Coed Sports Event

Seychelles summers are really hot, they are extremely sweaty due to high humidex, really, damn sweaty. It was a Wednesday afternoon in the first week of June, and it was about a hundred and eighteen degrees out. All annual examinations in the school were over and schools were to open in late August. So the sports teacher was preparing the senior school teams for upcoming sports events. Every afternoon at two-thirty all the school sports teams practice under the hot sun. I was a starter on the girl’s team, and my school was the best from Mahe, mainly because the teachers and we students worked so very hard every day in practice. The coach always made us work and exert. For the preparation of the best team, all the girls and boys practiced together. I must say though, I was in great shape. My stomach was as tight as ever, and my legs were lean and smooth. I was lightly tanned all over without any tan lines. I always liked to see and admire my naked body in the mirror. Usually, we were supposed to start with a t-shirt or a jersey on top too but mostly the coach was not concerned about girls showing off their tight bodies and midriffs. The Coach mostly would concentrate on the practice part only.
On any given day one could usually find we girls running laps around the track in a tight formation, like a sea of tight, fit, sweaty bodies all wearing black sports bras covering our breasts and soccer short shorts, with the waistband rolled down several times to hug nice and low on our hips. We probably looked quite sexy out there running, but actually, we didn’t feel all that sexy. When we finished practice, we’d always find our bra and shorts soaked in sweat and we just felt gross. All of the girls mostly brought spares to change panties for the rest of the day. Initially, I too did that for a while until I came up with a better solution: just not wear to wear anything under.
We all had these sweat-wicking, seamless soccer cotton short shorts that we wore for practice but I realized their cooling effects are negated when you wear form-hugging, suffocating spandex panties under them. So I selected a pair of soccer short shorts a size bigger than necessary for me which had oversize leg openings and I not only stopped wearing spandex panties but completely stopped wearing them for running practice. I felt so much cooler and freer down there.
Compared to other girls I had extra thick and long pussy hair hanging down there and under my armpits. I never liked shaving because within a day or two it would become very itchy in pussy slit and it is quite humiliating if someone notices scratching pussy lips in public. Though at the back of my mind I was always concerned if my pussy hair hang out below from my soccer short shorts and are noticeable to others. Me going commando for running practice, I told a few of my close friends but that was all; I didn’t want the whole world thinking I was like a weirdo slutty girl or something. I just wanted some fresh air on my pussy down there.
The first time I went running with the team panty-less was exhilarating. I could feel the breeze tickling my pussy hair and lips as we ran, exciting me, and I soon stopped worrying about if anyone noticed. I began to feel aroused and my legs felt lighter. With every step I took, I could feel my enlarging lips brushing sensuously against my smooth inner thighs. I could feel my pussy juices escaping and trickling down the moist and damp forest of thick pussy hair and then slowly streaking along the curves of my toned legs until they absorbed into my socks. I looked around but everyone was so focused on running that no one noticed. I took the opportunity to reach my hand up my left leg hole as I ran as if to adjust my riding-up shorts that might have scrunched up high on my leg. But instead, I swiped my hand across my pussy, and when I drew my hand out I was shocked to feel how full and engorged it had become from this run. When I drew my hand out, I saw that there was a shiny sheen of my pussy juices coating my hand. I quickly wiped it off on my shorts.
As we ran, I could feel my breath quicken and my heart begin to race. But I realized that it was not from running. “Oh shit,” I thought, “I’m going to fucking cum!” I wanted to save myself the embarrassment, so I tried to run with my legs farther out to minimize their contact with my pussy, but to no avail. I couldn’t just stop running; we had barely run a mile yet. It would look really bad. I slowly dropped back to the back of the group to be more discreet. But the sensation just kept growing, multiplying every time my legs rubbed across my engorged pussy lips.
“Oh shit… Oh fuck” I said to myself. I was at the point of no return. There was no stopping it now. It was building up and Jesus, it felt good. Then I felt a tap on my right shoulder, one of my good friends, Andrea. “What’s wrong?” She asked, “I saw you drop back to the back of the pack, everything ok?”
But I was in no shape to talk; I was seconds away from an intense orgasm. We were the last two in the pack, and I looked around to double-check that no one was watching.
“Andy,” I gasped, grabbing hold of her wrist.
“What are you…”
My hand on top of hers, I quickly moved her down under my waistband and onto my dripping, gaping pussy. She looked at me in shock at what I had just done and I plunged both hands deep inside my pussy. “Andy,” I said as I exploded in a giant orgasm, “I just fucking came.” She got over her initial shock and pulled her hand out, coated with a glossy sheen of fresh pussy juice. She laughed and asked jokingly, “Where the fuck is your panty?” I told her I didn’t wear them because I thought this would keep me cooler.
She just laughed. “Did you bring them at all today?”
“What about your regular panties, the ones you had on for school earlier? Why didn’t you just wear those?”
I just grinned and said those panties were in my bag. Andrea just started cracking up.
“You are too much,” she whispered.
“But please don’t tell anyone.” I pleaded.
She looked at me and winked and I just grinned. Despite the craziness of the situation and fear of being noticed, it made my day a hell of a lot more interesting. I started thinking about all the different situations where I need not wear my panties. I trusted Andrea that she won’t tell about it anyone. Though I knew she would not keep it secret from her friends in other schools. One thing I decided then and there: I would never run with panties again. After that day I played the rest of the season, all my practices and matches, without panties.
Fuck this. I was already a senior high school student. I should be done already. No one gave two shits about school once they became senior. Only a few months to go and I could leave this dump they call high school. But the days dragged on as if the hour of sexual freedom would never come. The day I ran during our team practice without panties and realized I could orgasm mid-stride. Initially, I had only done it panty-less because I figured it would be cooler, but I realized how fun and sexy it made me feel.
I started pretty slow and discrete. Any time I wore things that don’t show all that much, I’d skip wearing panties and bras. No one knew, but yet I felt so sexy inside. There is something so arousing about the feeling of your bare flesh against the soft fabric. It feels liberating. Free. I grew to love the feeling so much that I began to feel uncomfortable wearing panties when I didn’t have to. I started to grow ever so slightly bolder. I had taken to wearing short shorts, to school without panties because I loved that I could feel the breeze down between my legs.
Then came the time for this important event!! Every spring the District Board of Schools organizes the Spring sports event and it’s the tradition that several sports teams face off against each other. The most exciting game, that everyone always gets the most into, is the Girls vs. Boys game. This is the most favourite sports event for all boys and girls. Because the boys love to watch sexy sweaty girls playing the game wearing very skimpy sports uniform. Even the girls who come to watch the game are dressed in identically skimpy dresses. The girls love to show their bodies to anyone around. Though, the boy’s team hate this event because they can’t get physical, and they have no idea how to play without contact, so we actually have a shot at winning and it’s always a big event around the school.
Anyway, the game was on a hot, Friday afternoon the first week of June. It was typical Mahe Victoria weather; very intense heat and very humid. The game was set to begin about twenty minutes after school, so when the last class ended for the day, I hurried over to the locker room to get ready. We had all been looking forward to this day for a while. Being a sports week school uniform was not mandatory. I had been wearing a pair of rolled-up sweat pants and a t-shirt with no bra or panties that day. The girls were so used to changing in front of each other that I didn’t feel awkward about baring all to change. I slipped off my t-shirt over my head and my breasts bounced free, not confined by a bra.
Our team’s dress for the event was a green t-shirt and white short shorts. Due to intense hot weather conditions, almost all the girls had modified their t-shirt by cutting off the sleeves and making large armholes so that sweating bodies while playing would feel the cooling effect and make it comfortable.
Since this game event was more of an advertisement with enjoyment than a competition no one cared about the short and exposing uniform patterns worn by the girls. Though, both the teams fought tooth and nail making it the real prestige for either the girls or the boys. I dug in my bag and pulled out my green t-shirt and shorts and put them on. My sports t-shirt was two sizes larger than my actual size, so after cutting off its sleeves it was really with ultra-large armholes and very narrow straps over my shoulders. My boobs were plainly visible through huge armholes. I would need to wear my sports bra under my green t-shirt to prevent the show of my bouncing and dancing boobs through the armholes in public. As usual, I had not worn panties to school under my sweat pants, so I was bare underneath my athletic white short shorts. But what troubled me was that I could not find my sports bra anywhere in my bag. I was sure that I had put them in my bag in the morning, but they were nowhere to be seen. I started to get nervous. How could I play without a bra under my t-shirt? With the huge armholes, my boobs would be bouncing around everywhere.
“Does anyone have an extra bra?” I called out to the other girls in the locker room. Most of them shook their heads no. One girl, named Stacy spoke up.
“I guess I have my younger sister’s half bra. Somehow I just saw it in my bag. Maybe it will work for a while!!”
I knew some girls been using those half bras which are very good to push breasts up and keep uncovered from the top. Well, I didn’t have any option. “Are you sure it will fit me?”
“Yeah, I guess. It might be a bit small though!! You will have to squeeze your boobs in. Your tits will have very sexy look though.” Stacy commented jokingly.
“Whatever that could get me through the game was fine by me.” I thanked her profusely.
It was Stacy’s younger sister’s strapless tiny half bra with two clasps at the back. The clasp hooks were barely hanging in position due to broken threads. I somehow managed to wear it under my breasts and hoped that the clasps would hold the tight bra on my breasts throughout the game. All changed and ready, though the borrowed bra was feeling quite tight under my breasts; we marched onto the field triumphantly at about 3:15 amidst loud cheering from our spectating peers. On the far end of the field, we saw the boy’s team practicing their passing and shooting. We warmed up for a few minutes and then the coach who was refereeing the game blew his whistle and both teams got set up in their starting positions. Bending over, I could feel my boobs pressing very hard against the tight little bra I was wearing. I hoped it would hold.
“Play nice,” the coach said jokingly as he blew the whistle again, signifying the start of the game. The first half of the game went by pretty quickly, as we were running circles around the boys. The shoulder strips of my shirt were falling to my elbows but I managed without anyone noticing it. Actually, I managed to score one out of four scored goals. When the whistle blew for halftime, we were leading 4-1. We all sat down on the bench to drink some water and cool off.
“We got this, boys,” said our captain, “we just need to keep up the pressure. Great job on defense, guys.” After a few minutes of shade and relaxation, the whistle blew and we all got up to resume playing. As I jumped up off the bench to get back in the action, I felt and heard a pop from behind me and I realized that one of the back clasps of the bra I was wearing had just broken.
“Shit,” I said, “just what I need.” But it didn’t come off, thanks to the second clasp, though I guessed it won’t hold for long. I wondered how long it would stay up. I tried to take it easy for the third quarter. I realized that the second clasp was not holding the bra; it was just dangling there. I passed a lot and didn’t move too much to avoid it coming off, but my playing was leaving a lot to be desired.
Our captain Melissa came over to me. “Are you okay, out here?” She asked. “You’re moving real slow, we need you upfront and center to score some goals.”
“I can’t keep my bra up,” I whispered, “the back clasps broke and just dangling back there. I’m afraid my bra will fall off if I move too much.”
“Hang in there,” she said. “It’s the almost fourth quarter, we’ll take a look at it.” But my poor play was costing us. As one of the main shooters on the team, we were having a tough time getting a clear shot to the goal when I wasn’t in there. I was too preoccupied with keeping my bra up just hanging on my tits than on the game, because every time I moved, the bra tried to slip down off my boobs. I had to catch it from falling completely off during one play while trying to clear the ball. By the end of the third quarter, the boys had equalled and tied the game up 4-4. As I sat on the bench fiddling with the clasp of my bra, Melissa came over to help me. She started playing with the clasp to see if she could get it to hold but after a minute or two, she said that there was nothing she could do.
“Why don’t you just play without it?” She asked, “It’d be less embarrassing than if it fell completely off during the game.” She had a point, but still, the idea of playing wearing only a t-shirt with huge armholes without a bra terrified me. I could only imagine the view I’d be giving everybody. So I sat there thinking about the decision to take it off completely or not. When the whistle blew for the fourth quarter, I still hadn’t made up my mind. As I stood up again, though, I felt my bra coming off my breasts and slipping down. I decided to hell with it. I tugged it off completely and dropped my bra on the bench. Jogging out onto the field, I was very aware that with every step, my boobs bounced around in and out of view through the giant armholes of my t-shirt. I told myself I would worry about it later and just focus on the game at hand.
The game stayed tied at 4-4 for most of the quarter. Both teams played good defense, and neither could keep possession long enough to score any goals. I was playing without a bra and the shoulder straps of my t-shirt were falling off down to my elbows quite frequently exposing my breasts at times. I kept glancing at the clock to see how much time was left and the game was rapidly drawing to a close. Soon I would be able to get off the field and this ordeal would be over. At one moment I glanced down my t-shirt and to my horror; my left boob was partially sticking out of the armhole with erect nipple pocking out to everyone around. I quickly fixed it and hoped it hadn’t been like that for long and that no one besides me had noticed.
Suddenly, while I was busy adjusting the shoulder straps of my t-shirt to adequately cover my boobs, one of the boys broke away from our defenders and made a break towards our goal. I looked up at the clock. Thirty seconds to go. If he scored there wouldn’t be enough time to tie the game back up. I realized I was still in a good position to catch him so I began to sprint at full speed toward him. Twenty seconds. I was almost there. He looked back over his shoulder for the first time and noticed me careening towards him. Fearing I would get there before he had time to shoot, lest be called on a dangerous shot penalty, he rushed his throw toward the open goal and hit the goal pipe. The ball came screaming back at him off the pipe and I leaped in front of him to catch the rebound in midair, the shoulder straps of my t-shirt slipped down to my elbows exposing my boobs swinging wildly left to right as I danced through the air. I landed safely, quickly switched directions, and made a break for the other side of the field towards their goal.
Fifteen seconds. I raced up the right side of the field, passing several defending boys and cutting sharply to the center of the field. As I did so, I could feel the left shoulder strap of my shirt completely fell off to my waist exposing my left breasts out in open. I did not have time to fix it because I had ten seconds to get to the goal. I spun around to avoid several more boys and cut back right where I had an opening to shoot from. Five seconds. I noticed one last defender coming at me. I jumped forward as high in the air as I could and shot the ball towards the goal. The goalie lunged for it but couldn’t reach it and I watched the ball go straight into the bottom left corner of the goal.
We had done it! We had won! But there was little time to celebrate because the defender was still right below me and as I descended from my jump, we crashed into each other, sending us both tumbling several yards. I landed on my hips, legs splayed out with my shorts shifted to one side, my sweaty pussy in view, and my boobs splayed out for all to see. I avoided falling directly on top of the defender boy as my body came to rest. But a split second later I saw him coming to rest with his face just a few inches from my fully exposed pussy. I saw his open-mouthed face and eyes bulging with shock and surprise staring at my pussy right on his face. Yet no more than half a second later another guy whose legs we had knocked into, landed on the guy between my splayed legs who was shockingly staring at my pussy, and pushed him driving his face right into my inviting pussy. I could feel his nose pressing into my pussy slit and his lips locking onto the gaping hole of dripping pussy.
We all lay there for quite some time, still comprehending what had just happened, until all of a sudden we realized the positions we were in. He opened his eyes to see my pussy right on his mouth and nose, then without losing an opportunity he smilingly gave a quick deliberate squeezing deep kiss and forceful suck on my clit and pussy lips. I could feel he was kissing my pussy for quite a few moments and then he quickly reared his head back as I scooted myself backward. As he looked up at me I could see shiny moisture on the tip of his nose and lips. I realized that he was really kissing and sucking my pussy for those moments and the moisture on his lips and nose was from my pussy.
“I am so sorry…” He started to say before he lost his words, “I swear I didn’t mean to lick your pussy…” I just looked at him smilingly without any words.
Both boys started to get up and I just sat there, feeling petrified with humiliation. I was sitting there exposed in front of everyone. Suddenly I realized that both the shoulder straps of my t-shirt were down at elbows and both my boobs were on full display into full view: every inch of them on display for the boys around me. I rushed to pull the straps back up and I readjusted my shorts to cover my pussy again and I stood up. My team circled around me and gave me a big hug, and I almost forgot about what just happened to me.
“Great job!” Shouted Melissa, “way to step up!” Everyone cheered in agreement. “Oh, and nice boobs too!” She added jokingly, slapping on the ass. The girls laughed and shouted, “and nice juicy pussy for boys!!” I blushed and just grinned. I’d worry about that later. We had won. The best part I liked the most; that boy has kissed and sucked my juicy pussy.
I wish he could have sucked my pussy longer.

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