार्टफोन और कल से एकदम स्मार्ट बन जाओ ये मेरा ही फ़ोन है मैंने पिछले महीने नया ले लिया तो ये फालतू पड़ा हुआ है मैंने कहा सर कल से क्यों आज से ही और फिर सक्सेना ने अपने जेब से हजार रुपये निकाल कर मुझे दिए और बोला इसका चार्जर नही है मेरे पास ले लेना और सिम डाल कर रिचार्ज करवा लेना कल से इस साइट की काफी हद तक जिम्मेवारी तुम पर रहेगी कोई समस्या हो तो मेरे नंबर पर कांटेक्ट कर लेना मैं अब अगले हफ्ते ही यहां आऊंगा मैंने कहा ok सर फ़ोन के लिए thanks……
Out with wife getting picked up by men. True
My wife knew that I was a bisexual crossdresser before we even got married. Well since was still glued down from last time I was dressed as Paula my wife decided we should go to a alternative club this way I can be Paula. We decided to get a motel room since it was 2+ hours away.
I Am Imobile
I am immobile. With my hands tied behind my back. My red hair is falling in curls around my face. My blue eyes look up at you adoringly. My big 40DD tits thrust out proudly I am wearing an opaque black bra and panties, waiting for you to use me.
New Powers
There had been stories in the newspapers and on the telly news reports that a U.F.O. had been spotted flying over England and that the Royal Air Force had been tracking a space ship but had been unable to make any form of contact with the space ship, many people thought that the stories were a hoax and refused to believe in them, but the reports kept coming in, no civilians ever saw the space ship and more and more people thought the stories were some sort of ploy to get people to join the military services, then the reports stated the space ships had disappeared and that there was no sign of them. Then one morning when the youngsters of a small country town got up they found that there was no adults around, at the school it was the caretakers twelve year old daughter Amy who unlocked the gates and the school, there were no teachers to be seen anywhere, the students just hung about doing as they wanted, sixteen year old Mandy was sitting on the roof smoking when Amy’s twin brother Colin and two of his class mates appeared and told Mandy they were in charge and that she was in trouble for smoking, Mandy looked at the trio and said to them ” fuck off you little twerps” the trio advanced on Mandy and before Mandy knew what was happening had her pinned down on the roof and Mandy found that she could not break their grip, Mandy felt her tight fitting skirt being pushed up and her panties pulled down and off then her bare bum being smacked being smacked very hard, after it had been smacked twenty times the smacking stopped, Mandy felt her bum stinging then saw Colin who said to her” no smoking we now run the school” and left with his two mates following, Mandy stood up adjusted her skirt and went into the building where she saw her best mate Cindy getting her bare bum smacked by Colin and his mates, then Amy’s voice boomed out over the public address system saying ” the juniors are now in charge anybody over the age of twelve will obey us” Mandy said ” yeah like fuck will I” Amy then said ” anybody over twelve will strip naked us girls want to see boys cocks” then Amy’s voice was replaced by Colin’s who said ” us boys want to see some tits and cunts” Cindy laughed said ” your out of your tiny little mind if you want to see a cunt look in the mirror” all over the school the older students were laughing saying things like their mad, in the main hall sixteen year old Steve the school bully headed to the office where he confronted Amy and started arguing with her telling her he was the boss, at a given word from Amy her class mates jumped on Steve dragging down onto the floor and despite his best efforts Steve could not fight the girls off and Steve could not stop the girls as they ripped his clothes off him leaving him naked, Amy looked at Steve’s six inch dick and said ” not bad” Mandy and Cindy were both now naked after being stripped by a group of twelve year old boys who were now rubbing the naked bodies of the two girls, all over the school the students over twelve years of age had been stripped naked by the students of twelve and younger who had gained super strength, Amy’s best mate Sally was stroking Steve’s eight inch erection while her friends shouted make him shoot spunk and when Steve did in four spurts the girls all cheered and clapped, Cindy was laying naked as the group of young boys were taking it in turns to push their fingers in and out of her love tube and making Cindy cum quite a few times, Mark who was known as the school pervert was stood watching as Mandy who was two years older than what he was lay naked and when the younger students said to him ” fuck her” he did not need forcing and was soon thrusting his six inch dick in and out of Mandy’s love tube making her cum twice before he was finished, all over town the boys and girls of twelve and under had stripped the older youths naked, seventeen year old Martin was being held on the floor as his stepsister Sara who was six years younger than what he was stroked his nine inch erection, all over the world Adults started to disappear and the older youth was being stripped naked by the under twelve year olds, nobody knew where the adults were and the younger kids did not care Mark certainly was not worried he was now thrusting into the love tube of his eighth girl and was glad that he had plenty of Viagra, there was never any sign of a space ship but nobody on earth cared anymore, most of the older boys and girls were now enjoying the attention of the younger students, Steve was groaning as Amy’s best friend bounced up and down on his solid dick, Cindy was wondering how Mandy’s little brother had grown such a big dick but did not care it felt real good, Amy was watching Mark squirt his cum over the older girls face and though life is certainly not going to be boring ever again.This content appeared first on new sex story .com
The Perverted Double Life of Barnaby Simpson – Slave Market
On a rainy day shy book store owner Barry Simpson decides to experiment with astral projection. He doesn’t really believe it’s possible to travel out of your body to other dimensions, but the experiment works and he ends up in a most disturbing situation:
ನನ್ನ ಸೆಕ್ಸಿ ಚಿಕ್ಕಿ ಭಾಗ – 9
ಓದಿಲ್ಲಾ ಅಂದ್ರೆ ಓದಿ
Aunt Annie decides to help me out
I was 17, and working after school and weekends for a property management outfit in New Hampshire taking care of summer camps, cottages, and estates for people who lived out of state. We worked out of an abandoned Texaco station, and had a bunch of different old pickups, vans, tractors, and even a couple of boats to look after everything. I had worked with Kippy Kneeland learning how things worked, and was now being given some of the basic repairs to do on my own, along with the keys to the vehicles and tool chests. I had a ring of keys on my belt that weighed a pound and a half.
Armpit Lust for Colleagues
This story is based on true events, with some details changed.
ಅಮ್ಮನ ಸೆಕ್ಸ್ ಜರ್ನಿ
ಈ ಕಥೆಯನ್ನು ಬರೆಯಲು ನಾನು ತುಂಬಾ ಉತ್ಸುಕನಾಗಿದ್ದೇನೆ ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಅದು ನನ್ನ ಸ್ವಂತ ತಾಯಿಯ ಜೀವನ. ನನ್ನ ತಾಯಿ ಮಧ್ಯಮ ವರ್ಗದ ಕುಟುಂಬದಿಂದ ಬಂದವಳು ಮತ್ತು ಅವಳು 13 ನೇ ವಯಸ್ಸಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಮದುವೆಯಾಗಿದ್ದಳು ಮತ್ತು ಅವಳು ಕೇವಲ 5 ನೇ ತರಗತಿಯವರೆಗೆ ಮಾತ್ರ ಅಧ್ಯಯನ ಮಾಡಿದಳು ಮತ್ತು ಅವಳು 19 ವರ್ಷದ ಹುಡುಗನನ್ನು ಮದುವೆಯಾಗಿದ್ದು, 10 ನೇ ತರಗತಿಯವರೆಗೆ ಅಧ್ಯಯನ ಮಾಡಿ ಹಳ್ಳಿಗೆ ಸೇರಿದವಳು. ನನ್ನ ತಂದೆಯು ಮದುವೆಯ ದಿನದಿಂದ ತಾಯಿಯನ್ನು ಫಕಿಂಗ್ ಮಾಡುವುದನ್ನು ತಡೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ ಎಂದು ಭಾವಿಸಿದಳು, ಅವಳು 15 ನೇ ವಯಸ್ಸಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಮಗುವಿಗೆ ಮತ್ತು 16 ನೇ ವಯಸ್ಸಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತೊಂದು ಮಗುವಿಗೆ ಮತ್ತು 18 ನೇ ವಯಸ್ಸಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತೊಂದು ಮಗುವಿಗೆ ಜನ್ಮ ನೀಡಿದಳು. ಹುಡುಗಿಯರು ಮದುವೆಯಾಗಲು ಅರ್ಹರಾಗುವ ಹೊತ್ತಿಗೆ ಅವಳು 3 ಮಕ್ಕಳಿಗೆ ಜನ್ಮ ನೀಡಿದೆ ನನ್ನ ತಂದೆ ಸೆಕ್ಸ್ ಹುಚ್ಚನಾಗಿರಬೇಕು ಮತ್ತು ನನ್ನ ತಾಯಿ 13 ನೇ ವಯಸ್ಸಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಫಕಿಂಗ್ ಉಳಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಲೈಂಗಿಕ ಪ್ರೇಮಿ ಆಗಿರಬೇಕು. ಅವರು ಅದೃಷ್ಟವಂತರು.
She waited in the bar. She waited with anticipation. She looked at her watch 7.26. He would be here in 4 minutes. She felt a hint of excitement. But then a bit of guilt. Her husband at home with the children. She sipped her wine. Watching the other people in the bar. She told her husband she had a meeting tonight.
Main apni saheli ke bhai se chudi
Hello friends, mera naam Pinky Singh hai. Main aap sabko apni chudai ki ek sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main apni saheli ke bhai se chudi. Meri ek saheli hai aur main uske ghar aati jaati rahti hu aur hum dono log ki bahut acchi dosti hai. Main jab bhi jaati hu to uska bhai mujhe mil jaata hai aur hum dono log ki baaten hoti hai. Hum dono log ki ayese hi baaten hoti rahti thi. Meri saheli aur main hum dono log sham ko ghumne jate the. Hum dono log ko jab bhi market jana hota hai to uska bhai hum dono log ko apni car se market le jakar jaata tha. Main aur meri saheli ka bhai hum dono log pahle dost the lekin hum dono log kuch din ke bad se ek dusre ke kareeb aane lage the ye baat meri saheli ko pata nahi thi. Main aur meri saheli ka bhai hum dono log kabhi kabhi phone par bhi baat karte the. Ek din meri saheli ke bhai ne mujhe lunch par bualaya aur hum dono log ek acche se restaurant me gaye. Hum dono log waha par lunch kiye aur uske bad hum dono log ek dusre se baat karne me acche ho gaye the. Hum dono log ek dusre se bahut acche se baat karte the aur apne boyfriend aur girlfriend ke bare me bhi baaten karte the. Meri saheli ka bhai mujhe hawasi bhari najro se dekh raha tha. Wo meri chuchi ki taraf baar baar dekh raha tha. Hum dono log lunch karne ke bad ghar aane lage to meri saheli ka bhai raste me ruk kar juice banwane laga aur hum dono log juice piye aur uske bad hum dono log ghar aa gaye. Main aur meri saheli ka bhai ayese hi kayi baar hotel me lunch par mile the aur hum dono log ek dusre se pyar karne lage the. Hum dono log ke beech sex wali baaten hone lagi thi. Hum dono log ek dusre ko jab bhi mauka milta tha kiss karte the aur wo meri chuchi bhi dabata tha. Ek din hum dono log hotel me mile aur usne hotel room liya tha. Hum dono log hotel me gaye aur ek dusre ko kiss karne lage. Wo meri salwar suit ko nikal diya aur main uske samne bra aur penty me ho gayi. Hum dono log ek dusre ko kiss kar rahe the aur kiss karte karte usne meri bra aur penty nikal di aur main nangi ho gayi. Wo meri chuchi ko chus raha tha aur main bhi garam ho gayi thi. Meri chuchi ko chusne ke bad wo meri chut ko chatne laga. Uske bad hum dono log oral sex kiye aur wo apna lund meri chut daal kar meri chut ko chodne laga. Hum dono log ek dusre se baat karte huwe smile karke chudai kar rahe the. Hum dono log bahut der tak chudai kiye aur uske bad hum dono log ka paani nikal gaya. Hum dono log uske bad ek baar aur chudai kiye aur uske bad hum dono log hotel me khana khane ke bad ghar aa gaye. Hum dono log jab bhi mauka milta hai. Hum dono log hotel me jakar chudai karte hai. Aap sabko meri chudai ki kahani kaisi lagi. Aap sab mujhe mail karke bataye. Agar aap sabka accha feedback mila to main apni kahani bahut jald bataungi. Aap sab mujhe mail jarur kariye isse kahani likhne me help milti hai.
Assfucking Extreme Schoolgirls, BDSM-Expressway
Extreme schoolgirls are special girls of legal age ( 18, or 18+ years ) but look much younger; much much younger. Their childlike features depict pretty, innocent looks— be that face, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, or any other limb. Of face, I include their tongue, their pretty mouth, which is very, very soft, but red-hot & sexy. These extreme girls’ figure is also pretty small, or even smaller. The height, maybe 4′ 9″ or less. Weight 31 kilograms or less. Smaller tits, smaller ass, and a fuckable smaller pussy invite my attention and erects my Cock
Further, She is not a servant
This was happened during the delivering period of my wife’s second baby. Some complications were aroused then she had to stay in the hospital for special medical attention. This caused big difficulties to the day to day work at home because we have another child at the age of two years to look after carefully. The office I worked was 5 to 6 km away from my house. I had do go every day because it was supervising nature duty. As a solution to this problem we had decided to find a servant. It was very difficult task to find a suitable servant, fortunately at last we could find out a Tamil girl from upcountry.
माझें कामजीवन 2
सगळ्या झवाड्यांना माझा हॅलो कसे आहेत मजेत ना। आणि हा हलवत आणि। बोट टाकत आहेत ना ते तर केलाच पाहिजे। माझे नाव झवादीन ( बदललेला आहे ) माझे वय 26
Mitrachi aai ani mi (part 2)
Tar magchya bhagat apan pahil ki mi kasa kaku la zavlo ata pudhe….! sakal zaleli mi uthlo tar pahile tar kakucha lahan mulga shalet jaila avarat hota ani kaku tycha daba bharat hotya mi uthlo mla kaku ni pahil ani ” mhntlya uth ata surya dokyvar alay angholila ja ani naughty smile dili ” kaku lavkar uthaichya ani anghol karun kam karaichya tyncha kaku ni goun ghatla hota mi chupchap angholia gelo anghol karun baher alo ani kapde ghatle mi shorts ani t shirt ghatle mitra che karan tychi ani mazi size ani height jara jara same hoti jevha mi kapde ghalun baher alo tevha. Kakucha lahan mulga shalet gela hota. kaku bhaji chirat hotya mla mhtlya chah ghe mi chah pit kitchen vatyavar baslo ky bolv ya vichart astna kaku ch mhntlya ” kalpasun khup thaklela distoy yacha adhi tas kadhi ky kel nahi vatat tu ani haslya ” mi maskrit mhnalo ” tas mhnje ” kaku mhntlya ” tas mhnje tas ” kaku na ” mi mhantlo mi ajibaat damlo nahi ” ani mi kharch damlo nhvto kaku mla ukasoun det hotya. Kaku mhntlya ” jara re ani haslya ” mla rag ala ani mhantlo ” ata kalal ch tumhla mi damlo ki nahi ani uthlo kaku na phirvl ani kiss karaila laglo mmmmmm kiss chalu hotn kaku na pn tech pahije hotn kaku kiss sodun mhntlya ” ” aree jara thmb tari ” mi nhvto tyncha aiknar mi kahi nahi bollo ani kiss karaila laglo kiss karta karta goun chya varun ch Ball dabaila laglo khup jorat dabat hoto manuke chimtine odhat hoto nanter tila purn nagda kela ani mi pn nagda zalo ani tila bulla chokaila lavla kaku mmmummm karun bulla chokat hoti.. Amhi kitchen vatya shekari ubha rahun he sagl karat hoto nanter 5, 6 minute chokylvar ti ubhi rahil mag mi dava ball chokat hoto ujwa ball dabat hoto ani ek bot puchhit hoto tichya puchhit bot aat baher karaila laglo ti khup kanht hoti aaaaaaaaaummmmm dddddiiiippakkkk aaaaaiiiiiggggg karat hoti mag mi tasch maza bulla tichya puchhit ghatla ani zavaila laglo khup jor jorat zavat hoto kitchen vattyala lagun tine mazhyakde tond kelte ani mi tichya kade tond karun maza bulla ticchya puchhit ghalat hoto mi dhannnnnddhannn danke det hoto ti kanhat hoti aaaaaaiaaaaigggggg mamamzhya rrrrrrajjjjaaa haaaalu haaalu mi ticha tasch ek pay var uchalala ani jor jorat zavaila laglo dhhhaaannn annnn ani ti ummmmmmaaaa aaaaigggggf uuuuiiffffff karat hoti 10 minute zavailyvar pay sodla pn bulla baher nhvta kadhla mag mi jagaver ubha rahilo ani ti mage kitchen vatyvar don hath theoun pudhe mage karaila lagli ti sudhha jorat pudhe mage hoti hoti…… Aakhya gharat amhi zavaicha awaj yet hota khup vel as position madhe zoun zalayvar tila bedroom madhe gheoun gelo ani tila zopvli ani tichyvar chadlo ani danke daila laglo jorat kaaku aaahhhhhhhhhahhhhhhafgggggggggaaaaiiiiimeeeeeleeeeee karat hoti tila nanter pihrvla doggystyle kaku la mhntlo gandit ghalto kaku mhnali ” nako kadhi kakani nahi ghatla nahi yaat ” mi nhvto aiknar mi ho mhntla pn Ekdum gandit bulla ghatla kaku khup jorat ordli kaddddhhhhhh dipppakkkk nakkkkkkko khuuuppp dukhaaat aaaaahe kkkkkkuuuppp aaaaaaaa iiiiigggggg tichi gand tight hoti maza bulla gandit adkalyagatch zala tari mi gaand la thokke Marilla laglo ti radaila lagl iii mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaa pn nanter tila pn maja yaila lagli 10, 12 minute tichi gaand marat hoto gaand maratna ball pn dabat hoto nanter kaku la uthlvl ani zaplo ti mazhya bullyvar basli aani udya mariala lagli dhannnnnnnn khup maaajja yet hotii udya speed wadhla khalun mi sudhha jorat dhakke daila lagllo bullya che ti mhntli mi jdhnar ahe mi sudhha jhdnnar hoto amhi doghni speed vadhvla kaku aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii diiiipaakkkkkkk yetoyyy. Zaaavvvvvvvvvv zaaaaaav aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiii aaaaaaaaiiiiii ala ala baher mi sudhha jdhlo ticha ani maza chik mix zalata ani tichya pucchi varun mazhya bullyachya var Alta tine sarv chatla tydivshi tila mi dupari sudhha zavloThis content appeared first on new sex story .com
ಮುದ್ದಿನ ಚಿಕ್ಕಮ್ಮ ಹಾಗೂ ದೊಡ್ಡಮ್ಮರ ನವೆ ತುಲ್ಲುಗಳು – 12
ಎಲ್ಲ ರಸಿಕ ಹಾಗೂ ಕಾಮ ಪ್ರಿಯೆಯರಿಗೆ ನಮನಗಳು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರೀತಿ ಹಾಗೂ ಸಹಕಾರ ಹೀಗೆ ಇರಲಿ, ಬನ್ನಿ ಕತೆಗೆ ಹೋಗೋಣ.
His loss, my gain
Our story begins after a night out a few years back Connor, Amber and I ended up back at their house. Our whole group had known each other since high school and we liked to go out for drinks occasionally, we’d slowed down now that we were all in our late 20s but we still drank a far bit. After the night was over we caught a cab, which dropped us off at Amber and Connor’s tiny one bedroom apartment. We plopped down onto the couch. I looked over at Amber to see her rolling her eyes, as her drunk boyfriend Connor jokingly pawed at her.
निशा १
निशा आत्ताच १८ वर्षाची झाली होती. त्या दिवशी तिचे शेवटचे २ तास नसल्यामुळे तिला लवकर सुट्टी झाली. तशी ती बसने रोजच्या वेळातच घरी पोहचणार होती, पण तिच्या मैत्रिण सोनलला तिच्या बाबाने सकूटी घेऊन दिली होती आणि तिने निशाला आपल्या बरोबर येण्यासाठी सांगितलं. निशाही तिच्या बरोबर सकूटी वरून घरी निघाली. आज निशा पहिल्यांदा वेळेच्या आधी घरी आली. निशाच्या घरी तिची आई रेखा आणि भाऊ अनिल राहत होते. वर्षभर पूर्वी तिचे वडील वारले होते.
The Taking of Teilor Grubbs Virginity
I had gotten myself a job working on the set of Hawaii 50 as a set lacky just for the summer till I started college being only 18 it was a dream for me to be working with actors and actresses of a good caliber. After a couple of weeks in they had a scene with a character called Grace aka Teilor Grubbs I had always thought she was hot just from watching the show so having to work a long side her made me so excited.
Abigail loves the cock
Abi appeared from work with her friend Donna; as usual Donna had managed to ace the filthy slut look by pairing a very short kilt with a tight sweater which didn’t leave much doubt over the size of her large breasts or whether she had foregone a bra that day.
My sex desire – 01
Hey friends I have come up with a story today which happened in real. Coming to the story, this happened nearly 10 years back and it is still fresh in my head so I hope you all get wet by the end of this story. I am a simple guy in a middle class family and the girl I had a passionate sex is next to my house. Her name is Priya. Initially I never had any bad indentations towards her but after many days once I went to her home and I saw her in a red dress on top of it she is doing some work while bending. I immediately I got hard by looking at her beautiful boobs. They are really white and look very tender. Except the nipple part I had a wonderful view of them which made me masturbate after going home.